
Chapter 2.8 - TELL ME


It's been a week since taehyung has been hospitalized, his wounds and bruise are almost gone, but I have this feeling that he's hiding something from me...

Every time that I ask him what happened he just says 'i don't want to talk about it', I get that he's been through a lot but why can't he be open with me?...

Luckily, he's getting discharged today, he missed a lot of trainee classes, but he won't be able to attend any for at least a month and a half.


I look up to see taehyung looking at me with his smile-that always makes me happy...


"I'm ready to start packing"

"Are you sure you're ready to leave?"

"If I spend one more day in here, I might go insane," he said dramatically

"Fine, but let me"

"It's okay I can handle"

"Just let me do it or I won't let you leave"

"Uhhh, Fine," he said sounding serious but laughs afterward

After I finish packing all his things, I sign the discharge sheet and then went to put his things in my car...

I didn't want him to walk on his own so I went first and came back to help him...

"You're ready?"

"More than ever" he replied

I put his hands over my shoulder and put my hand around his waist, and we slowly walk to my car...

"Your arms are so strong," he said with a grin

"See something you like?" I said with a teasing voice

"...." he turns his face and I could tell he's blushing...

We reach the car and I carefully put taehyung in the passenger seat and then walk back to the driver's seat.

I start the car and it takes off, as I'm driving I look over at taehyung to see him kinda sad...

"Are you okay?"

"Uhhh, I mean, yea"

"Your lying, what's wrong?"

"Its nothing"

"Come on, tell me"
