
Chapter 15

It had been a tough day for Dera and Edith. They had both been thoroughly spent from working their as off, over some petty chores that were also essential to keep their real estate network spanned across the globe, in check. After they had finished with the minor but cumbersome tasks, they decided to treat themselves to a nice glass of champagne, courtesy of work well done. They were having a nice chit chat over the champagne till Dera struck a sensitive spot that got Edith rolling on the floor in laughter.

"So you mean to tell me, he rejected you?" Edith asked, her eyes widened in amazement.

"Not that he rejected me in that sort of way... I wasn't even making any official advances towards him. It was just a matter of commitment. He couldn't do it because he was committed to his wife." Dera explained carefully, speaking more to herself than her counterpart as if she sought an excuse to soothe her already bruised pride.

"And he left you hanging, longing?" Edith enquired, smiling and again she erupted into laughter, laughing hysterically.

"It was really embarrassing you know... and right now you're making me regret confiding in you." Dera censured Edith, chagrined by her attitude towards the matter. "It was frustrating tho." She confessed once more. "I was a mess, dripping like some idiot under his touch, craving for him to fill me up but he suddenly backed out because of some stupid commitment. I felt like screaming at him for messing with my hormones and leaving me confused and really horny."

"While this is very hilarious, I think you should try to understand him and cut him some slacks." Edith advised her friend after finding a means to control her laughter.

"It's so simple for you to say this because you weren't the one leaking on this bed yesterday." Dera retorted, rolling her eyes at Edith, and again she began to laugh.

"For real, our genitals are really going to seal up considering how much we've abstained from sex. I can even feel my hymen coming back to place." Edith joked casually and they began to laugh.

"I don't know... I'm really beguiled by him. I need him."

"No. What you need is a break" Edith interjected, putting a serious face now. "Aren't you scared?"

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that you're moving too fast. You're rushing things, and I think you need to slow down. Speed kills."

"Well, some things are worth dying for."

While the day had been really hectic to some, to Jennifer it was enjoyable. She was having some personal time back at her place with her mom, sun bathing near the swimming pool area. They were both clad in thin bikinis, chit chatting over a glass of cocktail.

"Men. I don't seem to understand them. They're very difficult to deal with." Jennifer's mom complained, bringing up a new topic.

"I can relate mom."

"Honestly, your father is still an enigma to me. I can't believe that after over forty years of our marriage, I still can't pinpoint exactly what his personality is. One time he's taciturn, the next time he is humorous and open minded and before you blink an eye he has sealed up himself, shutting everyone else away. His mood changes faster than the weather and it's very difficult to keep track."

"I know mom, and that's why you're my favorite parent and not him. At least I can understand you."

"Awww!" Jennifer's mom blushed over the confession. "Well, enough about my man. What about yours?"

"Same as always." Jennifer muttered dryly. "He's beginning to act like dad. One time he's sweet, the next time he's annoying and irritating. I don't blame him tho... I blame myself for falling head over heels in love with him; and he repays me by undervaluing me."

"It feels the same way with your dad. He undervalues me. Actually he undervalues everyone — because he's wealthy."

"They're both just lucky we're monogamous in nature." Jennifer states matter-of-factly.

"Of course!" Her mom agrees. "That reminds me. I heard he came to the charity event — with the boy. What did he want?"

"I have no idea."

"Hope he didn't harass you or say anything stupid, like trying to tell on you?"

"Of course not. I know my father inlaw too well. He's not one to act without evidence and that's something he doesn't have and will never have."

"So he knows you did it... you know, killed her?" Jennifer's mom whispers.

"Yes he suspects."

"Don't you think you're taking things too lightly? What if he tries talking to your husband about it. Even worse, what if he has told him about it?"

"Like I said earlier mom, father inlaw never acts without evidence. And if he did talk to my husband about this, I'd have known already. Buchi is an emotional fool. He can't hide his feelings. And as for father inlaw, if he proves to be a thorn on my flesh, I'd just get rid off him too — permanently."

"And the boy?"

"He's such a cute kid. I really like him mom, but if he stands in my path too, he'll have to go. He'll face the same fate as his mother. I've labored so much to keep Buchi to myself. I've tended to a bruised ego an awful lot of times and have faced humiliations just for him. I won't let some stupid oldman and kid snatch him from me.