
Chapter 20

I stepped out of the house, but Alessandra was nowhere in sight. Where had she gone? I looked everywhere and went behind the garage to no avail. As I was about to go back inside the house, the garage door opened.

“Psst.” Through the crack of the door, Alessandra appeared with a face that had desperation written all over it. She definitely knew that I knew. I just knewshe did.

I looked around my shoulders and followed her inside, closing the door behind me, allowing the small upper windows on the back of the garage to serve as lighting.

She bit her nails and gave me a look that cried for help. “I know you went to see Alf last night. He told me.”

I sighed, letting the defeat whack me upside my head the way I deserved to be whacked for my terrible prying. Great. What now?

She rushed closer to me, took my hands, and held them firmly. “I really wasin love with Alf, always had been. But I love your father now.”