
Broken Ice

Dead in one world, given a new start in another. Let's see if I can be more than I ever was in my previous life.

karma21 · แอคชั่น
2 Chs


"Mortal, you seem to have suffered a lot during your previous life time. I will give you a second chance to live your life as you should have. Everybody and every living thing in each universe has an identical copy somewhere in the vast omniverse. Some might just have one copy and others would have millions. I will reincarnate you into a world where a copy of yours died an untimely death. You know this world as the Avatar world."

" Wait, the fictional worlds in the stories on my world, they are real?"

" Yes, they are. Those stories are as a result of a copy unintentionally viewing the memories or experiences of another copy through dreams, visions or just plain inspiration. Most of the content of the dreams you mortals have are memories of your copies leaking to you. Even some scientific advances made on your earth are as a result of those scientists tapping into the knowledge of one of their copies unknowingly."

I was shocked. Astounded even. I never thought of such things before. Maybe that's why I felt that life was so meaningless. I must have had a copy that lived an exhilarating life and that somehow hugely impacted how I viewed my life.

"Now let's not waste time and get moving. Look to the back of your hands."

I did as told and found four marks, two on both my left and right hands. I looked to the diety for an explanation.

"Those marks each represent four chances to make four different wishes. They won't support any outrageous wishes and would infact just disappear after you've wasted them. So think carefully about your wishes. Your time is limited. "

Wishes. Wishes. Wishes. I had thought about this a lot before. What wishes would be good for which worlds? Just as a way to pass time. Never would I have know that it would come in handy. I already knew what I wanted.

"I am ready."

"Then speak and be as sure as possible. There will be no do-overs. "

" First off, I want Killua Zoldyck's body at age sixteen. His entirety. The assassination techniques, the martial arts, the talent he was born with, the resistances he had, everything. You can exclude all the nen and nen abilities though. The Avatar world has it's own energy and if I'm correct, energy not native to a world will cause it harm right. Just take out the nen but leave all his memories on the manipulation of energy."

" You guess correctly. I wanted to see if you would make the right choice. GRANTED. Next."

" Flight reminiscent of the Viltrumites. That flight ability where I don't need footholds in the air. The air will be the same as the ground." What? Don't judge me. No one can tell me that he/she has never dreamed of flying before. So keep your hypocritical selves out of my business.

"GRANTED. Next."

" Immense chi reserves. Let me put it this way, if the avatar has chi reserves at a value of a hundred, I want mine at a hundred and fifty."

" That will be going against the natural law of that world. The Avatar is meant to be the being with the most chi. I will grant this only on one condition. You are hereby prohibited from killing the avatar. You can hurt him, chop off a limb if you want but never be able to kill him. Agreed?"

I mulled it over a little bit. There really shouldn't be any reason to want to kill Aang. "Yes, I agree."

"GRANTED. Last."

"Spiritual attunement. I would like to be able to see spirits, commune with them and understand them."

"GRANTED. Are you ready to leave for your next adventure? Before you answer me, I will like you to remember my following words. The world that was depicted in your world might not be the way things are in reality. Keep an open mind or I will be seeing you sooner than I would like to. Notify me when you are ready."

Thinking over what the deity said, it made a lot of sense. These works of fiction were derived from dreams and the like. It is safe to say that a lot of information had been distorted or just lost. 'This might not be the cakewalk I thought it would be. I will have to be very careful so as not to lose my life over something trivial. I'll lay low at least until I have more than enough power to protect myself.'

"Thank you for your advice, it is highly appreciated. Can I request that you drop me in a particular place?"

" Where?"

" The northern spirit wilds, where the spirit portal is located. Is it doable?"

" Have you forgotten that I am a god? Such is a trivial matter. Now then, off you go."

And immediately after that, I saw my ghost maybe, dissipating into motes of light. I closed my eyes, awaiting the beginning of my new journey through life. This time, there will be no sadness. This time, I will live my life to the fullest.


I opened my eyes and I found my self in a thick forest. The trees of the forest resembled bristlecone pines. Wait, how did I know that? I was never interested in botany in the past. Then it clicked.... killua's knowledge had started kicking in. I stood upright and finally took a look at my body and all I could say was wow. This body was ripped. His muscles had muscles but they were so compact, it gave him this lean but deadly look. and he had this mean 8-pack abdomen. Seems the anime wasn't lying there. And best of all, his junk was huge.

Flexing the muscles, I felt power coursing through every inch of this body. I remember that without nen, Killua could lift 16 tons and run at 120mph. I was ecstatic at feeling so much power when my former body was that of the average mildly fit middle-aged man. But I quickly calmed myself down, it won't for me to get drunk on my power and get killed because I became to complacent. I started moving to find shelter or something because believe it or not, I was naked. As I moved into the forest and finally past a thicket, I entered into the heart of the forest and I was amazed by the scenes before me. Colors seemed brighter, the trees felt alive and there were spirits everywhere. It was beautiful.

I stepped fully into the heart of the forest and all the spirits stilled and turned collectively in my direction. Not a moment later and the place that was once vibrant became dark, the spirits fleeing from the unknown stranger that had intruded into their place of joy. But before they could all disappear, I beseeched them;

"Please wait, I mean none of you any harm. I merely got lost and I wanted to ask for assistance."

Most of the spirits still ran away but two stayed and turned towards me. They were a pair of wolves that seemed familiar to me for some reason. The one on the right was black with a white underbelly while the left one was white with black tufts of fur around it's ears.

"Why should we listen to you or even go as far as help you? The only things humans do are lie and kill."

" Then why did you turn back instead of running away?"

" We wanted to know what you wanted so that you can leave our grove immediately."

" I need clothes and money. Is there anything you could do for me?"

" Follow us."

And so they set off at a trot with me following them closely. Running naked wasn't an enjoyable experience. I wasn't feeling the cold due to my physique but my junk slapping my thighs with every step I took became annoying really fast. But I put that annoyance away and asked the two wolf spirits where we were.

"We are at the North pole. Why do you ask a question you should already know the answer to?"

"I seem to have problems recollecting anything, thank you for answering my question."

If this was the North, then I was undoubtedly in the spirit wilds that were far north of the Northern water tribe.

I was here.

In a world where wonder and amazement was at every corner.

I was finally free.

First chapter here. Please help me improve so any ideas are welcome. Thank you.

karma21creators' thoughts