
Bride Of Death

The world has a way of showing spite and scorning the weak, pecking at them until they are to be left for rot, it's an unforgiving place, cruel and vile, it didn't give Alicia much but still took all she had. Killed by her townsfolk for witchcraft, she awaited the afterlife, but instead she awakened in a bizarre new world in another person's body. In this new world, magic was of norms, but the cruelty of existence manifested itself as humanity battled against death born creatures, and only the strong are allowed to survive. Gaining a system from an unknown entity. There's Something about gods wanting to kill her too. This complicates everything. She'll have to strive to survive, become strong and ascend with her death system, maybe kill a deity or two. That was her plan till she met this pale handsome god.

Nimble_Thyme · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


A blob like figure drifted through a sea of shifting colors and sounds, abstract shapes and forms swirled around the entity, shifting and morphing as they watched helplessly.

The colorful scenery vanished abruptly and was immediately replaced by total darkness, an eerie and chilling type.

This left the creature suspended in the midst of nothingness unable to react or affect it's surrounding.

Parts of the darkness in front of it's form peeled open slowly to reveal two collosal gleaming eyes, casting a blue glow that dominated the landscape, it's size towering the blob like figure a million times over.

Massive eyes peered at the creature in a scrutinizing manner.

It's assessment came to an end as it closed very slowly, leaving the surroundings in darkness once more.

The dissaperance of the collosal eyes brought a strange blue glowing board spelling the words reanimate, underneath which were the options [yes/no].

Forcibly, the blob was prodded to choose the option yes, a decision not of it's own, presumably an unseen entity, maybe a work of the collosal eyes.

The words on the board were replaced, and now spelt soul synchronizing which loaded from one percent to a hundred as the scene exploded in a blue flash.

Eyelids fluttered open bringing a starry night sky into view, a groan escaped the figure's lips as they slowly became aware of their surroundings, intense feelings and emotions hit them hard, loneliness and longing were the most prominent.

The ground beneath was quite damp and unsettlingly soft, a putrid smell also prevailed, as a ghastly truth unfolded before their eyes.

Surrounded by lifeless bodies, the figure was laying in the midst of a dead body dump.

A shiver crawled down their spine as fragmented memories clawed their way to the surface.

She touched her neck when memories of the cold touch of the executioner's blade, the whispers of accusations, and the condemning gaze of those who believed in her witchcraft emerged from her mind.

She should have been dead, her head separated from her body, but instead, she found herself in this grotesque graveyard.

Was this the afterlife?,she couldn't quite fathom what was going on, so many questions piled in her head, but nobody to answer.

As Alicia struggled to make sense of her surreal existence, the stillness of the forest was shattered by guttural growls.

The shadows revealed grotesque figures, monstrous entities that prowled among the discarded corpses.

Panic seized her as she realized the true horror that surrounded her, these were not just lifeless bodies, but a feast for the ravenous beasts that now lurked in the darkness.

With a surge of fear, Alicia scrambled to her feet, the soft soil clinging to her clothes.

The monsters, drawn by the scent of both death and the living, turned their attention towards her.

In a desperate bid for survival, she fled through the labyrinth of twisted trees facing the dumpyard of dead bodies, entering into a deadly looking forest, haunted by the memory of her own execution and the monstrous reality that now threatened to consume her.

She ran along a mysteriously cleared path, moving as fast as her hungered and thirsty body could move.

Cloaked in tattered rags, Alicia moved through the moonlit forest with an urgency born of desperation.

The monsters, remained a relentless threat. Her bare feet navigated the uneven ground, and the chilling night air clung to the remnants of her attire.

The whispers of the forest seemed to go against her as she stumbled upon a stone, dislocating her ankle, the dilapidated ruins of a forgotten era loomed in the distance. The skeletal remains of a modern civilization rose from the foliage, a stark contrast to the medieval world she knew. A confused look braced her face for a second before she recalled her predicament.

A look of horror plastered itself on her mug as she stood and limped.

She limped with everything she had as a monster pounced on her, she closed her eyes, raised her hands and screamed expecting death...but it never came.

She opened her eyes to the back of a man, a giant of a man, who seemed to be made of stone, he lifted the massive wolf monster wanting to feast on her and threw it high into the sky as it was engulfed in flames, shot by a woman who looked like a witch, the monster convulsed and shriveled into ashes.

Alicia took a good look around and saw three more individuals, looking as menancing as the first two.

One had the likeness of a reptile, he was scaled man with yellow hungry eyes.

The other man was the most cheerful looking of the bunch, gracing a mechanical looking smile and wore strange mettalic apparel.

The third was hard to propose a gender to, looking very lavish and dressed stylishly, a neutral expression graced their face.

'The witch' who posed as the supposed leader issued commands to the mechanical smiling chap and the queer like man-woman, "take the little girl and go, avoid the fiends, we'll tackle any on your tail".

Alicia felt very confused on the little girl that was mentioned, she was very well going to be in her twenties soon, and here she was being called little.

The smiling chap looked at her and said in a friendly voice " hello little one, uncle Killian will be taking you to a safe place, away from all the scary monsters.

He grabbed her, threw her on his back and took flight, Alicia felt light, a bit too light, she was small and weightless like a child.

The girl was awed and frightened at the same time, accounting the man's ability to fly as witchcraft, she wasn't as disoriented because of the monsters she had witnessed.

The queer moved on ground, running admist the forest trees in a speed matching the flying man.

The flying man for the first time broke character as a frown and a tinge of worry graced his face, his eyes darted around endlessly.

"It's here, can you feel it", Killian asked his queer comrade.

" You mean they're here", the queer responded in a man's voice.

"Get the hell down", the now he added with urgency in his voice.

The flying man hastily got down, and whispered, "they'll find us out even if we hide" , he sighed " I'm so tired of these things" he put Alicia down, took out a potion and encouraged her to drink, gracing his signature smile.

"Now you're going to run for me girl, no for you, if you want to live". He explained to her.

" W... Where... To" . Alicia stammered.

He held her shoulders and pointed straight to an ethereal dome housing a looming tower in it's middle, " that's where you're going, girl".

"W... Who... Are you... F... Fellows" the girl inquired.

"We are reckoners, little one" Killian responded.

With uncertainty etched on her face, Alicia pressed on, her every step an arduous journey toward the elusive sanctuary.

As she reached the outskirts of the ruins, she attracted monsters, those fueled by an insatiable hunger, began their pursuit.

The crumbling structures of forgotten architecture provided fleeting cover as Alicia weaved through the decaying remnants of a time long past.

The cold wind carried the echoes of forgotten lives, whispering secrets of a world that had succumbed to the ravages of time.

Alicia's journey, from her execution to reawakening, mirrored her internal struggle. Clad in rags that bore witness to the trials she faced, she sought refuge with the reckoners, hoping that within the skeletal remains of civilization, she would find answers to the dead body dumpyard, the relentless monsters, and the mystery of her own resurrection.

Running through a dilapidated building, the girl was struck hard with a large stick and as she lost consciousness she saw herself being surrounded by blue people.

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