
Broken trust: A journey of betrayal, revenge and moving forward.

Ranuchca and Jamel have been married for 6 years and have known each other since childhood. But Jamel cheated on her and even impregnated the woman. She now decided to move on but not before she takes revenge on Jamel for breaking her heart. Let’s follow Ranuchca on her road to self-improvement and revenge.

Anta_Esterlin · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Flames of liberation

The sun began to rise lazily above the horizon, casting a warm and ethereal glow on the quiet suburban street. The stillness of the morning was only broken by the occasional morning bird songs and the distant sound of a car engine starting. Ranuchca's heart clenched as she took a step outside her once-happy home, a bittersweet sense of nostalgia washing over her like the cool breeze that danced through the air.

She sat down on the porch steps, her hands nervously fiddling with her fingers. Ranuchca felt exposed, and vulnerable, a feeling she was all too familiar with as of late. She glanced back at the house, wondering if she was truly ready to finally set herself free from the shackles that bound her. Suddenly, her phone buzzed to life in her pocket, pulling her from her thoughts. Glancing down, she saw her best friend's name illuminated on the screen.

"Hey, it's been a while," she answered, her voice shaking slightly. "Are you okay?" her friend asked, concern lacing her words. Surprisingly, Ranuchca found herself able to say it, the words she had been hiding from for so long.

"I've made a decision," she said, her voice steadier than before like she was finally sure of herself. "I'm leaving Jamel. I'm leaving this house and this trapped existence. I can't live like this anymore."

Her friend's response was a mixture of shock, relief, and sadness. "Oh, Ranuchca... I'm so sorry it had to come to this," she said. But then, a hint of anger slipped through. "But you know what? He doesn't deserve you. That man had the audacity to be unfaithful to you, and I think it's time someone teaches him a lesson. You deserve so much better, and I'm here for you, every step of the way."

A warmth bloomed within Ranuchca's chest, the thought of finally taking action against Jamel and her trapped existence giving her a sense of empowerment. She nodded her head, even though her friend couldn't see her. "You're right," she said, her voice strong and determined. "And I think I know just where to start."

Little did Ranuchca know that her decision to finally regain control of her life would take her and her friend on a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, rekindling old flames, and discovering newfound allies. A journey that would ultimately lead to the ultimate revenge on the man who had hurt her so deeply.

But that comes later.

For now, she had one goal in mind—one desire that burned through her like wildfire. To break free from her cocoon and become the woman she once was. The woman who wasn't afraid to stand up for herself and live her life unapologetically With a final glance back at the house that had once been her prison, Ranuchca stepped out into the morning light, ready to face whatever may come her way.