
Brotherly Hero

Counter Guardian EMIYA is thrown on to the world of Remnant in the body of his younger self, whatsoever will he do. Also, who said anything about taking care of a little sister!? One that also has cat ears!? ALAYA!! ZELRETCH!! I DIDN'T AGREE TO ANY OF THIS!!!

User388 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs



An endless Ĭ̶̡̛̩̗̱͕̱̟̖̞͔̊̿̏͆̐́̌̂̑ņ̴̢̼͙̬̜̩̹̦̤͈̐̐͒͆̿͒̎̇f̴̟̪͔̝̘̳̹̬̺̈́̉̒̂̋̽̈́̽̂̂͛͠͝ȩ̴̻̰̗̟̤̃̄ŗ̵̙̝̮̜̹͔̜̫̲̭̪̙̻̘̎n̸̡̪̥̻͔̘͛̊͛̋͊̑̐̂̒͝ȯ̴̡̨͇̰̬̤̥̼̤̬͗̄̎̕͜͝, burning atop a sea of blood.

A black haze endlessly rose into the sky

An apostle of death,

suffocating humanity...

I wonder how long I have been here,

Every second, minute, hour here seemingly…. blend together into a timeless concoction

I can no longer feel my skin blister, nor my sweat boiling away.

My lungs starved of air, throat burning in pain.

Every breath only fills me with poison.

smoke darker than anything I could ever imagine fill my vision.

While my sense of sight may be of no use, smell incapacitated.

I could still hear….

"a-ack! p-please, s-someone, a-anyone, h-help!'

I open my eyes, despite the evergrowing haze

I catch a glimpse of a mother buried under rubble, cradling and shielding her child away from all this.

I swear at that moment her eyes met mine.

Desperation, fear, worry, a mix of emotions shone through her tears.

Something within me trembled,

It screamed at me, ordered me to do something, anything.


Yet, I grit my teeth, clenched my fists till blood came out, and turned around.

I could feel it shaking, I knew it was something very vital to being human.

The moment I continued walking past them,

It broke.

The more I walked in this h̷̐e̸͎̩̾͝ļ̵̍̔́ĺ̷̨̲̌, the more parts of me, I threw away so I may survive.

But still...

I walk forth without regret.

And by the end of it all

The person lay awaiting death, looking at the stars.

The boy that once was... is no longer

Only a transparent shell remains.

A heart of glass


A voice entered my ears,

"T-Thank goodness! *sob*, at least one survived!"

A face entered my sight,

He was a mess, a middle-aged man crying all over the place and covered in dirt and grime.

But still, from the moment he saved me, I could only see his smile.

'I want to smile like that…'

Emiya quickly snapped open his eyes, awaken from sleep by his dreams.

He calmly sat up on his bed unwilling to go back to sleep, for he'd merely witness that day once more.

He looked at the clock slowly ticking by on the wall.

03:00 in the morning, or night. It depends on the person you asked.

It wasn't that much earlier than when he usually got up, but right now every hour of sleep missed seem to contribute to his ever-growing exhaustion.

Rubbing his eyes and sighing in annoyance, Emiya slowly began to stand up from his bed, only to just now notice the other person occupying it.

Memories from the previous day returned to his mind and he looked upon the head of black hair sleeping with a complicated gaze.

He put his hand atop her hair and started to but, then the two cat ears that sat upon them slowly twitching, a soft purr escaped which made Emiya freeze in place. Afraid he might have awoken her.

When she finally stopped stirring, her body now facing him allowing him to see her face.

A smirk landed upon Emiya's face as he saw her sleep with her mouth open and drool flowing out, especially thinking about what she'd do if he teased her about it.

She looked cute when asleep, much more similar to how someone her age should act. Though she'd gotten better recently, she was still...

A tick mark appeared on Emiya's forehead when he thought back on her behaviour when awake.

A spoiled, rude, uncultured little bra-"*Snore*"

Her snore broke his line of thoughts, and while she truly can be a handful at times. He'll let her be, especially after everything she's been through.

With a sigh, Emiya slowly extracted himself from the bed and room so as to not wake her and went on with his routine.

While heroic spirits certainly don't need to food or sleep, humans certainly do and despite his bewilderedness, formerly counter guardian EMIYA is now a human.

Or at least in a human vessel which by all means shouldn't be possible as he is a heroic spirit, despite him not being a 'proper' heroic spirit the human body shouldn't be able to handle being the vessel of a heroic spirit.

'So why in akasha am I here right now!?'


While the mystery of his appearance and form still eludes him, it is a fact that right now, he is human and in a younger version of his body too. Deciding that it is much too early to be having a headache, he decides to ignore the problem right now and leave it for later.

A few minutes later Emiya can be seen sitting on the window sill with the window open and enjoying the night breeze. His mind wanders to the broken moon that sits upon the sky as he sips on his steaming coffee. Whatever or whoever shattered it must be as strong as a TYPE, not something he'd look forward to facing, especially now when he doesn't have access to a virtually unlimited amount of prana provided by Alaya. Perks of being a Counter Guardian, though only when deployed on missions.

Finishing off the last sip of his already long gone cold coffee, Emiya shakes off the edge and prepares for her to wake up. He arrives at the kitchen with a pink frilly apron. Before anyone asks, it was chosen by her for him to use and while he usually wouldn't willingly put on such a thing, he had lost a bet and Emiya always stands by his words.

He looks into the fridge thinking about what to make for breakfast since they're going to go out today then he'll probably have to wake her up early, or he could make some of her favourite grilled tuna. By the time he's done, he'll be damned if she isn't already sitting at the table waiting.

With his goals set, Emiya changes into a 'kitchen mode' where he becomes focused solely on his cooking and disregards pretty much everything else. His hands and feet operating kitchen utensils and handling the ingredients in a way unbecoming of what his appearance would suggest. The preparation was completed in seconds. Any bystander would merely be frozen in awe of the spectacle. His arms were a blur to anyone but himself. Truly a brilliant showcase of an EX rank cooking skill. Not even his pink frilly apron could affect that.

True to his expectations, she had already sat down at the dining table with her legs swinging when he brought out the food. Grilled tuna with rice and a side of stir-fried vegetables. Her eyes sparkled when she saw the dish in his hands. The smell was simply divine. She had aroused due to the smell when Emiya was still cooking and immediately went downstairs to dine on this heavenly dish.

It wasn't anything fancy, but honestly, anything he made was divine. Just more so now that he made grilled tuna. Her favourite, point out at stereotypes if you want but nothing was getting in the way of tuna and her belly.

Blake's hands start to reach for the plate slowly before being swatted away.

Emiya smirked at her fervent display of hunger,

"Now Blake, you could stand to at least wash your hands first before eating, right?"

Blake visibly pouted when he said that, she wanted nothing more than to shove that piece of fish in her mouth. But when her hands started to reach for the plate again, she saw a 'smiling' face at the corner of her vision. Though the smile on his face didn't quite reach his eyes and a dark aura was enveloping his figure and the menacing ladle in his hands.

Blake's face paled at the sight and sweat started dropping from her forehead.

"OK! OK! Washing hands now!"

She immediately sped off to the sink to wash her hands.

Emiya watched as she sped away as fast as her short legs could take her, he could only shake his head at the little girl's antics, sadly said little girl would never see the smile he had while he did.