
Broken trust: A journey of betrayal, revenge and moving forward.

Ranuchca and Jamel have been married for 6 years and have known each other since childhood. But Jamel cheated on her and even impregnated the woman. She now decided to move on but not before she takes revenge on Jamel for breaking her heart. Let’s follow Ranuchca on her road to self-improvement and revenge.

Anta_Esterlin · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 11

Laura paced back and forth in her small living room, cradling her now one-year-old son, Ethan, in her arms. She couldn't help but notice how much he resembled Wes, her ex-lover, and not Jamel. Her heart raced as she realized that Jamel might not be the father of her child. She had been deceitful and torn apart a marriage for a lie. Biting her lip, she decided to take matters into her own hands and dialed Wes' number.

"Hello?" Wes answered, his voice showing signs of surprise at her call.

"It's Laura, I... I need to talk to you about something important," she stammered, her hands shaking as she held the phone.

Wes hesitated for a moment before agreeing to meet her. Laura knew that revealing the truth to him would change everything, but she owed it to Ethan and to herself to set things straight.

Meanwhile, Jamel's realization of his still-burning love for Ranuchca led him to desperation. He contacted Mari and Nancy, pleading with them for Ranuchca's address. But, they refused to reveal her whereabouts, protective of their friend and her newfound happiness. Jamel, feeling defeated and furious by their refusal, decided to seek help from his parents.

Ranuchca and Shamal, oblivious to the chaos brewing around them, spent their days preparing their home for the arrival of their child. They painted the nursery soft shades of yellow and green, hung whimsical mobiles above the crib, and filled the shelves with books and toys. Their love and excitement for their new chapter were evident in every detail of their home.

On the other side of town, Jancy and Dasido grew closer, supporting each other in their healing processes. They spent evenings talking and laughing, their relationship blossoming into something much deeper. Little did they know their lives, too, would become entwined in the swirling drama around Jamel and Laura.

Wes and Laura met at a quiet cafe, where she nervously revealed the truth about Ethan's paternity. Wes, shocked and hurt, struggled to process the information. The weight of Laura's actions began to bear down on her, and she knew that she had to face the consequences, regardless of the impact on her relationship with Jamel.

As Jamel's grasp on his life loosened, he became more determined to find Ranuchca to seek forgiveness and closure. He devised a plan to find her whereabouts, hoping to make amends for the pain he inflicted upon her. The storm brewing around them intensified, threatening to upend their carefully pieced-together lives. But through the chaos, the love and strength that Ranuchca and Shamal found in each other shone brighter than ever, a beacon of hope amidst the unfolding turmoil.

Neither Ranuchca nor Jamel could imagine the magnitude of the changes that lie ahead, their futures colliding to create a whirlwind of truth, redemption, and the possibility of reinvention. And in the eye of the storm, the strength of their love and the resilience of their broken hearts would be put to the ultimate test.
