
57. Freedom

As they sat surrounded by the fruits of Apollyon's diligent research, Newt, with a sense of satisfaction and anticipation, set aside the stack of notes they had been reviewing. His expression conveyed both the pride he felt in Apollyon's accomplishments and the excitement for what was to come.

"Apollyon," Newt began, his voice carrying a new gravity, "your progress has been nothing short of remarkable. You've not only come to terms with your Obscurial nature but have also harnessed it in a way that benefits both you and the creatures you've worked so closely with."

He paused for a moment, ensuring he had her full attention. "Given the strides you've made, I believe you're ready to take on more challenging responsibilities. Your unique abilities give you an edge, especially in dealing with creatures that others might find... formidable."

Apollyon listened intently, the excitement building within her. The thought of facing new challenges and further expanding her skills was exhilarating.

"There are several creatures within the sanctuary that require a special touch—creatures that have been through significant trauma or possess inherently volatile natures. Your success with the Niffler, and indeed, your bond with Gideon, suggests to me that you're ready to engage with these more challenging cases," Newt explained.

He stood, indicating for Apollyon to follow him. They walked deeper into the sanctuary, to a secluded area that housed some of the more temperamental or dangerous magical beings. Stopping in front of a heavily reinforced enclosure, Newt gestured towards the creature within.

"This is Erebos, a Thunderbird that was injured in a storm and has since been wary of humans. Thunderbirds are powerful and proud creatures, and Erebos is no exception. However, his fear and aggression have made his recovery difficult."

Apollyon peered into the enclosure, her gaze meeting the Thunderbird's piercing eyes. She could sense the creature's wariness, but also its pain and confusion. A sense of determination settled over her; she felt a deep, instinctive pull to help Erebos find peace and healing.

"I want you to work with Erebos," Newt said, watching her reaction closely. "It won't be easy. Thunderbirds are sensitive to emotional energies, and Erebos has been through a lot. But I believe that your empathy and unique connection to your magical nature may be exactly what he needs."

Apollyon turned to Newt, her resolve clear in her eyes. "I'll do whatever it takes to help him. I know what it's like to feel lost and afraid. If I can make a difference for Erebos, I'm ready to try."

Newt nodded, pleased with her response. "I have every confidence in you, Apollyon. Remember, this is about building trust and understanding. Take your time, and let Erebos set the pace. Your journey with him will be another step in your incredible journey, and I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

The introduction between Apollyon and Erebos was a delicate dance of patience and understanding, carried out under the watchful eye of Newt and the sheltering sky of the sanctuary. Erebos, the Thunderbird, perched with a majestic yet wary presence inside his enclosure, his feathers a stormy blend of dark greys and electric blues, shimmering with suppressed power.

Apollyon approached the enclosure slowly, her movements deliberate and respectful. She remembered Newt's advice: to let Erebos set the pace and to approach with openness and empathy. She paused at a respectful distance, close enough to be seen but far enough to give Erebos space.

"Hello, Erebos," she spoke softly, her voice laced with warmth. "I'm Apollyon. I'm here to help you, if you'll let me."

Erebos shifted on his perch, his keen eyes fixed on her, the intensity in his gaze like the calm before a storm. Apollyon felt a stirring within her, her Obscurial nature responding to the Thunderbird's powerful magical aura. She focused on projecting calm and kindness, tapping into the emotional language that had helped her connect with other creatures in the past.

Apollyon knelt, placing a small offering of food—a mix of seeds and small fruits known to be favored by Thunderbirds—on the ground near the enclosure's edge. Then she stepped back, giving Erebos the opportunity to approach on his own terms.

Minutes passed in quiet anticipation. Apollyon maintained her calm demeanor, her eyes softly fixed on Erebos, communicating her intentions through her presence. She thought of her journey, of the fears she had overcome, and of the trust she had built with creatures like Gideon. She willed Erebos to sense her sincerity, her desire to understand and support him.

Gradually, Erebos unfurled his magnificent wings, a slow, deliberate action that sent ripples of air through the enclosure. He descended from his perch, his movements graceful and controlled. Landing near the food, he paused, eyeing Apollyon cautiously before tentatively pecking at the seeds and fruits.

As Erebos ate, Apollyon spoke in gentle tones, sharing words of encouragement and assurance. "You're safe here, Erebos. I know the world can be a stormy place, but there's peace to be found as well. Let's find it together."

Erebos's reaction was subtle, but Apollyon sensed a shift. The wary tension in his posture eased ever so slightly, a sign that her message was reaching him. She knew this was just the beginning of a long journey, but it was a start—a glimmer of trust in the eye of the storm.

Over the following days, Apollyon continued her visits to Erebos's enclosure, each time bringing food, speaking softly, and sharing space with the Thunderbird. She was patient, never rushing or forcing the interaction, allowing Erebos to grow more comfortable with her presence at his own pace.

Slowly, the distance between them lessened. Erebos began to greet her arrivals with a low, rumbling call, a sound that Apollyon felt resonate within her, a harmonious blend of their energies. There were moments when she would sing softly, a melody without words, and Erebos would respond, his feathers rippling in the light, creating a visual symphony that mirrored her song.

This growing bond between Apollyon and Erebos, nurtured by patience and mutual understanding, marked a significant turning point in Erebos's rehabilitation. Apollyon's daily visits became a source of comfort for the Thunderbird, and with each encounter, his initial caution gave way to a cautious curiosity, and eventually, to a semblance of trust.

Newt observed these interactions with a keen interest, noting the remarkable progress they represented. "Apollyon, your connection with Erebos is extraordinary," he remarked one afternoon as they watched Erebos stretch his wings, a sign of his increasing comfort and strength. "You've managed to reach him in ways I hadn't thought possible. It's a testament to your empathy and your unique bond with magical creatures."

Encouraged by Newt's words and Erebos's progress, Apollyon began to introduce more complex elements into their interactions, aimed at stimulating Erebos's natural behaviors and instincts. She incorporated elements of play and exploration into their sessions, using enchanted toys that mimicked the movement of clouds and storms, appealing to Erebos's affinity for the sky.

One day, Apollyon brought a large, enchanted sphere that floated and moved unpredictably, simulating the unpredictable nature of a storm. Erebos watched with keen interest, his body tense with anticipation. At Apollyon's gentle encouragement, he launched into the air, his powerful wings beating with renewed vigor as he chased the sphere around the enclosure.

The sight of Erebos soaring with such grace and power brought a surge of joy to Apollyon's heart. She felt a deep sense of accomplishment, not only in aiding his physical recovery but in helping to reignite his spirit. The Thunderbird's engagement with the activity was a clear sign of his improving confidence and physical health.

As the weeks passed, Apollyon and Newt began to discuss the next steps in Erebos's rehabilitation. "He's showing remarkable improvements," Newt observed during one of their planning sessions. "I believe it's time to start thinking about reintroducing him to larger spaces. Eventually, we'll need to prepare him for a return to the wild, where he belongs."

Apollyon nodded in agreement, though the thought of Erebos leaving filled her with a bittersweet feeling. She had grown attached to the magnificent Thunderbird, but she knew that their ultimate goal was to see him free, soaring the skies where he could truly thrive.

Together, they devised a gradual plan to acclimate Erebos to more extensive flying sessions, starting within the controlled environment of a larger, open-air enclosure within the sanctuary. These sessions were designed to strengthen his muscles, improve his flying skills, and build his confidence in navigating larger spaces.

Throughout this process, Apollyon remained a constant presence, supporting Erebos with encouragement and reassurance. She was there when he took his first tentative flights in the larger enclosure, and she was there as he grew more assured, his flights becoming longer and more confident.

As Erebos continued to progress, Apollyon knew that the day of his release was drawing near. It would be a day of triumph and tears, a celebration of his journey back to the wild, and a poignant farewell to a creature who had taught her so much about strength, healing, and the profound connections that could be forged between beings of different worlds.

The day of Erebos's release dawned clear and bright, a fitting backdrop for the significant moment that lay ahead. The entire sanctuary seemed to buzz with a quiet anticipation, as if the magical creatures within its confines sensed the importance of the day. Apollyon rose early, her heart a tumult of emotions—pride in Erebos's recovery, sadness at the impending farewell, and hope for his future in the wild.

As she approached the open-air enclosure for their final session, Apollyon found Erebos perched majestically, his feathers catching the morning light in a dazzling display of colors. She paused, allowing herself a moment to admire his beauty and strength, a testament to the journey they had undertaken together.

Newt joined her, carrying a small case of items that would aid in Erebos's transition back to his natural habitat. "It's a big day, for both of you," he said, offering Apollyon an encouraging smile. "Erebos is ready, thanks to your dedication and care. This is what we've been working towards."

Together, they entered the enclosure for the last time. Apollyon approached Erebos, her movements slow and deliberate. She spoke softly, her voice tinged with emotion. "This is your day, Erebos. You're going home, where you can fly free, as you were always meant to."

Erebos tilted his head, regarding Apollyon with an intensity that spoke volumes. It was as if he understood the significance of her words, the depth of the bond they shared.

Newt and Apollyon proceeded with the release preparations, attaching a small, magical tracker to Erebos that would allow the sanctuary to monitor his adaptation to the wild without interfering with his freedom. Apollyon offered Erebos one final enchanted toy, a small token of their time together, which he accepted with a gentle nudge.

The moment had arrived. The gates of the enclosure were opened, leading out to the expansive skies that awaited Erebos. Apollyon stepped back, her heart swelling with a complex mix of emotions as she watched the Thunderbird take in the vastness before him.

With a powerful leap, Erebos launched into the air, his wings unfurling in a magnificent display of strength and grace. Apollyon and Newt watched in awe as he soared higher and higher, his form becoming a silhouette against the brightening sky.

Erebos circled above them once, a final acknowledgment of the bonds that had been formed and the journey they had shared, before he turned and flew towards the horizon, embracing his freedom with every beat of his powerful wings.

Tears filled Apollyon's eyes as she watched Erebos disappear into the distance, her heart both heavy and light. "Fly high and free, Erebos," she whispered, a silent prayer for his safety and happiness.

Newt placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You've done something remarkable, Apollyon. Erebos's return to the wild is a victory for all magical creatures. Your compassion, patience, and understanding have given him a second chance at life."

As they turned to leave the enclosure, Apollyon felt a sense of peace settle over her. The journey with Erebos had been one of incredible growth and discovery, teaching her about the resilience of the magical world and the power of connection.


A few weeks after the poignant farewell to Erebos, Apollyon found herself on a new mission, one that extended the sanctuary's ethos of care and protection into the wider magical world. Armed with her growing expertise and a fierce determination to make a difference, she joined a small team assembled by Newt to combat a surge in poaching activities targeting rare and endangered magical creatures.

The operation was set in a remote, wild expanse that was a known habitat for several vulnerable species. The team had received intelligence about a group of poachers planning to capture Mooncalves, gentle creatures whose luminescent horns were highly prized on the black market.

As dusk fell, casting long shadows across the rugged landscape, Apollyon and the team concealed themselves near a clearing known to be frequented by Mooncalves during their nocturnal foraging. The plan was simple yet fraught with danger: wait in ambush, apprehend the poachers when they arrived, and ensure the safety of the Mooncalves.

Apollyon felt a thrill of anticipation mixed with a deep sense of responsibility. Her eyes, now a striking mix of red and purple, scanned the darkness, her Obscurial nature attuned to the pulse of magical life around her. She whispered softly, a charm that enhanced their concealment, a testament to her mastery over her powers.

The hours passed, the night alive with the sounds of the wild, each rustle and call heightening the tension. Apollyon remained vigilant, her focus unwavering, the lessons learned from her time with Erebos and other creatures at the sanctuary fueling her resolve.

Suddenly, there was movement on the edge of the clearing. Shadows emerged, figures moving with purposeful stealth. Apollyon tensed, recognizing the poachers' approach. She signaled silently to her teammates, each of them prepared for the confrontation ahead.

As the poachers entered the clearing, their intentions clear from the nets and magical cages they carried, Apollyon and the team sprang into action. With precision and coordination honed by their shared commitment to protecting magical creatures, they launched a counterattack.

As the silhouette of the poachers melded with the twilight shadows of the clearing, Apollyon tensed, her focus narrowing to the task at hand. Hidden among the underbrush with her team, she knew the importance of striking with precision and stealth. The silence of the waiting moments was thick, charged with the potential of what was to come.

In the quiet before the storm, Apollyon's eyes—vivid with their unusual hues—darted across the clearing, marking the positions of the intruders as they crept closer, unaware of the ambush lying in wait. Her breath was slow and controlled, her body poised to react. The tranquility of the surrounding wilderness contrasted sharply with the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Then, with a subtlety that belied the power behind the gesture, Apollyon initiated the engagement without a sound. Her wand, an extension of her will, moved in a fluid, practiced arc, casting a spell designed not to harm but to disorient. The air around the poachers seemed to shimmer momentarily, a visual cue invisible to the untrained eye but catastrophic to their coordination. One stumbled, his foot catching on nothing at all, a testament to the spell's efficacy.

Next to her, a teammate complemented her silent assault by snuffing out the artificial lights the poachers carried. Darkness enveloped the clearing, deepened only by the natural glow of the moon and the soft, otherworldly light emanating from the Mooncalves. It was in this juxtaposed darkness that the team's training shone brightest, their actions harmonized through a shared commitment to protection and justice.

Without a word, Apollyon shifted her focus, targeting the tools of the poachers' cruel intent. Another gesture, another silent incantation, and the nets and cages meant to trap the innocent became ensnared themselves, caught in a web of magical energy invisible and inescapable. The poachers reached for their equipment in confusion, only to find their tools unyielding, as if bound by the very air.

When one of the poachers reacted, a hint of panic edging into his movements as he aimed his wand in a desperate counterattack, Apollyon was already ahead. With a precision born of both practice and instinct, she launched a binding spell. Ropes of energy, luminescent and strong, sprang forth from her wand, wrapping around him with an efficiency that precluded any possibility of escape. He was rendered harmless, a silent figure now just watching as his plans unraveled.

This opening salvo, executed with the stealth and coordination of a well-practiced team, set the tone for the encounter.

The engagement, initiated by Apollyon's precise magic, set off a chain reaction, each team member playing their part with the cohesion of a well-oiled machine. The darkness, now their ally, became a canvas for the ballet of spells and strategy that unfolded in the clearing.

As the initial disorientation took hold, the poachers found themselves not just fighting against the team but also against an environment suddenly turned hostile. The second poacher, attempting to rally, raised his wand in the direction he suspected the attack had come from. Before he could utter a spell, another team member, concealed by the shadows, cast a silencing charm. The words died in his throat, his confusion palpable in the moonlit darkness.

From the left flank, another of Apollyon's teammates launched a charm designed to mimic the sounds of approaching creatures, exploiting the poachers' disarray. The sound of heavy footsteps and the rustle of underbrush on all sides created an illusion of encroachment, further unnerving the trapped men.

Apollyon, maintaining her focus, moved onto her next target. With the grace of a shadow, she navigated the darkened terrain, her next spell ready. A gust of wind, directed by her wand, swept through the clearing, scattering the poachers' remaining equipment, ensuring that no tools of entrapment could be used against the innocent creatures they sought to protect.

The team worked in unison, their spells non-lethal but effective, designed to incapacitate and outmaneuver. One poacher, caught off-guard by a sudden burst of magical wind, lost his footing and found himself ensnared in the same type of net he had intended for the Mooncalves. The irony of his predicament was not lost on the team, a silent statement on the fate of those who sought to harm the magical creatures of the forest.

As the last of the poachers realized the futility of resistance, he dropped his wand, surrendering to the inevitable. The team, emerging from their cover like wraiths of the forest, moved in to secure the poachers with binding spells, ensuring they posed no further threat.

The operation culminated in the careful binding and magical marking of each poacher, ensuring they could be tracked and delivered to the appropriate authorities for their crimes against magical creatures. Apollyon, surveying the scene with a mixture of relief and resolve, felt a deep connection to the cause she had fought for tonight. The safety of the Mooncalves, glimpsed in the distance as they returned to their foraging, free from the threat of capture, was a tangible reward for their efforts.

Newt, joining Apollyon as they watched the creatures they had protected, placed a hand on her shoulder. "Your leadership tonight was invaluable, Apollyon. The poachers never stood a chance against such coordination and skill. You've shown that our mission extends beyond the sanctuary's borders; we are guardians of these magical beings wherever they may be."

The operation was a success, not just in the immediate protection it afforded the Mooncalves but in the message it sent to those who would threaten the magical world's delicate balance. For Apollyon, the experience solidified her commitment to this cause, a vow to stand as a protector of all magical creatures, leveraging her unique abilities and the knowledge gained from her time with Newt and the sanctuary.