
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · วัยรุ่น
13 Chs

Chapter 3

All I could see was darkness. All I could feel is the emptiness inside me.

I want to get out of here. All of sudden I heard cold breath behind me, I felt cold and I was shivering A cold voice called out to me "Scarlett ". I turned towards the voice I knew exactly what's going to happen. My name was called out in every direction The voice was full of coldness and hatred. Soon my head was spinning and I begged " p-please s-s-stop ". I held my head in my hands unable to make it stop. Then It stopped I breathed a sigh of relief. I was surprised to see them in front of my mom, dad my younger sis, the ones who bullied me. They all stared at me with disappointment.

" You are a disgrace You can't do anything. I wish you were never born You don't deserve anything You are nothing Nobody cares about you Nobody wants you ." The person's voice changed to my mom's then my dad's then my sister's and at last all the ones who bullied me Then the least expected happened, I was dragged down in the dark waters. I started to swim upwards but a force was pulling me down My lungs burned due to the lack of oxygen and I couldn't focus on anything Black spots appeared in my vision. I felt like I was dying. "Maybe I don't belong here .", That being my last thought I finally closed my eyes and gave up my last breath.

I woke up with a jerk and realized that I was drenched with sweat. I couldn't breathe and all I wanted was to get out of here. I went to my bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were wide as if I was on alert my skin was pale. I splashed some water on my face and wiped it with my towel. I went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water I just couldn't be here one more second, I took my phone and house keys. I locked the front door and ran. I don't know where I was going My mind was preoccupied with scenarios that happened in my nightmare.

I looked at the abandoned building in front of me and went around it. There is a peacefulness about the place. I looked at the night sky and watched the stars. It was so beautiful that it can make a person let down their walls. I no longer could control the tears I didn't dare to stop. I fell to the ground and clung to my body I sobbed hard remembering the words said in my nightmare. All the feelings that I have been  hiding from everyone, I let it all out

I felt alone even if I have friends. Everything about my past has always stayed in the back of my mind I didn't bother to tell anyone. Every day my a fake smile on my face and everybody believed me It's getting harder and harder to pretend. I'm tired of this shit.

I just laid on the ground and watched the stars. I left as soon as I realized that I had been there for three hours.

I got home and showered. I wore a long-sleeve green sweater and white jeans and brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail I applied some concealer under my eyes and lip gloss to my lips. I ate a sandwich and went outside The weather was chilly today. I walked fast while listening to music.

I reached my locker and opened it to place some of my books in there Soon, Sam, kat, Hannah joined me with a random guy. I have seen this guy in this school.

"Hey .. so we wanted to tell you something. Please don't freak out. Okay " Hannah said, looking at me with caution. I chuckled and joked " I'm not going to freak out unless you have decided to elope with your boyfriend ." Now she doesn't have a boyfriend. Her eyes widen. She looked a little pale That's when I realized and my eyes widen slightly, I said looking at the random guy  " Oh my god you're her boyfriend, aren't you? " He looked at me nervously. I squealed and said " I'm so happy for you guys . " and I hugged my best friend. They looked at me and chuckled

I turned towards him and asked " no offense but I don't know who you are ". He shook my hand and said " I'm Adam aka Hannah's boyfriend. " I smiled a little. The bell rang and we all went in our separate ways.

I sat in my seat and waited for the teacher to begin the class. Mr. Waltz came and silenced the class I noticed that everyone became silent, they all stared at him and I couldn't help but stare. He looked at me and my breathing almost stopped God, how can he look so handsome? W h aaa ...whoa .. where did that come from? He walked past me and sat behind me. My breath got shallow I can't describe this feeling I know he's staring at me, I can feel it.

Mr. Waltz looked at everyone and said " Good morning students, hope you all are doing well This year, I'm giving you all the t projects. " Some students groaned and some just sat there with bored expressions. He continued " I know. I know ... First I will choose your partners and then, we will discuss the projects "

I got paired with a girl named Mia. She went up to the teacher and discussed something with him and he walked towards us. He looked at me and Javier and said " there is a change .. Mia and Noah are partners and you and Javier are partners ." After saying that he turns and walks away leaving us in surprise. Mia smiled innocently and went to sit with Noah Oh, that bitch ....

I sat back beside Javier as Mr. Waltz gave us the projects I sat there fiddling with my fingers. I was becoming impatient so, I talked first " "Hey ...shall we discuss surprised at first but then said " yeah sure ."  He kept looking ahead. I got a little annoyed and said " Hey if you don't wanna help me with the project ....just say it I can do it by myself ." He was caught off guard and finally looked at me. His eyes held surprise and amusement. He said " We have two months to complete the project and we are familiar with the topic. We can meet at the public library today after school " I agreed with him and said "That's a good idea and we don't have much time to complete. It is very important to get good grades, half of our final grades depend on our project ."

He chuckled and said " Relax we will complete this before due " Somehow, he knew I was anxious

The bell rang and we packed and went outside. He turned to me and said see you later " I nodded and said the same to him. He took off and I went to my other classes.

I went to the cafeteria and waited for my friends. I waited for fifteen minutes but I couldn't see them anywhere I took out my phone and texted them if they took off. In less than a minute Sam and Kat texted that they had a project to work on and Hannah texted that she is with Adam and they skipped school. My heart dropped reading Hannah's text. I guess I will never be with someone who will understand me I sighed out of exhaustion, I didn't get much sleep I hate being alone, I get all these negative thoughts. I no longer felt hungry and went to sit under the tree I closed my eyes while listening to music. Someone took one of the tones out and I wanted to punch the person for ruining my peaceful moment. I took a look at him and realized that it was Javier He sat beside me and put one of my earphones in and listened to the music He closed his eyes and rested his head on the trunk. He looked so peaceful, so I closed my eyes and rested my head on the trunk, enjoying the moment.

The rest of the classes went in a blink of an eye I walked out of school and started to walk to the public library While walking I have the roaring of the bike and a familiar voice called me. I turned around and saw that it was Javier who was calling me, " come on ..let's go ". I was confused at first and then I understood and asked " Are you sure ? ".  He nodded I hesitated but I got on the bike and put my arms around his torso He visibly tensed at first he relaxed after a bit of time. He turned around put his helmet over my head He smirked and said, wouldn't want to ruin that beautiful face of yours, would we". This time, my eyes widen slightly and I was blushing hard. He chuckled and sped off. I held onto him tightly.

My hair was flying and I could feel the adrenaline rush. I honestly am terrified of motorbikes but I kinda like it now. Unfortunately, his motorbike stopped and we were in front of the public library. We hopped off the bike and went inside. We sat at the back and took out the necessary books. I looked at him and sighed tiredly, saying " let's get started !"

He agreed and started to take important information. I looked at the book and thought ' please help me through this .'


Words are stronger than swords. Be kind to others because hurtful words are enough to break someone. Hope y'all like this chapter.

Tpwk ❣️ and take care

Love y'all

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