

"Can't a man just raise a family in peace? Sure, maybe I mean it in the most literal sense, but come on! I am a necromancer! It's kinda my thing." Kano Hoffstedder has found himself flung into his favourite game, Scarred World VX 2; The Fell Wind From Darkmire. But as luck would have it, it was not a simple transmigration over to a gam. No, no. He was really sent to the actual world said game was set in. Then, to his dismay, he had taken the identity of a minor villain to boot, a hidden boss that he himself had defeated many times... The Nameless Necromancer. Can he save himself from the millions of heroes? Will he ever free himself of this accursed un-life? Will he even want to? Can he escape the discrimination against wielders of the dark arts? Why does he talk about himself in the third person? Find out here and only here in these pages!

Makkers82 · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

First day on the Job

'He looks like a racoon. I wonder what he did the whole time he was at home.' Li Ruolan glanced over at her new partner sitting in the passenger seat of their patrol car. They were on their way to their first duty together... gate guard of a small little piece of dirt near the port. She sighed as she thought about being stuck with this idiot next to her. She had felt his eyes on her as soon as she had neared him. He was a Lance Corporal straight out of boot and probably spent his entire time on leave with a girlfriend. All men were the same in her eyes. Just pigs with one thing on their mind. Thankfully, he had not done so since. She caught him catching a couple of glances at her but largely avoided being obnoxious. Possibly because she outranked him by two full ranks. She had made sergeant recently and had been waiting for this asshat for a month. He also seemed to be asleep as they drove to their duty point.

Little did she know, Kano was actually awake and trying his best to figure out his complicated thoughts. He still vividly recalled the previous weekend activities, both with Vicky and with Tiffany. Even though the sessions with Vicky had been intense, they had been full of sensual familiarity. The times with Tiffany were still new and exciting and exploratory as he found new ways to stimulate her body. Then his thoughts turned to Sarah and wondered just how she would be. Probably the wildest of the three. He was glad he had the courage to ask Tiffany about what they were, and she had said 'I don't like labels. They're constricting. She wanted to be free. Life was too much right now. Let's wait and see. What happens, happens. The less she knew, the better. As long as she was his only concern around her, she would be the same around him.' Of course, she did not tell him she had no plans to find anyone else at this time. She herself was rather confused about that and was trying to relegate him to a form of hero worship, but then again, what woman would not fall for a handsome hero type she had rationalized.

Kano brought himself to the present as he watched his new partner. She was slight and petite. Raven black hair peeked out from her duty cap, earlier he had seen that it was pulled up into a regulation bun, but from the size of it, she had at least a hair length to her mid-back. Her figure was nice too. A nice firm but small derriere to match the baseball size lumps on her chest. Her face was gentle looking, even when hidden behind the perpetual scowl she kept locked on her face. She had something hidden in her past, he was certain of it... in fact he was sure they would face it together sooner or later. If he could save her...


Ruolan kicked open the door, but before she could step inside, three shots rang out and she stumbled backwards. Kano leaped forward and caught her, but he knew it was too late. Her chest was already bleeding too much and there was nothing he could do about. Tears streamed down his face as he held her, pleading with her not to leave him. They had yet to meet her family and it was only this weekend that they were to go. All she said was, "Shut up, husband. I'll simply see you in the next life."


He jarred himself back to reality and tried to force the image to the back of his mind. They were going to be close, that much he was sure of. Husband? That part gave him a bit of a jolt too. They must be getting engaged at some point which complicated matters even more than before. He thought he was supposed to be working on Victoria for wife material. Though, he wondered just how he cracks this shell Sergeant Li had. He sighed as only time would tell... and he was not sure just how much time he had. Probably not too long as she did not look any different than now. Within a year maybe? His life was about to get more complicated and he had no idea how to stop it. He decided to just try to relax and do his job, obviously it was going to happen so it was best to just let it.


Bill opened his eyes to a very strange, yet familiar feeling land. "Elysium. Great. Elder brother must be worried about my apprentice."

"That is true, I am. His speed is what frightens me. I'm not so sure that at this rate he will be fully prepared for what must be done."

The voice seemed to come from everywhere. It was calm and gentle, yet completely cold of emotion. If the deepest pit of ice in the furthest, darkest bit of space had a voice, this would be it. Soon a figure appeared, more of a shadow than a man, if in a man's shape. A long flowing cloak covered it entirely with an equally full hood to cover its face.

"Elder brother."

"Youngest brother. How is the coming of your end treating you?"

"Little painful, but the reward is worth it."

As the spoke, three more figures appeared along side them, each standing at a point similar to a star.

"Brothers. Baby Sister."

The cold voice acknowledged the newcomers as they appeared. A beautiful woman dressed in a flowing yet shear red dress beamed in delight at being referred to as the youngest, even if she was second to eldest as far as age was concerned.

"Dear brothers, what is the purpose if this wonderful gathering of our family?" she asked, her voice could melt men's hearts, yet the cold and uncaring nature behind it would also freeze them solid. Her jet black hair stood in stark contrast to the blood red of her lips that matched the dress of crimson. Yet that was nothing to the alabaster paleness of her perfect skin. Such a beauty would bring entire worlds to war, and indeed, it had. She was the hidden danger, a viper in waiting and mother of assassins.

"I also, am curious. " Spoke up a man dressed fully in white. Billowing robes, inlaid with the finest of gold embroidery covered him,head to toe. His radiant blue eyes had a softness that matched his gentle, caring voice. Life was his forte, as a Deathless, it was his duty to preserve life whenever possible. For without life, there would be no death.

The final sibling, a towering beast of a man dressed in plate and leather with a sword sized for a giant only grunted at the gathering. He was the lord of war and slaughter. Death on the killing fields were his only goal. He cared not for the reasons behind the war or conflict, only that life ended in battle.

"There have been few apprenticeships in our history. So honestly, how do we know this is bad or unreasonable. I'm not complaining. He is learning quickly and perfunctorily. " Bill stated simply. He was confidant in their master's choice. The kid had a good heart and seemed to understand that his place was to ensure the natural order of death. People die of many things, accidents, plague, famine. As long as he kept the rest from going overboard, his position was secure. Natural Death.

"I have requested the master for guidance."

They all grew silent at this. It was indeed rare that they spoke with the master, although speaking to their master was easy, only the eldest would hear the response. Even if they could hear it, they would not understand. They were each aware that to be eldest meant they would pass on beyond the current universe and into the next one, after time had been reborn. Soon, an inky black cloud began to solidify in the air directly in the middle of the formation. It continued to coalesce until it was roughly the size of a small house. There it roiled and rolled about. They each could feel its presence and bowed respectfully to their master, the very incarnation of Death in all its forms.

"Yes master. I understand my own failings to comprehend. That is indeed why I asked for this gathering."

"No master. I do not dare second guess your intent. I merely regret the loss of a sibling so quickly. It seems... unnatural."

No matter if they could hear their master or not, they all felt the irony and sarcasm that flowed from the darkness.

"Of course master. Thank you for your patience."

The shadow that resembled the most well known vision of death turned to its siblings.

"Brothers and sister. I apologize for my lack of faith. Let us adjourn. Until we meet again."

"It wont be long, brother dears. We get to test the new brother soon. I hear he's young. The youngest of us so far. Only just past twenty. "

Bill nodded before speaking. "He has his twenty third birthday coming up. A few short months from now. I wonder if I will see it."

They all nodded sagely and a small bit of sorrow followed as well. They then bid their farewells and faded from sight. Soon, only the black cloud and the eldest remained.

"Thank you master. He is progressing even faster than I. The game and the incident both pushed him along perfectly. I do wish the incident could have been avoided, but that is most likely my own sentimental nature I suppose."

"Yes of course. All will proceed as we agreed. I know you feel my gratitude, even before I, but I must still say it. Perhaps we can finally allow nature to continue as it should after this ends. After all, we deathless are no longer needed after this. I do wish there was another way, though. But I suppose it must always be as it should be. No escaping that particular fate. Death comes for us all... in the end."

"Hmm, will I end this charade? No dear master... no indeed. Not till I have what I deserve."