
The Note

I was born in this kingdom, grew up around its citizens and learned its history and culture. My mother fled here in an attempt to escape her kingdom. I never knew why, she never spoke about it. We were treated differently because we were refugees, seeking asylum in this kingdom.

It was plain to see that I was different, I didn't have the pale beige skin of the other citizens or the dark brown and black hair like the rest. I had purple skin and red hair. They called me Diablo and other slurs. My mother always grimaced whenever someone called me that but I accepted them as my name.

When I turned 16 things got worse. Horns started to grow through my thick curly hair and my eyes became glowing gold, pupil-less pools. People knew it was bound to happen, my mother had them. People started to fear me.

I wasn't completely hated. I had some friends. There was Caleb and Xavier. Caleb had dark black hair and brown eyes. He was lean and muscly and stood at about 6feet high. He walked with an air of power and royalty and was my oldest friend. He was our horse. Xavier was a skinny boy with long blonde hair, tanned and always carried a lyre. He was also a stranger to this kingdom. He wore a smirk on his face at all times and made it his mission to make people hate him more than they hated me and I love him for that. His green eyes were not like emeralds but more like a swampy sort of green and his blonde hair wasn't golden but more like a straw colour. He wasn't someone the girls swooned over but he wasn't unattractive. He was just him. Plain.

On the day of my 18th birthday, I woke up to an empty house. I got no greetings from my mother, no notice that she was going out. I left my room at the top of the house and searched everywhere. As I explored my house in search for my mum I found a note on her bed.

"Happy birthday my son.

I have decided to go back, it is my home but not yours. Visit me when you can. I love you

Your mother x"

The note made me uneasy, she had told me before that she'd hope to return back to her kingdom but I always thought she'd take me with her. We weren't incredibly close, she wasn't exactly an open book, but we were family.

I looked for any signs of a struggle, I almost hoped that she'd been taken and not left me but alas, I found nothing that indicated kidnapping.

"Okay. Cool cool cool cool." I said to myself.

Suddenly there was a bang. It shook the house as if the door had been kicked in. Another bang sounded and I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. A third bang exploded and instinct took ahold of my body and I moved towards the wooden door. I slowly opened the door, knife ready in my hand... I was ready for a fight.