
The Great War

- Buckingham Palace -

Her Majesty, was sitting leisurely relaxing in her residence. Accompanied with her favorite tea, she wanted to avoid thinking all the stress right now and decided to relax for the time being.

She could peacefully mediate to herself in the gardens. she gazed and relaxed in the beauty of nature. Queen Anne lost her titles from the commonwealth realms, but this didn't convinced her to stop her service for her subjects.

She reached 30 this year, and ascended on the throne when she was 24 years old. She is a kind and caring monarch, always looking for the better of her subjects, and her aim is to make her people not suffer again from the horrors from the second world war.-

-- White Palace --

William was eagerly waiting for the Royal Navy to arrive, he's so excited to see the people of Italica to be amazed to the British Army.

and at last, people are talking about "islands" suddenly floating that can be seen on the shores of the country. people we're stunned and terrifed and even thought that this might be from the empire.

As panic is about to broke out, magic telegrams we're broadcast throughout the country. "Warships from the United Kingdom are coming as reinforcements. I repeat, warships from the United Kingdom are coming as reinforcements for the current war effort. They're not enemies, but allies. Please calm down." the crowds was just about to explode into a massive nightmare before the broadcast.

if it hadn't for the broadcast, the country would be in huge chaos. William had told the White Palace earlier that he had received the call from the Royal Navy. The British Army was to arrive in the docks of Italica to replenish and defend the island from any imperial invasion. The Royal Navy finally arrived in the docks of Italica, many armored tanks and the Royal Marines arrived in the scene, the Queen Anne carrier which, can carry 50 aircraft is the new addition to the Royal Navy after being built for years.

Tanks can also be seen from the convoys. add more sophisticated military equipment can be seen is hugely unfamiliar to the Italicans. But, knowing they are going to be supported by this men. They are starting to believe more that they can win this war. Prime Minister William was then greeted by the the general of the fleet. They had then secured supplies from Summerwyn and they would continue bring more supplies.

The British also donated stockpiles of food and supplies to the government, they only gave building materials as to prevent technology leak. despite having so much goods this year. The war that had started two weeks ago had immediately plunged the Italican economy and supplies began to drop.

The main reason, was because of the bombings the wyverns of the imperial army did. the citizens of the republic are filled with hope that their suffering will at last might finally end. Meanwhile, a few seemingly shady people in the ruins in the central district are shocked about the number of reinforcements. They discreetly gathered information and set up a place to start a magic telegram.

After, preparing the telegram. a face of a military bureaucrat meets them, "Boss, reinforcements from an unknown affiliation had arrived, estimating to be around 10,000 troops." but the bureaucrat underestimated the estimation and claimed its not going to be a threat. "But, they arrived in seemingly huge ships" the spy replied, the Bureaucrats asked more details about it and was in disbelief about their reports. He didn't know what to do because he never had an encounter like this before.

But, with his knowledge in the Empire's military arsenal. He knows, nothing will defeat the imperial army. And after much he took more information from the spies, he dismissed them to avoid somebody catching them talking.

-- Imperial Court --

"Your Highness! the Grand Bishop refused our ultimatum!"

"Do all the means to subjugate them according to plan."

It has been a week since ultimatums we're sent to all sides of the continent. Though, Britain didn't get one because few still know of their existence and location.

The ultimatum received by the Grand Bishop of the Church was not amused. after conducting a meeting with the council, the council had concluded that war is inevitable and they might not win. But, the Grand Bishop won't surrender and he's willing to fight until the end. as the ultimatum's result had reached the emperor a hundred thousand imperial troops had leaved the empire, and marched all the way to the Theocracy of Esterloch, The Grand Bishop's state.

As they march through every duchy, the various duchies immediately submitted to Imperial control after refusing the ultimatum. After the army had just razed the capital city of the duchy of Dulcis to the ground after they refused the imperial ultimatum, spreading fear throughout the continent and the southern sphere is now imminent to imperial control. As, the last stronghold in the region Osterloch find itself isolated from the fall of the Grand Ducal Confederation to the Empire.

When Imperial troops are now in front of the city gates of Esterloch, the gates all closed and musket men, mages and cannons can be seen in the city walls. But, the well-disciplined army of the empire won't even be terrified and scared in this sight. They don't fear death and rather die for the honor of dying to the empire is better.

As the imperial general sends the last ultimatum for the city's surrender, they mages had opened fire with a glare in their eyes. Saying, they won't accept the demands once again.

And, as a last resort the Grand Bishop activated an ancient magic that enabled him to broadcast his message in the magic telegram to all over the continent. The magic telegrams we're then all connected to the continent's capitals and biggest cities.

Explaining the imperial invasion of the Confederacy and their march and beginning siege of Esterloch. The Grand Bishop had then, declared a holy war against the empire. Encouraging all the faithful of the continent to unite and fight against the empire as they had strayed themselves from the god. Crowds from Sienna to Italica we're shocked by the sudden news and fears of another imperial invasion into summerwyn grew. The Great War had begun.

Hello! please if you enjoyed this and feeled there is something wrong in the novel, don't hesitate to leave ideas on the comments and reviews so i can make this novel better. That would be greatly appreciated! For those who are reading my novel. Thank you, this concludes volume 1 and I'm going to write volume 2 next. i hope more continued support from you guys. receiving power stones from you guys had made me happy enough and I'm really thankful.

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