
Chapter 8

Words could not express how Buchi felt after speaking with his son. At first, the conversation had been civil until he pushed the wrong button and his son lashed out on him over a not so trivial feud between him and his dad. Buchi understood that his son was upset about his mom's death. It was normal, as anyone would; but what he did not understand was Champion's conviction over the idea that his step mom Jennifer had something to do with it. Unless... his father were behind it, he thought. Buchi flushed at the thought of it. Why was his father poisoning his son's mind and trying to ruin his family — like he did theirs? He tried his best, but could not come up with a plausible explanation, so he called his father.

"I knew you'd call, son" A strong baritone voice spoke from the other end as he called — it was his father.

"Son?" Buchi exploded, infuriated by how he was addressed. "Would a normal father try to steal his SON'S son?" He thundered, but got no response. "You're trying to steal my son because you lost yours, is that it? Then you feed him lies and try to manipulate him to do your bidding — to ruin his own family?" Buchi continued, venting all his emotions on his father.

"You're still naive, son" the man spoke calmly after a brief silence. "Why would I steal something that's already mine? Why would I want to steal your son, when he's already my grandSON?" He chuckled softly, then his voice became harsh. "I did neither of the two things you accuse me of. I'm not stealing YOUR son from you, neither am I feeding him lies. It's very wrong, because the things I've helped him discover are not lies. They're indeed true, because your new wife had something to do with his mom's death!"

"Enough!" Buchi screamed almost at once. "Stop this madness while we're still civil, before I forget you're my father and do something terrible to you" he threatened, but his father chuckled in reply. "It won't be funny when I do. Now forget this issue! Fab (Fabulous) died in a car accident and that's it!"

"And what if it were not so? What if it were something more?" The man said almost as a whisper as his voice trailed off gently like the breeze and he hung up, leaving Buchi stupefied.

Dera woke up early the next day. The excitement of what might transpire between her and Buchi lingered in her subconscious, so much that it could not let her sleep. She shuffled past a moody Edith who was already up, as she slipped into the bathroom. Edith had been that way since yesterday but she did not understand why. Dera was out of the bathroom a few moments later, her skin shimmering like a goldfish's.

"What do you suggest I wear" Dera asked Edith as she stood before her wardrobe, studying the expensive line of clothes.

"What do you think? Just wear anything you feel like. It's not as if you're going on a date" the other replied sarcastically. "I wonder why you're suddenly conscious of your outfit" she muttered.

"Nobody said anything about going on a DATE, Edith." Dera sighed. "Why are you even sounding like this, Edith. Are you mad at me?" Dera asked, taken aback by the other woman's attitude.

"Mad at you? Bloody hell it took you ages to finally realize it" Edith replied, shaking her head in disappointment.

"What has gotten over you, Edith? What have I done wrong?"

"What you've done wrong is being unprofessional. Mind you, I'm excited you finally found your prince charming, but I didn't leave my daughter in London just so you can come here to play Cinderella!"

"So this is what everything is about?" Dera scoffed, realization hitting her. "You're afraid I can't handle myself. You fear for your fat paycheck. Is that it?" She asked rhetorically. "So much for calling you a friend."

"Wow!" Edith exclaimed sharply. "Just so wonderful. It's nice to see what you think of me. You might as well call me a gold digger now. I know that's what you think of me." She said, hurt by the other woman's words.

"I-I'm sorry. I went too far." Dera apologized softly, understanding too that she had blown things out of proportion. She had falsely accused Edith and indirectly called her selfish while it were not so — Edith was a nice person.

Buchi glanced at his watch anxiously as he sat on a coffee table, waiting eagerly for Dera. He was furious that she had the audacity to keep him waiting. He thought himself stupid for even honoring her request. What was he even thinking? He was still caught up in his thoughts that he did not see Dera approaching him, not until she was close.

"Good morning" Dera greeted him, with a smile on her face.

"You're late" Buchi interrupted, rudely.

"No I'm not." Dera replied calmly and the other gave her a questioning look. "I must've gone to use the restroom before you came" she explained.

"Fine! Let's get this over with. What did you come to tell me?" Buchi asked impatiently. He was very eager to get her out of his sight — she was a threat to his mental health.

"I have come to call a truce" Dera answered, announcing her purpose of coming.

"A truce?"

"Yes. Whatever it is that happened between us, I want you to keep them aside. Don't let it cloud your judgments in our business." Dera elucidated

"This meeting was very unnecessary. I'm an adult. I know better than to bring personal issues into official matters." Buchi replied harshly, making no attempt to hide the subtle anger in his voice — he felt insulted. "Besides, WHATEVER it was that happened between us, I've left it in the past already." He added.

"Very well then." Dera announced, signaling the end of their conversation as they had come to a mutual agreement. She was hurt by the other's words, but she tried her best not to show it.

"If you'd excuse me" Buchi said, as he rose from where he sat to leave.

"Wait." Dera suddenly called out, grabbing his hand gently. "Are you not going to ask me why I did it. Are you not going to ask me why I broke up with you?"