
breathing syles in naruto universe

Maria_Ajisebutu · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

my miserable life

(Hello my name is anime master i just started writind ... before we start i want to quickly inform you about some things first i want to say i dont know any forms from demon slayer but i do know almost all the breathing styles and also i want to say i will make the forms up and also i want to say later mc will get two new breathing styles your dear author san...)the story starts by showing a man who is walking on the pathway not knowing it wasn't time to cross and not seeing the truck comming get's hit and dies so after dieing he starts to narrate how he worked for a big company in japan but instead of having a good life he rathee became a slave to his work he would stay in wor for 24 hours everyday and the worst thing is that they only had 1 holiday every month.at first when he joined the company he thought it was going to be great but after spending weeks there he found out it was a nightmare the only thing keeping him there was a person who was his senior she was a kind and beautiful senior. Until one day he saw his senior enter the bosses office he wanted to go and greet her but when he got there he saw her and the boss making out .atrter that he decided he was going to quit tommorrow but when he was going to the office the next day that was when he died.

hello it your dear author san and i just want to say thank u for reading my novel

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