
Bringing Along a Dating System

Thank you for choosing Heart ♥ Capture System~ to go along with you on your journey! Please press [Start] to continue... ----- This is the story of how Han Ganxing goes from a shy boy who has no experience in love to a casanova who captures hearts in the blink of an eye.

SauceMaster64 · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Asking Out

After the massive reveal of Han Ganxing's cultivation level, multiple families offered up their daughters for marriage. How could they not, with something as tempting as his talent?

Unfortunately for them, an unseen force had blocked all of their attempts at contacting the Han family head. Though, that didn't stop them from currying favor with Han Liqi instead. He was ambushed by a mob of power-hungry people...

Meanwhile, in the Shi- ahem, a certain noble family, a clan head was certain that he had hit a jackpot with his compromise...

Truthfully speaking, Shi Caiqing also looked down on the Han family, this merchant gathering, at first. As a noble clan, which merchant family didn't want to cling onto their golden thighs?

He had only agreed to the engagement because of his consideration for his daughter's feelings. As it stood, the Shi clan was too big to fail. Even a couple of bad generations wouldn't do anything to the massive influence the clan had.

But seeing his daughter's overly affectionate actions with the Han family heir, he couldn't help but to compromise. Who knew that he would have struck gold when mining for coal?


The next few weeks, Han Ganxing lived on like usual, outside of two fairly new activities, one of which was cultivating for an hour a day. He didn't want to overdo it any longer so he made sure to slow down his progress dramatically.

The second was hunting for flowers he thought looked nice and giving them to Shi Wenyang. Whether she liked the flower or not, he would get 1 AP each day.

The awkwardness between the two gradually melted, and the flower giving activity became a habit for both of them. Unfortunately, that also meant losing its spark which spelled bad news for Han Ganxing.

"Hm, the affection gained each time keeps decreasing. The first time I did this, it went up by 12%, but now it's barely moving half a percent.

...Anyways, there's no rush. Why would there be? I have my entire lifetime to increase affection.

I'm enjoying my time with her, and that's what matters."

Whether it be her pleased face if she liked the flower, and her reluctant face if it wasn't to her taste, Han Ganxing enjoyed looking at her all the same.

With a sigh, he gazed at the guard behind him. He carried with him the first flower that he gave Shi Wenyang, a black lilia. His appearance this day was top rate, as evidenced by his brand new clothes and his heavily styled hair. For some reason, his father was enthusiastic and spent a lot.

He was currently heading towards the Shi clan mansion to visit Shi Wenyang and also proceed with the next phase: asking her out on a date.

"Ah, I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!"

For the commoners and other persons on the sidewalks, peeking at him through his fancy carriage made them envious, but it also invoked curiosity. A 12-year-old boy, all dolled up, what was this guy planning on doing?

As Han Ganxing leaned his head out the window, a familiar wooden gate finally entered his site. It had a carving of two swords crossed against each other.

Above was a plaque made of a type of wood similar to teak, but had a golden color.

"Shi Clan".

The guards in front of the gate saw the approaching carriage and told a maid to inform their young miss. After all, they were already used to seeing the Han family carriage so they familiarized themselves with what to do well enough.

Han Ganxing felt more nervous as time passed by. He stepped out of the carriage, exposed to the light of the dazzling sun.

"...Only 30 days left before this sun dives into the ocean for the rest of the year."

The guards readied themselves to greet Han Ganxing. However, his appearance startled them a bit. He looked so unfamiliar...

Han Ganxing simply smiled in response. Back in their mansion, many had the same reaction.

He entered the living room, exercising his self-control and etiquette. Even though he couldn't wait to see Shi Wenyang, he needed to wait here instead. His past visits had taught him a lesson: don't barge into someone else's room. Who knows what you end up seeing...

A couple of hurried footsteps echoed down the stairs. Shi Wenyang usually didn't wear any make-up, as she was used to not doing so in front of Han Ganxing.

However, in front of him right now was a Shi Wenyang who was dolled up as much, if not more than him.

"...Wenwen, you're especially pretty today."

Shi Wenyang was also startled at Han Ganxing's look, although it was more of a confused gaze than a dazed one.

"Ahem, thank you!"

She flashed a bright smile. Hearing a compliment one or two times couldn't hurt.

The two talked endlessly, as if they hadn't seen each other for more than a year, when in reality, it had been less than a day.