
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

I would come back for you all (3)

During those times, our people where exploited and discriminated by all, we were seen as weaklings only good for manual labour and other duties, even though, with the help of our superior intellect, we could do vast task and carried them well, but we had an issue.

Nobody was ambitious, everybody only thought of how to work hard so as not to starve, born with the intellect but the mentality of a slave, it continued like that, untill one day.

I met laughcraft on a rainy day, the heavy rain poured on him, but he did not care, his gaze fixed upon the gloomy sky, I thought he was a freak so, I decided to ignore him, but he did not ignore me.

He looked down at me, I would never forget those eyes, even though our race have the same distinctive features, his was unique among the uniqueness, his amber eyes hand shining sparkles into it, his expression harbored a feeling of reaching truth, truth of the world.

He was a nuisance, stubborn, and never gave up, he persisted on his ideology and gathered people to listen to him, and his findings and as always, I was dragged around.

Time passed, and I gradually fell for his overwhelming charisma and charms, we travel around the world and discovered new things and at the end of our journey, Castlevinia was build where are people gathered.

Our nation was just a newly emerging nation, we never wanted harm, but instead to live in peace, but certain powers did not want to hear such things, and I happen to understand why today.

During a the years passed along side him, I discovered the good sides of the world and it's ugly side, that side that was ritten to the core and shouldn't be touched, we promised ourselves never to go there.

I met your mom, Helena, we got married, and on they day you were supposed to arrive, an emergency emerged, and needed the attendance of all leaders of force, he asked me to stay by Helena's side and look after both of you.

He left for the assembly with other nations, if I had known that, that meeting was what led to his change, I would have accompanied him, but even so, maybe I would have also change.

When he came back, he was another man, his thinking and thoughts change, his view of the world change, at that moment, I had not realized I had already lost him.

Forbidden experimentation, usage of forbidden spells, demonism, religious, he looked into the function, myth, and science of the world, causing atrocious act on his way to the truth.

He had crossed the line if no return and had willingly moved into the decadence of the dark world, not planing to look back, even right at his last moments, when he exploded with the Mana engine he created.

"His last words still plays in my head, I don't know why, but I have the feeling that, that mad man is out there, in another form, shape or whatsoever, still moving forward to find the truth of the world, he was unique, someone who could see what people like me could not see and could not understand " Said Victor.

"He was looking at the wall" Said Morgan, as she turn to look at her dad, Victor's old eyes widden in shock, shining sparkles could be seen in Morgan's amber eyes, she stop what she was doing and stood up, Victor looked at her, "Morgan?"

"I have finished " She said, victor thought he heard wrongly, so he asked once more, and she repeated why turning to look at the monitor showing success in green.


The office building shook, Morgan lost her balance but Victor caught her on time, the looked at the ceiling and felled the tremors, soon someone came in, "we need to leave, Oslain forces are at our doors, they would soon destroy the barrier.

With magic in the atmosphere gradually disappearing, alchemy was born among the normal humans as the famous gun powder was made by the researchers of Oslain, with the help of the remaining dragons who did not yet faced the effect of the reduction of magic in the atmosphere, the set bombs and explosive, weakening the magic barrier, that started reducing constantly, at each bombardment.

"Fire!" Shouted the commander, and people open fire at what was left of the Castlevinia capital and castle, or what the saw as the researcher Building.

Victor, Morgan and the remaining scientist entered the lower floors where the reactor was located, this people present where those who had refused to run, ready to die in other to fight for their liberty.

Victor and the rest worked on the engine, why Morgan and the remaining people made the V. Serum, but dew to lack of time, they could only create one version.

"With this, the cells would be mutated to a new form, those of the past, and present, to bring out a new variant of our race, but... Because we haven't tested it yet, we don't know it's actual effects or it's side effects " Said the person near Morgan, she nodded, she knew the risk very well, but she was to reluctant, she wanted her father to take the test.

"I would be happy to know you are save, if you die, I would have no reason to stay in this world any longer " He said.

Morgan was plunged into a red liquid in a Crystal container, numerous syringes pierced into her skin, she slightly shook at the pain but her mind started fading, she wad entering a state of sleep.

"It might take an hour for the process to be completed " Said the man seeing Morgan's eyes closing, "sorry" The man smiled and Morgan's blood grew cold, something was off, those where her last thinking, she saw her dad one last time before sleeping, his smile was strange.

"Is everything okay?" Asked Victor, nodded the personnel, the all stood up and bowed at victor who gave them a warm smile, his hand moved towards the black handle and he pressed it down.

They day Laughcraft disappeared, Victor had entered a period of solitude where he worked to understand what his dear friend had in mind, he worked to the point of almost killing himself, he wasn't as fantastic as him, but he still had his accumulated bountiful knowledge, even if it take him a whole decade, he would find out, and one day, when he look at his daughter making her first baby steps, he was strike by a revelation.

"He wanted to accomplish something, but that things understanding was too large and time consuming, so he chose a method allowing to embark in a new voyage, you didn't take me with you and that's why I was angry with you laughcraft... Here, I am sending my daughter to you, no matter where you are..." He brought it down, the reactor brighten up and for a moment in a large perimeter, Mana came back to all, people felled it.

"Idiot and selfish humans are, if you guys were patient, we would have solve the world issue, but you guys chose another part, opening the Pandora's box" The light swallowed everybody present in the room and expanded outside.

"I know, she would come back for you all" Those where Victor's last words before his body turn to ashes, the capsule shit out in the sky as if absorbed by an unknown force, in the world, only a pillar of light was seen tearing the world, the referred it as the second impact after the incident of Laughcraft, this incident was named, the Pillar of despair.


When Morgan open her eyes, she was on a bed, a woman with a blade stared at her, her gaze focus on her.

"Where am I?" Asked Morgan.

"A world with no name child, what did you do to end up here?" Asked the woman, "so, which world did you come out from and what are you really?"

Morgan did not actually understand what she mean before she looked at her reflection, she had sharp teeths and her red hairs where redder, mostly scarlet, a panel showed up Infront of her surprising her.

[Panel info]

"Vampire?" She read, she wanted to laugh, but tears poured out, the woman waited for her to stop, Morgan turn to her trying to resist the painful feelings.

"My name is Hela Grandel, nice meeting you Vampire, I think we have much to talk about and where your coming from" Hela smiled at the crying girl.


She looked down at Nine running abnormally fast and smiled, I am coming truth, I shall very soon figure out how to go back and destroy that world for good.

Nine felled the presence of some people looking at him, he turn and saw Hela standing and watching him, she was sweating, looks like she was training and the other was, he looked up and saw Morgan amber eyes staring down at him, the cold moon like eyes looked into the eyes felled with amber flames, like the sun and the moon, bound to meet but never to come closer.