
Bruise-Filled Ascension

A moment before Neil Caiben died, he thought there were only two possibilities for him: Afterlife or reincarnation. He thought that if he were to be reincarnated, then it would be anything other than a human for living such a shitty life, a cockroach maybe. But he didn’t experience any of that. After he heard the formal declaration of his death, he heard a rhythmic ringing of bells followed by the powerful blow to the conch shell. Then there was the sound of water. Cries and moans from the distance and eerie children's laughter. Around ten seconds or so, his eyes throbbed and he slowly regained his vision. He realized he was riding a boat. The place was dark and the water was murky and reflected no light, pearl-white smoke hovering on the surface. "What the heck?" he muttered under his breath. He became aware of the three people behind him. One was ringing the bronze bells, the other blowing the conch shell, while the other rowed the boat. They wore tattered gray robes with hemp ropes as their belt. He couldn't see their faces since their heads were covered with a sack with holes for their eyes to see. Various thoughts went through his head in that short moment. *** Then he was brought into a dark, squarish room. There seemed to be no gravity in that place as the furniture and other things like stuffed toys and teacups were floating in the air. Everything was floating except him. Then he heard an ambiguous voice coming from behind him. "Make the most of this chance I'm giving you, pitiful human." Then he was reborn.

Hiraya_22 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Peculiar Wedding

At the Marhwan Region somewhere three in the afternoon.

"Duha, Tulo. Please be careful out there." Isa told her younger sisters. Duha is 216-years-old while Tulo is 196, but they look like they're in their twenties.

And no, they don't really change physically, they don't have that sort of power. Rather, they can make themselves look younger to other people—like a hypnosis of some sort. They'll be covered in pearl-white mist only visible to people like them then lo and behold, instant filter.

But as amazing as it was, they can't use it carelessly outside their borders. People with special eyes can see through them no problem.

"Of course, our eldest. We will send Siraulo to you if anything happens." Duha said to reassure Isa. Siraulo is the raven that always follows Isa around. And she will be lending him to her younger sisters for emergency purposes. Siraulo is a smart bird.

"Okay, be careful out there." Isa told them before the two finally left. They couldn't leave the region all at once, at least one of them must remain. After all, they have a duty to fulfill.

And now that the two had left, Isa headed to the ceremonial circle located at the very center of Marhwan Region, surrounded by the three major sections: Kulam, Tagna, and Lumay.

Many people gathered and of course, creatures that don't belong to their world were there as well.

Among them was a Kapre. A creature that may be described as a tree giant. Nine feet tall, dark-colored, hairy, and muscular. They exuded strong body odor and they like to sit on large tree branches to smoke tobacco.

There was also a White Lady. A type of a female ghost that has long straight hair, wears a white flowy dress, and has otherworldly beauty. They are usually found in rural areas associated with legends of tragedy like an accidental death, murder, or suicide. They're usually violent creatures and cannot rest because of the tragedy that ended their lives. Yes. They're out for blood, honey.

All of them except this specific White Lady who came to witness the ceremony that was about to happen. She's a bit peculiar to say the least. She's a hopeless romantic who died before she could confess her love to the boy she fancied and that was fifty years ago. She became a White Lady through a rather peculiar way as well but that will be a story for another time.

For now though, let's talk about the ceremony. It's a wedding but not the typical one, because it's not a wedding for humans. It's a wedding for two tikbalangs.

"Babaylan Mumbaki is here. Go, show your respect, Dio." Dawak whispered to her ten-year-old son, Dio.

"Okay, mama. I'll be back." Then the boy left his mother's side and headed to where the babaylan was just like the other kids. "Babaylan Mumbaki, good day to you. Please allow me to mano," Dio enthusiastically greeted the old woman who wore a crimson long sleeved dress that reached the ground, and an anklet with metal rattlers that made a jingle sound whenever she moved.

"May the gods and the spirits bless you, boy." Babaylan Mumbaki said to Dio before she stretched her wrinkly hand to him. Then Dio gently received it and brought it to his forehead. This is how Marhwana people show respect to their elders. And this gesture is what they call 'mano'. And when Dio was done, he went back to his mother, Dawak who was smiling as she watched her son.

"Let us begin the ceremony," Babaylan Mumbaki announced and everyone cheered, the white lady started weeping.

Babaylan Mumbaki is the most respected person in the whole Marhwan region. And babaylans are female 'humans' who have the ability to mediate with the spirit world. They're a ritualist, a chanter, and a diviner. She has the gift of traveling to the spirit world or non-ordinary states of reality in order to mediate with the spirits.

And you should always remember to never, never ever mess with her. You will face the wrath of all Marhwana people if you do so.


Meanwhile, at the Prospera Park in Saffron Avenue at the same time.

A man wearing a suit was sitting on one end of the seesaw, eating a durian flavored ice cream while the kids tried their best to lower the other side of the seesaw to no avail but they still tried anyway.

He looked like your typical salary man. A scrawny middle aged dude who looked like he hasn't slept in days for working long hours from early morning until late at night. He didn't look suspicious no matter how you look at him but don't be deceived. He's been eyeing the young mother at the corner of his eyes who was pushing a stroller, a newborn baby was inside.

And yes, he was responsible for the missing babies. He was the baby napper.

'Finally!' He cheered inwardly when he found the chance.

"Huh? You're leaving already, uncle?" The kids asked him when he stood suddenly.

He grinned at them before saying, "I'll take a shit. Wanna come?"

"Eeeewwww! You're gross, uncle!"

"Heh! Maybe I am. I ain't forcing you though." Then he stretched his arms a bit, swinging it a couple times before he headed to the public toilet. He hid in one of the cubicles before he took out his wallet, opened it, and took out a white stone and put it in his mouth, he didn't swallow it.

He put on his gloves and then a few seconds later, pearl-white mist started to surround him starting from the soles of his feet upwards.

The stone was one of the many agimats out there. Every agimat has their own unique abilities but of course, they are very hard to find. And obviously, the one he has can make a person invisible. It can only be used for ten minutes a day though.

He made sure the door was locked before he climbed on top to get out.

And without wasting any time, he went to where the young mother was. She was now sitting on a bench, the baby stroller was beside her.

He waited patiently.

One minute. Two. Five…

And the moment that she turned her back for a bit to rummage her bag, the man, now invisible, swiftly took the baby and ran back to the cubicle.

"Phew! That was close!" He took the horn-rimmed spectacle from his inner breast pocket, wore it, and then he proceeded to examine the baby.

And right, the horn-rimmed spectacle isn't normal. Far from normal. It has special lenses that can see through the spiritual concentration of any creature be it human or nonhuman. And some of you might be thinking why didn't he just use it without taking the baby? Well, you see, certain conditions must be met.

First, the target must be touched with both hands. Second, no one must be around you within a two-meter radius. And third, you must be in an enclosed place that's why doing it out in the open in Prospera Park is a big no. Thus, the cubicle.

"Tsk! Wrong one today too, huh."

He was disappointed. And then…

"Uwaaa!" The baby suddenly cried, probably sensing his mother wasn't beside him.

"Shhhh! Shhhh!" He tried to shush the baby but it only screamed even more. "Ugh! Why do you have to make my job harder, kid?"

He was frustrated.

"You know what? I'll return you to your mother tomorrow. For now? You're coming with me."

And as soon as he said that, it suddenly rained. Odd because it was still hot outside.