
Bride Of Death

The world has a way of showing spite and scorning the weak, pecking at them until they are to be left for rot, it's an unforgiving place, cruel and vile, it didn't give Alicia much but still took all she had. Killed by her townsfolk for witchcraft, she awaited the afterlife, but instead she awakened in a bizarre new world in another person's body. In this new world, magic was of norms, but the cruelty of existence manifested itself as humanity battled against death born creatures, and only the strong are allowed to survive. Gaining a system from an unknown entity. There's Something about gods wanting to kill her too. This complicates everything. She'll have to strive to survive, become strong and ascend with her death system, maybe kill a deity or two. That was her plan till she met this pale handsome god.

Nimble_Thyme · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Dine and Run

The lanky man slowly stood up and stared over at the corpse of his opponent, a somber expression crossing his features as he surveyed the aftermath of their battle. Despite the victory, there was no triumph in his gaze, only a quiet acknowledgment of the superior battle prowess of the bald man.

With an unreadable expression, he turned away from the fallen inmate and set out in search of the girl amidst the chaos of the ongoing fight.

Dodging blows and weaving through the melee with practiced ease, the lanky man moved with purpose, his senses sharp and his instincts honed by years of training. With each step, he scanned the tumultuous battlefield, searching for any sign of the girl's presence amidst the chaos and confusion.

And then, amidst the clash of steel and the roar of combat, he spotted her a lone figure, battered but unbowed, her eyes alight with a fierceness that was strange. With a sense of relief flooding through him, the lanky man moved to her side, his steps quickening as he closed the distance between them.

As he reached her, he was met with a chilling sight. Instead of relief or recognition, her crimson gaze bore into him with a cold intensity, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hostility that sent a shiver down his spine.

Before he could react, the girl lunged forward with a desperate ferocity, her broken body betraying her determination to fight despite the odds stacked against her. The lanky man moved swiftly to subdue her, his training and reflexes guiding his actions as he gently restrained her thrashing form.

As the lanky man approached the girl amidst the chaos of the battlefield, he was met with a chilling sight. Instead of relief or recognition, her gaze bore into him with a cold intensity, her eyes reflecting a glimmer of hostility that sent a shiver down his spine.

Before he could react, the girl lunged forward with a desperate ferocity, her broken body betraying her determination to fight despite the odds stacked against her. The lanky man moved swiftly to subdue her, his training and reflexes guiding his actions as he gently restrained her thrashing form.

With the girl subdued and unconscious, the lanky man swiftly turned his attention to another fighter amidst the chaos. Grasping him firmly, he forced the fighter to kneel before him, his brows furrowed together.

He read the inmates mind, seeing things from his point of view as the girl passed his dungeon, going further down only to be grabbed, pulled closer, then flung away.

He saw the girl awakened with a new demeanor and snapped all the runes that bound the prison doors and lead the prisoners.

The chain of events simply did not make sense, but he understood, after all he had put the individual who stole the girl's body in prison.

He summoned his glaive and cut the prisoner's head before moving towards the prison, girl in arm hopefully to find a way to restore her body.

He made his way to the cell and cut down the runes, crouching to observe the body of the thief, the prisoner wore a dark tattered cloak that obstructed their face, which he removed to find a blank face.

The person was loaded with artifacts, and one was obstructing their face.

"You never change, do you, the man sighed. As his hand delved into the cloak, he pulled out a pendant charm.

The man squeezed hard and broke the charm, rearranged the dungeon runes and left with the girl on his shoulder.

[Recalibrating host]

[Player 6 has been rejuvenated].

Eyes flew open as Alicia stood upright,

Her head bounced all around as she took in her surroundings, only for her to see that she was in the same room she was put when the outcasts found her, a dark dingy room.

Her stomach grumbled, reminding her how tired and hungry she was from fighting without having food, this made her hold her stomach as she moved towards the door and opened, this time nobody was there to meet her, she made her way to the hall of outcasts.

The young girl graced the matriarch who reclined in a strangely masculine manner on a majestic black ancient throne, strangely decorated by stunning gemstones at the far end of the hall, this must have been the throne room for whatever entity lived in the veil once before.

Her two instructors stood on each side of the throne

The outcast's jittering was halted as they noticed the girl, looks of confusion, anger and an emotion that seemed familiar.

It was then she remembered all that had occured from her stupid fling of curiousity.

Her head drooped low, her arm held the other in an awkward pose as she had suddenly felt timid about almost putting the entirety of the veil in jeopardy.

The matriarch's posture and face softened as she beckoned on the girl to approach her.

Alicia obliged and slowly trudged from one end of the hall into the arms of the blue matriarch who enveloped her in a hug.

"I'm sorry" Alicia whispered, worried that they would kick her into the maws of fleshfiends.

"It's okay child...anybody can make a mistake, you are a special child, destined for great things". The matriarch responded.

" In spite of it all...you are safe, nothing's happened to you and that's all that matters" she continued cheerfully in her wise tone of voice.

Alicia felt safe and reassured in the embrace of the matriarch, almost like the mother she never had, Alicia closed her eyes and reveled in the moment.

This was interrupted by the voice of her weapons instructor.

"Matriarch... I suggest we punish the girl for her trespasses, as that is the way we are organized".

The motherly smile soon turned into a hideous scowl directed at the weapons master Latia, which made her freeze in her tracks, as sweat poured down her face.

Alicia could feel a chilling pressure making her shake uncontrollably.

" You seem to have taken a stance on my incompetence...Latia, why don't you lead us instead.

The woman with the bloated head knelt down in fear as she pleaded and begged.

"I'm sorry matriarch, I did not mean to go against you in any way, please forgive me.

The matriarch sighed as her smile returned," you are forgiven Latia".

She then faced the little girl in front of her," you must be hungry, chosen one".

As if being a paid actor, Alicia's stomach rumbled as she blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

The matriarch looked up and gazed upon boriath the hulking man, who she then commanded to take Alicia to the diner and make sure she is well fed.

The man bowed to the matriarch before signaling Alicia to follow him.

He led the girl through one of the vast hallways of the veil.

" You are very lucky to have survived the ordeal, child".

" Lance really came through for you, which makes me wonder why, he's a selfish and tricky one that lad". Boriath continued.

"Lance saved me right". She shivered as she remembered almost dying in someone else's body.

She also wondered if the individual was still in the cell, she had a lot of questions.

"Mr... um... boriath, why are you different from the others. She mustered the courage to ask as she looked up to the giant of a man.

A well mannered laugh escaped his mouth as he looked down at her with a twinkle in his eye, "that's a great question, Alicia, I'm here because I believe in the cause of the veil people".

"You see, I believe the factions have gotten things wrong, they are simply content with adapting to a world that is a formal shell of the original". He continued as they braced the mess hall, trying to ignore the noise.

As they stepped into the grand mess hall, the little girl gazed around in wonder, her eyes wide with awe at the vast expanse before her. The hall was a bustling hive of activity, filled with the sounds of clinking cutlery, hearty laughter, and animated conversation.

The large man by her side chuckled softly at her reaction, his deep voice carrying a warmth and reassurance as he spoke. "Quite the sight, isn't it?" he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he observed her wide-eyed fascination.

The little girl nodded eagerly, her small hand clutching tightly to the man's massive fingers as they navigated their way through the sea of bustling diners. "It's so big!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement as she took in the grandeur of their surroundings.

As they made their way towards an empty table in the corner of the hall, the large man leaned down to speak to the girl, his voice gentle and kind. "You'll get used to it," he assured her, his words carrying a reassuring warmth that eased her nerves.

Taking a seat at the table, they settled in amidst the lively chatter of their fellow diners, who seemed to pay no attention to the girl and her guide, the little girl's eyes sparkling with anticipation as she awaited their meal.

"I'll continue after the meal" , boriath assured.

As the meal was served, the little girl's eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. Arrayed on the table was a strange assortment of dishes, each more exotic than the last. There were steaming bowls of savory stew, rich with fragrant spices and tender chunks of meat, alongside platters of roasted vegetables, their vibrant colors a feast for the eyes.

The large man chuckled at the girl's expression, his own plate piled high with the eclectic array of delicacies. "A bit different from what you're used to, huh?" he remarked, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he surveyed the spread before them.

But as the little girl tentatively took her first bite, her doubts were swept away by the explosion of flavors that danced upon her tongue. The stew was hearty and robust, each spoonful bursting with the warmth of home-cooked comfort, while the roasted vegetables melted in her mouth, their natural sweetness mingling with the smoky richness of the spices.

With each bite, the little girl found herself drawn further into the culinary masterpiece before her, her initial apprehension giving way to sheer delight at the unexpected deliciousness of the meal. And as she shared in the simple joy of good food and good company, she felt a sense of belonging that warmed her heart like nothing else.

As the meal drew to a close, the large man leaned in with a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine warmth. "I promised we'd continue our conversation after the meal, didn't I?" he said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

"Run Away", he switched his demeanor abruptly.