

Broken but not Broken is about a young strong woman who inspite of being disappointed by men in having a perfect relationship decides to give love more chances until it works for her though she had had the desire to quit. She found love in Denzel, fought the battles that came with building a good relationship and won. The beauty of her love story isn't just because she found the perfect guy but the fact that, she was able to develop and build herself to achieve her dreams and help others to do same through her love for him and his love for her. For her, love became not just a feeling but a tool that equipped and empowered her to be a super woman to herself, her family and most importantly the world. This story would build the desire to be the woman you have ever dreamed of because it will push you not to settle for less especially when it comes to love. If it isn't building, equipping and empowering you to pursue your dream, then walk away from it. Love isn't to be ENDURED, it is to be ENJOYED.

sylina · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs


After several relationship failures, Phyllis didn't know what to do anymore. She had been disappointed by almost every man she had dated which made her lost faith in love until her friend, April got married to her boyfriend of two years. What even confused her was the fact that, Max was the first and only guy April had even been with and yet it worked but for her, she will tell you that, "while some people had the luck of settling down with their first dates, some too are still auditioning and this made her believed that getting a partner that would love you is solely based on luck and was just unlucky.

One evening as she was watching the TV, the station she was watching was doing an advert on a program they air which was called date rush. According to the advertisement, one would have to fill a form for registration to join the program if he or she is looking for a partner and the program would be aired live on TV. She decided to register and join to try her luck. She went online to watch some of the previous episodes of the program to know how it was structured and she was good with it. She therefore filled her form and submitted it to the organisers of the show online. Two days later, she received a mail informing her of her acceptance into the program and she was due to make an appearance on the show the coming Sunday.

She went to the salon Friday after work to fix her hair, did pedicure and manicure so that she would look attractive on Sunday for the show. When she was at the salon, she heard most of the people there discussing the program and she realized it had massive viewers and followers. She initially wanted to cancel but as she followed their conversation, she realized her participation isn't only an opportunity for her to find love but it would also make her popular thereby creating opportunities and connections for her in especially on the job market.

She checked her mail when she got home from the salon and as she went into her mail, she realized the organizers of the program had sent her a mail requesting her to do a profile of herself which will include the kind of man she wanted and reasons for the break in her previous relationship. She set her laptop's camera and switched it on while she did her video profile and sent it to the organisers. After some few hours, she had a response from them. She had been accepted and was to make her appearance in their studio on Sunday evening.

0n Sunday evening, exactly two hours to the program, she dressed modestly and simply but classy and went to the studio. She wore a black fitting long dress with a pair of gold shoes and accessories to match. She also applied a little make up on her face and stylishly tied her hair. She got to the studio thirty minutes before the start of the program and she was able to make some acquaintances before she was called to stage.

Music was played at the background so she had to dance to make her entry to the stage. She wasn't a good dancer but she managed to dance to the song that was being played. When she got to the stage, her profile video was aired and then the host of the program, Ben asked the male participants who were interested in her to keep their buzzes on while those who weren't interested turn their's off. Four of them turned their's off while the remaining six kept their's on. Ben asked those who turned their buzzes off, their reasons for doing so.

The first guy to talk said she wasn't his kind of woman, the second guy said she would be full of drama when you look at her profile video. The third and fourth also said, she was out of their league and therefore wouldn't even dare to be with her. She smiled to herself as she confidently stood on stage. Ben then asked those who kept their buzzes on their reasons for also doing so and they all gave their reasons. To her some of their reasons were shallow while others too was tangible to her. She was then asked to also ask them a question so that their response would help her make a suitable choice.

So she asked them to tell her one thing they intend to achieve in their lives. They all with the exception of man gave similar responses and their responses were all geared towards their becoming successful so that they and their families would be comfortable in life. The one exception said that, he would want to work hard to become successful so that he would support other needy people, help develop people especially the youth with his skills and resources. He also said that, he would allow himself be developed by every process he goes through in life so that he would become a great person. He believed that his family and people will be comfortable not only when he's able to provide for them or support them but when he's also a great human resource.

She chose this guy because she thought he wasn't only wise, smart and visionary but he also had a good heart and had the welfare of people at heart and that's something they had in common. The guy's name was Denzel Mansford. They both fel comfortable with each other and there was a great chemistry between them. They hugged each other on live TV and made arrangements for a date so that they would get to know each other well. They scheduled their date for the coming Saturday and they exchanged phones so that they would enter their phone numbers on each others phone to facilitate communication between them.

When she got home, her parents, siblings and friends had called her expressing their disappointment on her going to date rush but she wasn't even bothered because she felt like trying something new and knew that since a lot of people watched the show it will motivate both of them to work hard on their relationship. She went to all her social media handles and she realized she's almost turned a celebrity. Lots of friend requests and following as well as warm wishes flooded her walls and inboxes. She took a shower after going through some of the messages and went straight to bed since she needed to.go to the office earlier than usual the next day but Denzel called her and they spoke for about an hour before they ended the call.