
Bride Of Death

The world has a way of showing spite and scorning the weak, pecking at them until they are to be left for rot, it's an unforgiving place, cruel and vile, it didn't give Alicia much but still took all she had. Killed by her townsfolk for witchcraft, she awaited the afterlife, but instead she awakened in a bizarre new world in another person's body. In this new world, magic was of norms, but the cruelty of existence manifested itself as humanity battled against death born creatures, and only the strong are allowed to survive. Gaining a system from an unknown entity. There's Something about gods wanting to kill her too. This complicates everything. She'll have to strive to survive, become strong and ascend with her death system, maybe kill a deity or two. That was her plan till she met this pale handsome god.

Nimble_Thyme · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


The deathforged wanderer awaited a respond her curious mind prodded her to anticipate it piqued as she delved into the topic of Boriath, the enigmatic figure who had once served the Matriarch. She shot the Watcher a probing look, her eyes alight with curiosity.

"So, spill the beans, Watcher," she said, her tone laced with intrigue. "What's the deal with this Boriath character? Why'd he leave the Matriarch's service, and what's he up to now?"

The Watcher's expression grew more somber as he considered Alicia's question. "Boriath..." he began, his voice trailing off for a moment before he continued. "Let's just say he's a complicated man with his own agenda. He used to be one of the Matriarch's most trusted advisors, but something changed. Now, he's a bit of a wild card, if you catch my drift."

Alicia nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the Watcher's words. Before she could press him for more information, however, a sudden urgency gripped her. She glanced around the chamber, a sense of unease creeping over her.

"I appreciate the spar, Watcher," she said, her voice tinged with urgency, "but I think it's time for me to go. Something doesn't feel right."

The Watcher nodded in understanding, his expression serious. "Trust your instincts, princess," he replied, his tone grave. "But before you go, remember this: sometimes, knowing too much can be dangerous. Be careful who you trust."

With a final nod, Alicia turned to leave, her mind buzzing with questions and uncertainties. As she made her way through the ancient halls of the Veil, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, her encounter with the Watcher leaving her with more questions than answers. But one thing was certain she needed to tread carefully if she wanted to survive in this treacherous world.

As Alicia cautiously navigated her way out of the Watcher's chamber, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every shadow seemed to conceal unseen eyes, and every creak of the ancient floorboards sent a jolt of apprehension through her.

With each step, she moved with silent determination, her senses finely tuned to her surroundings. As she reached the doorway, she paused, casting a wary glance over her shoulder, half-expecting something to happen .

But the corridor remained silent and still, save for the faint flicker of torchlight casting dancing shadows on the walls. With a steadying breath, Alicia slipped out into the dimly lit hallway, her heart pounding in her chest as she crept towards the grand stairs that would lead her to the main hall of the outcasts.

As she ascended the stairs, Alicia's nerves were on edge, her every sense alert for any sign of danger. The air grew thick with tension, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon her with each passing moment.

"It seems the skill spectral insight was really working a little too well.

Finally, she reached the top of the stairs and stepped out onto the landing, the imposing double doors of the main hall looming before her. With a deep breath, Alicia pushed open the doors and entered the hall, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of movement.

To her relief, the hall was empty save for a few scattered outcasts going about their business. With a sense of cautious relief, Alicia made her way through the hall, her footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor.

As she reached the far end of the hall, she spotted a familiar figure sitting on a throne, watching her with keen interest. It was the matriarch, her piercing blue eyes locking onto Alicia's with a hint of curiosity.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Alicia realized gut feeling that her run ins with the Watcher had not been going unnoticed.

But as she met the matriarch's gaze head-on, she met a motherly smile on her face.

This encouraged her to approach the matriarch and give a small bow of greeting, her heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination.

"Your Grace," Alicia began, her voice steady despite the nerves coursing through her veins, "I come seeking answers."

The matriarch's smile widened, her gaze flickering with curiosity as she regarded Alicia. "Ah, my dear child," she said, her voice smooth as silk, "what brings you to my presence today?"

Alicia's resolve hardened as she recalled their previous conversation. "You promised to enlighten me about the factions, the Veil, and all the secrets of this world," she reminded the matriarch, her tone firm.

The matriarch's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of something unreadable passing through her eyes. But then, with a graceful wave of her hand, she lightly dismissed Alicia's request.

"Now is not the time, my dear," the matriarch replied, her tone gentle yet final. "Yes, you have gained strength, but you have not earned the knowledge I'm to give." Her eyes stared straight into Alicia's, "Learn that patience is a virtue." She finished.

Alicia felt a surge of frustration rising within her, but she suppressed it, knowing that she couldn't afford to antagonize the only somewhat motherly figure she had. With another respectful bow, she appealed to the matriarch's dismissal, though the burning desire for answers still smoldered within her.

"Ok, I understand" Alicia sighed.

With that, Alicia turned and made her way out of the grand hall, her mind racing with thoughts of the mysteries that lay shrouded in secrecy within the Veil.

The matriarch seemed to hold more secrets than she could ever tell her, what could it be and how did it relate to her?

A flashback of the large man boriath telling her to run crossed her mind, giving her more reason to suspect the validity of everything.

She also wondered what had happened to the group who helped her when she had almost been killed by fiends the "Reckoners"or something, questions popped up in her head like what was their own goal? Did they die when they helped her? Did they ever look for her?

Trying so hard to save her must have been really important to them as they could have easily abandoned her to die or not even bothered to help her.

Maybe they even helped out of the benevolence of their heart, but people don't mostly do that unless it's convenient. Alicia held herself as a bit naive but she was not stupid, knowing people do favours when they wanted something.

She let out a yawn as she noted to herself to ask Watcher Lance about these "Reckoners" later, she grimaced and rubbed her head as she felt a throbbing headache grow in her cranium.

These had been quite frequent and had really started to become quite an annoyance, the girl tried to remember if there was any physicians around.

Come to think of it, she had forgotten all about the Reckoners for a long time, was she so forgetful, seldom forgetting things, just like that didn't sit right.

The girl stopped in front of her new room's door and breathed for a few moments before stepping in, cleaning herself up and then having a good rest.

Watcher Lance sighed as he moved through the veil's grand corridor, blending with the shadows and making sure everything was going smoothly.

As the Watcher prowled the dim corridors of the Veil, his form melding seamlessly with the shadows, he remained ever vigilant, his senses attuned to the slightest hint of danger. With silent footsteps, he moved with practiced grace, his keen eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of intruders or disturbances.

Approaching the throne room, the Watcher expected to find the queen or her attendants, but to his surprise, the room was empty, bathed in an eerie silence that sent a chill down his spine. It was an unusual sight, one that set his instincts on edge.

Frowning, the Watcher cautiously entered the throne room, his eyes darting from corner to corner as he searched for any sign of life. But the room remained still, its emptiness a stark contrast to the usual bustling activity.

Sensing that something was amiss, the Watcher approached the grand throne, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor.

As the Watcher ventured deeper into the inner chambers of the Veil, he moved with cautious determination, his footsteps echoing softly against the stone floors. The Watcher's senses remained alert as he scanned his surroundings for any hidden dangers.

He transversed through a chamber opening in the throne room that led to several corridors and chambers, which led the Watcher to stumble upon a concealed mechanism hidden behind a torch holder.

With a deft touch, the Watcher manipulated the mechanism, causing a section of the floor to slide open with a low rumble. Peering into the darkness below, he hesitated for a moment before descending into the depths, the faint glow of a torchlight he snatched snguiding his way.

As he navigated the labyrinthine passages beneath the Veil, the Watcher's senses tingled with anticipation. He knew that he was drawing closer to uncovering the truth behind the mysterious dungeon hidden within the heart of the fortress.

Finally, he reached a heavy iron door, its surface adorned with ancient runes that pulsed with an otherworldly energy. With a steady hand, the Watcher pushed open the door, revealing a dimly lit chamber beyond.

As he stepped inside, the Watcher's gaze fell upon the sight of a man kneeling in chains, his features twisted in anguish. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the sound of the man's muffled curses filled the chamber with a sense of foreboding.

With a sense of grim determination, the Watcher approached the prisoner, his eyes narrowing as he took in the man's desperate struggles. It was clear that he was no ordinary captive, with his size and the dangerous aura that surrounded him sent a chill down the Watcher's spine.

"I'll kill you... all of you" the man growled before snapping his head up, his face feral and his teeth bared, he also drooled off the side of his face.

His face which was contorted in rage, transitioned to surprise as the chained man uttered a single name.
