
Chapter 38

"So, you're next," Z-Arc comments.

"That form doesn't suit you," Shun retorts. "Come back!"

Shun stares down at the pendulum necklace in his hand. He believes in Sora and Aster's words that he can bring back Yuya and Yuto from Z-Arc's control.

Shun normal summons the level {4} Raidraptor King Lanius and uses its monster effect to special summon a level 4 or lower "Raidraptor" from his hand. Using that effect, he special summons the level {4} Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius from his hand.

Shun then uses the monster effect of the level {4} Raidraptor Fuzzy Lanius in his hand, Shun special summons it to the field since he controls Vanishing Lanius.

Level {4} Raidraptor King Lanius {+} and level {4} Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius {+} and level {4} Raidraptor Fuzzy Lanius {=} overlay.

Xyz Summon! Rank 4 Raidraptor Rise Falcon!

Rise Falcon: [100 ATK]

Seeing the new monster summoned is an XYZ monster, Z-Arc sneers. Since he controls Supreme King Z-Arc, he is able to conduct a special summon from the extra deck during his opponent's turn as long as the opponent conducts the same type of summoning. Since Shun Xyz summoned, Z-Arc now conducts an Xyz summon of his own!

What?! During the opponent's turn?!

Level {4} Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm x2 {=} overlay.

Xyz Summon! Rank 4 Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion!

Dark Rebellion: [2500 ATK]

"Dark Rebellion!" (ARC-V) Yuto shouts. His prided dragon is now under Z-Arc's control.

"Does this mean Z-Arc can summon all of the dimension dragons during the opponent's turn?" (5DS) Akiza speculates.

"How nasty," (VRAINS) Ai sighs. "Using your friends' monsters against you like that."

Shun jumps onto Raidraptor Rise Falcon and uses its monster effect. By detaching an XYZ material, his Raidraptor Rise Falcon gains the total ATK of all of Z-Arc's special summoned monsters.

Rise Falcon: [6600 ATK]

A blazing phoenix rises to the sky as Shun remembers how when he went amok in the Standard dimension, Yuto woke him up with a single blow. This time, he will do the same for him.

Shun attacks Supreme King Z-Arc but since Z-Arc is treated as an XYZ monster, Dark Rebellion redirects the attack to itself.

Sora and Aster watch it all from the side as Gongonzaka and Shingo run up to them, just in time to watch the duel.

Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Dark Rebellion, detaching an XYZ material to reduce the ATK of the monster it battles to 0 and gaining the same amount of ATK.

Rise Falcon: [0 ATK]

Dark Rebellion: [9100 ATK]

It reversed! Shun activates the quick-play spell card Overlay Burst Armor and uses its effect to detach all of Raidraptor Rise Falcon's XYZ materials. Raidraptor Rise Falcon will then not be destroyed by battle and Shun takes no battle damage this turn.

The two XYZ monsters slide past each other as Shun sets two cards. If he cannot defeat Z-Arc then he can at least help his partner do the job.

Since the turn has ended, all monsters on the field return to their original ATK.

Kite jumps from platform to platform, and normal summons the level {4} Cipher Wing. Since he controls another Cipher Wing, he activates the monster effect of Cipher Wing from his hand in order to special summon itself.

Kite activates the continuous spell card Double Exposure and uses its effect to increase both of his Cipher Wing's levels by their original. Cipher Wing x2 level {4} - level {8}.

Level {8} Cipher Wing x2 {=} overlay.

Xyz Summon! Rank 8 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon: [3000 ATK]

"Galaxy-Eyes?" (DM) Seto exclaims. Another monster similar to his Blue-Eyes White Dragon has appeared.

"So that's the power of your Galaxy-Eyes," (ZEXAL) Kite muttered, stunned at his other self.

"So many strong monsters in the myriad worlds," (GX) Zane smiled.

In order to reach Yuya and Yuto inside of Z-Arc, Kite and Shun want to attack Supreme King Z-Arc but first, they will have to deal with Dark Rebellion if they hope to have any chance of reaching Z-Arc.

Kite detaches on of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon's XYZ materials and uses its monster effect to negate the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion. If the effect succeeds, Dark Rebellion is then treated as another copy of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon and changes control to Kite's side of the field.

Unfortunately, Supreme King Z-Arc's monster effect protects Z-Arc's monsters from the monster effects of monsters that share a card type with it.

Kite sets three cards and ends his turn.

Elsewhere, the dimensions are being continuously eaten up by the integrated Fusion dimension. Citizens run in terror or else they might become dimensional ghosts wandering the other dimension.

Sayaka and Allen are unlucky enough to be swallowed by a portal and end up on a floating piece of rock besides Kite and Shun's duel. Shun wants to do something but Z-Arc has already started his attack.

Dark Rebellion attacks Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon and attempts to activate its monster effect.

Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon: [0 ATK]

Dark Rebellion: [5500 ATK]

Shun activates the quick-play spell card Rank-Up-Magic Devotion Force and uses its effect when Z-Arc attacks to turn his Raidraptor Rise Falcon as an XYZ material for an Xyz Summon.

Rank-Up! XYZ Change!

Xyz Summon! Rank 5 Raidraptor Blaze Falcon.

Blaze Falcon: [100 ATK]

Since Shun used a "Rank-Up-Magic," Kite activates the quick-play spell card Rank-Up-Magic Limitover Force. By paying half of his LP, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon is then turned into an XYZ material for a higher-ranking Xyz summon.

Kite: [1000 LP]

Rank-Up! XYZ Change!

Xyz Summon! Rank 9 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!

Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon: [4500 ATK]

Since Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon was special summoned using Rank-Up-Magic Limitover Force, its ATK is multiplied by the amount of "Rank-Up-Magic" spell cards activated this turn.

Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon: [9000 ATK]

Shun activates his own Rank-Up-Magic Limitover Force and pays half his LP to turn Blaze Falcon into XYZ material for his own Xyz summon.

Shun: [1000 LP]

Rank-Up! XYZ Change!

Xyz Summon! Rank 6 Raidraptor Revolution Falcon!

Revolution Falcon: [2000 ATK]

Since three "Rank-Up-Magic" spell cards have been activated this turn, Revolution Falcon's total attack is tripled thanks to the spell effect of Rank-Up-Magic Limitover Force.

Revolution Falcon: [6000 ATK]

Kite activates the continuous trap card Rank-Up Gravity. Since he controls an XYZ monster special summoned by the effect of a "Rank-Up-Magic" spell card, Z-Arc must attack it and no other monsters. At the end of the battle phase, all of Z-Arc's monsters that did not declare an attack this turn are removed from the game.

"Yeah!" (DM) Joey shouts. "Now, Z-Arc has no other option but to lose his monsters."

"Nice strategy!" (5DS) Leo exclaimed.

"You can do it, Kite!" (ZEXAL) Yuma cheers.

Z-Arc laughs at the futile attempt by Shun and Kite to defeat him. Activating the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion, Z-Arc returns it to his extra deck and revives the two monsters used to Xyz summon it.

His level {4} Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms are then revived.

Darkwurm: [1800 ATK]

After Z-Arc revives his monsters using the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion, Kite and Shun's XYZ monsters have their ATK reduced to 0.

Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon: [0 ATK]

Raidraptor Revolution Falcon: [0 ATK]

Sayaka and Allen are fearful for Kite and Shun but another dimensional portal opens up behind them and sucks them in.

Gonganzoka sees the bad state his allies are in and runs up to take part in the duel. In the distance, Shingo hears the sounds of a duel runner getting closer.

Z-Arc attacks with his Darkwurms. Shun and Kite jump up the platforms and reach the action spell cards sprinkled around the field.

Shun activates the action spell card Miracle and Kite activates the action spell card Evade. According to the spell effects of Evade and Miracle, Z-Arc's attacks will deal them no damage and their monsters will escape battle destruction.

Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Z-Arc when the opponent adds a card to their hand other than by drawing. The cards added to their hand are destroyed and sent to the graveyard.

Gonganzoka runs to join the duel and a familiar white duel runner flies overhead.

It is the Jack Atlas of the ARC-V world!

The two duelists join in the duel while taking on the intrusion penalty of 2000 LP.

Jack: [2000 LP]

Gonganzoka: [2000 LP]

Z-Arc continues his attack and sends the XYZ users flying.

Kite: [0 LP]

Shun: [0 LP]

Gonganzoka catches the two falling duelists and lays them on the ground. Shun hands over Yuya's pendulum necklace to Gonganzoka, asking him to continue the fight.

Jack runs his duel runner up to Z-Arc in the distance. Using the monster effect of the level {4} Red Gargoyle in his hand, Jack special summons it since he controls no monsters.

Jack then normal summons the level {2} tuner monster Red Resonator and uses the monster effect of Red Gargoyle to increase its level by {2}.

Level {4} Red Resonator {+} and level {4} Red Gargoyle {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!

Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend: [3000 ATK]

Jack's signature dragon is on the field! The viewers get excited as they've already seen what another Jack Atlas can do from previous duels.

Shingo stomps his feet, annoyed that he cannot help. He holds up a card and the viewers see that it is a familiar face.

"Crow!" (5DS) Yusei exclaims. The Signers turn to their friend who is just as shocked as them. He also exists in that world but he isn't even able to continue fighting?

The viewers see that Crow protected Shingo from a sneak attack before getting turned into a card himself. That same duelist was then healed by Yuya's entertainment dueling.

Jack hopes to do the same and uses the monster effect of Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend to destroy all special summoned monsters with less ATK than it. For each one destroyed, Z-Arc will take 500 points of damage.

Since Jack synchro summoned a monster, Z-Arc uses his Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms to special summon a Synchro monster from his extra deck without needing a tuner monster.

Level {4} Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm {+} and level {4} Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing!

Clear Wing: [2500 ATK]

Now it's Yugo's dragon!

The monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing is activated when it is special summoned, negating the effects of Jack's monsters and destroying them. Starlight rains down on Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend but Jack uses the monster effect of Brutal Red in his hand. By discarding Brutal Red, until the end phase, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend gains an additional 1000 ATK and it cannot be destroyed this turn.

Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend: [4000 ATK]

Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend moves to destroy Clear Wing but Z-Arc activates the monster effect of Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing. The battle is negated and Clear Wing can destroy the opposing monster, inflicting damage equal to that monster's total ATK.

Thanks to the monster effect of Brutal Red, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend manages to avoid destruction and Jack takes no damage as a result. Jack sets two cards and ends his turn.

Gonganzoka summons the level {2} tuner monster Superheavy Samurai Battleball. Gonganzoka then uses the monster effect of the level {6} Superheavy Samurai Hexagon in his hand, special summoning it since he controls a "Superheavy Samurai."

Level {2} Superheavy Samurai Battleball {+} and level {6} Superheavy Samurai Heagon {=} tuning.

Synchro Summon! Level 8 Superheavy Samurai Swordsmith.

Superheavy Samurai Swordsmith: [2500 DEF]

As a steadfast duelist, Gonganzoka is someone who duels while keeping his defenses at the ready at all times. The monster effect of Superheavy Samurai Swordsmith activates when it is special summoned, allowing Gonganzoka to special summon all of the "Superheavy Samurai" monsters from his hand.

Superheavy Samurai Swordsman: [1800 DEF]

Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler: [2000 DEF]

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei: [3500 DEF]

This is the dueling that Gonganzoka prides himself in, the result of his dojo's philosophy. Just like entertainment dueling was Yuya's and how they became friends.

Z-Arc is interested in the words that Gonganzoka is speaking and Gonganzoka promises to take whatever he dishes out. He will be the shield that protects Jack's spear.

"Come at me with your entertainment, Z-Arc. No, Yuya!" Gonganzoka shouts.

"Fine with me," Z-Arc acquisents. "It will be a bit rough though."

Z-Arc's words get the attention of the audience. Is that truly Yuya's spirit acting from inside Z-Arc?

Z-Arc activates the spell card Supreme Presence and equips it to Clear Wing. Clear Wing attacks Big Benkei and uses its monster effect to destroy Big Benkei. Big Benkei's ATK will then be inflicted on Gonganzoka as damage. Supreme Presence's equipped effect will also send the rest of his opponent's monsters to the graveyard at the same time.

Rays of light rain down on Gonganzoka's field and he activates the monster effect of Superheavy Samurai World Chief Heavystrong in his hand. Since his monsters would be destroyed, he tributes Superheavy Samurai Swordsmith and special summons Superheavy Samurai World Chief Heavystrong from his hand.

Heavystrong: [3000 DEF]

Using the monster effect of Heavystrong, Gonganzoka protects both itself and Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend from destruction. The battle phase is then ended.

Since the total ATK of Gonganzoka's monsters was 1000, both duelists only take 1000 points of damage.

Gonganzoka: [1000 LP]

Jack: [1000 LP]

In the Synchro dimension, pieces of the world are taken in by the dimensional portals. All of the citizens watch as Z-Arc starts to take joy in the duel.

Jack rides up the ramp transported onto the battlefield alongside his people of the Synchro dimension. Jack activates the trap card Vision Synchro. Using its effect, he uses the monsters in his hand as synchro materials for a Synchro summon.

A burning red aura enshrouds Jack's duel runner as it speeds down towards Z-Arc.

Level {3} tuner monster Dark Resonator {+} and level {3} tuner monster Net Resonator {+} and level {4} Red Sprinter {=} double tuning!

Synchro Summon! Level 10 Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend!

Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend: [3500 ATK]

A large demonic dragon appears on Jack's field as he now has two Red Dragon Archfiends on his side of the field. The audience goes crazy as a result.

Since Jack used Net Resonator as a synchro material for the Synchro summon of Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend, he takes no effect damage while controlling Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend.

Gonganzoka uses the monster effect of Heavystrong and gives both of Jack's Red Dragon Archfiends immunity to effect destruction until the end of the turn.

Jack attacks Clear Wing with Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend forcing Clear Wing's monster effect. While Jack's Red Dragon Archfiends have escaped destruction thanks to the monster effect of Heavystrong, Supreme Presence activates and destroys Heavystrong. Gonganzoka takes damage equal to Heavystrong's ATK but Jack protects himself with Net Resonator's monster effect. Gonganzoka smiles before being blown away.

Gonganzoka: [0 LP]

Crow's card in Shingo's hand flies away, a result of the destruction in the duel ahead.

Jack continues with Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend, destroying Clear Wing in battle. Z-Arc activates the Pendulum effects of his Supreme King Gates, changing all damage into LP gain.

Z-Arc: [7000 LP]

Since Jack's turn has ended, Tyrant Red Dragon Archfiend returns to Jack's extra deck from the effect of Vision Synchro.

Gonganzoka hands Shingo his duel disk and asks him to take over.

"If you can still fight, so can I!" a familiar voice calls.

When the dimensional integration activates, all of the carded people used for Leo Akaba's plan will be revived from their prisons. Shingo and the newly revived Crow join the duel with the intrusion penalty reducing their LP by 2000.

Shingo: [2000 LP]

Crow: [2000 LP]

Z-Arc attacks Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend with Supreme King Z-Arc and flings Jack from his duel runner. The duel runner narrowly misses crushing him by a lucky piece of debris knocking it into the air.

Jack: [0 LP]

"I'm leaving it to you guys," Jack mutters.