

He got a daisy flower and tucked it carefully in my blonde hair, almost as if he'd never been so careful in his whole life. I blushed and looked down, only for him to tilt my chin upwards and gently kiss me.

I was in shock at first, but slowly I got used to his lips and was finally in sync with his lips. But when he realised that, he stopped and pulled away.

"Meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time knowing it would be my favourite." He whispered as his blue eyes twinkled in the bright sun.

"But you barley know me." I whispered back.

He shook his head, taking a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it, "I don't need to know you to know that I want you, to know that when I saw you for the first time, I'd never seen a girl so beautiful."

I could feel that he and I had a special connection, it was nothing like what Jason and I had shared. No.

When his eyes met mine, my soul pointed at him and whispered to my heart,


When he looked at me it was as if every ounce of breath was taken from my lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. When he kissed me it felt like the world stopped, leaving just the two of us to wander the earth together. When he held my face between his hands it felt like he was untying all of my knots. Holding me for eternity in the arms I seem to feel safe in the most. Was this what what falling in love was really like, a story you never wanted to end? For so long I had thought I had it with Jason, but this? This was something different and now I can't bare to lose it, lose this thing that makes me feel so safe, protected, and warm.

Was Blake it for me? Or was I beginning to crush on a boy I hardly knew?

I trace his lip lightly with the tip of my finger. It pouts slightly, and I have such an urge to bite it, to kiss it, to lay on his chest, watching the cotton clouds and listen to his heart beat. His lip feels slightly chapped under my light touches but I simply couldn't care less. I gaze so intently at each divot of that lip, as if it could map out seas and house plans and tell me everything I don't know. And I don't want to look up. Because if I look up, I'll get lost in those eyes forever. But I did anyway.

Those pools of light blue, absorbing the sun stared right back at my stormy grey eyes. Saying nothing, but saying everything at the same time. Did he want to kiss me again? I wanted him to. Maybe I should be the first one to do it though this time. But I wasn't that brave, was I?

"Why are you doing this to me, Arden?" He asked calmly, closing his eyes and taking a deep, shaky breath.

"What do you mean? I'm not doing anything." I quietly said as I removed my finger from his lip, slightly embarrassed. Only he caught my hand before it fell to the grass, and just held it in his.

"You are though. I know I could never be good enough for you. I'm not a good person. But you're here now with me. Why couldn't you have said no to coming? Because now I've had a taste, I want more. I want you." He said, agression slowly showing in his voice. "Tell me, do you still love your boyfriend back home?"

"He's not my boyfriend anymore." I said sternly.

"But do you still love him?" He asked.

"I don't." And that was true. Yes, Jason cheating on me hurt, yes I will always have a love for him. But it wasn't the same love I had for him a year or two ago. Our relationship had been lacking that for some time, and when I really think about it, we was only together after so long because we were comfortable with it. More so me, I was comfortable with Jason. But it was time to leave my comfort zone.

"Let's go." He said emotionless, and quickly stood up and started walking.

What the hell.

'Let's go?'

Is that all he had to say to me? What was I thinking coming with him. If this was his plan all along, then I'm speechless. But come on Arden, seriously, did you really think that he'd actually be into you? Silly, foolish, girl. I started walking behind him, with tears welling up in my eyes and my nose starting to run. I had to compose myself before I got in a car with him. He'd think I was weak, and I'm not weak. I'm a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man. I don't know why I was getting ahead of myself.

When we got back into the car, Blake turned the music up louder, and this time the silence between us was awkward. I had forgotten I had left my phone in the car and when I looked at it I saw that my phone had been blowing up with texts and calls from Jason.

59 missed calls.

40 text messages.

Jason: Babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do it, I was drunk.

Jason: PICK UP!

Jason: Arden please just listen to me.

Jason: Baby, I'm sorry. Just talk to me.

They all seemed to sound the same, like he hadn't put any thought into them, and I don't know why but I started crying. I tried hiding it from Blake, but he saw.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Just allergies. Damn flowers." I sniffled and tried to do a light laugh.

"Don't lie to me." He said.

"I'm not lying."

"You're lying. Why did you start crying when you was looking at your phone?" He questioned, speeding up his car.

"No reason. Just leave it." I said and like an idiot, placed my phone into the cup holder. Quickly, Blake grabbed my phone and shoved it in my face so it could unlock by Face ID. He was smart, sadly I wasn't smart enough to hide my face in time.

I looked at his face turn red with anger, his jaw clenching. It wasn't the right time to be saying he looked hot right now – but he did.

"Why the fuck is he texting you and calling you after what he just did? - in fact, don't answer that I'll ask him myself." All of a sudden I heard the phone ringing.

"Blake! You can't do this. It's none of your business." I shouted. Instead of replying, he let out a a scary laugh, and looked at me like he had the devil in his eyes.

"You are my business now, don't forget that." I'm his business. So he wasn't just messing around earlier. Did he really want me?

I looked at him, "Blake ple-" but before I could continue, Jason picked up.

"Stop calling Arden. Do you hear me? Stay with that ugly rat you was with the other night. Arden doesn't want you anymore." He said calmly, but scarily down the phone. It gave me chills. I could hear Jason shouting on the other end of the phone, but it was muffled. "Call her again, and you'll regret it." And with that, Blake ended the call, dashed my phone back in the cup holder, and pulled a cigarette and a lighter out. I didn't know what to say, so instead, I slouched down in the seat and rested my head against the closed window.

Soon enough, Blake had parked up outside the building where my dorm room was. Luckily, it was quiet around here, so not many people would see me.

"Thanks for today, I guess." I said as I got out the car about to slam the door, until he spoke.

"What are you doing tonight?" He completely ignored my thanks and changed the subject. I shrugged, and shook my head.


"Good. Meet me here at 11 o'clock. I'm taking you somewhere." Without a single word more, he shut the door on the side I was in, and sped away.

Blake was strange.

Where could he possibly be taking me at 11 o'clock tonight?