

"My eyes are up here." He said whilst taking a strand of my hair and placing it behind my ear. My heart started racing and I could feel my cheeks turn red. "What's wrong?"His eyes were blue like cool artic ice, but if you were to stare into them like I had done, they'd burn you like hot sand beneath your feet.

Blake Hudson.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about him?

Why couldn't I get his image out of my head?

Why was I dreaming about him?

I suddenly awoke and just like yesterday my heart was beating fast, and I also had a clammy forehead. I wish I had stayed asleep because the first thing I heard was Hanna puking in the bathroom.

"Hanna, how much did you drink?" I said as I walked over to the bathroom and rubbed her back.

"Not enough." She whispered as she spewed up some more. I shook my head and got her a drink of water.

"Where did you disappear off to anyways, after I went with Chase I couldn't find you." I said and crossed my arms whilst leaning on the door frame. Quickly, Hanna turned around and gave me a big grin.

"I met this guy. Kane Parker. He's sexy, he's nice, he's a junior." She squealed and bounced up and down, "Arden, the chemistry we had was insane, I tell no word of a lie!"

"But he got you drunk?"

"No, he wasn't the one who got me drunk, we got drunk together. But even when I was sober, he was really nice to me." She smiled at me with loved up eyes. I held my hands up in defeat.

"Alright Hanna, just be careful."

"Did you find someone yesterday night?" She asked.

Yes I did and I didn't at the same time. I found Blake, the most beautiful person I had ever seen. But I had a boyfriend. I couldn't think of him like that.

"No, I just got to know Chase's friends that's all. And unlike you, I was completely sober the whole night." Hanna rolled her eyes and shooed me out of the bathroom so she could shower.

Grace: We're all going to grab a bite to eat at Monroes if you wanna join x

I text her back telling her I'd love to come and started picking my clothes out.


2 hours later, I was outside Monroes and made my way inside and looked for my new friends. They were all sitting in a corner booth, but to my surprise Blake was also there. And the only seat left was next to him.

"Arden! You made it." Grace smiled and got up to hug me, "sorry, the only seat left is next to Blake. I hope you don't mind?" She said in my ear and gave me shoulders a squeeze.

"I don't mind, it's fine." I replied and smiled.

I was lying.

I do mind.

I took a deep breath in and sat down next to Blake. Only he wasn't even paying attention. He was more focused on playing Candy Crush to even notice I was there. I suppose this was a good thing though, it made me feel less anxious to know his attention was on something else and not the new girl.

"Oh Arden, I forgot to tell you something..." Lily said as she practically jumped out of her seat with excitement.

"What is it?" I asked as I sipped on my water.

"Someone is crushing on you already!" She said happily and Grace also squealed with happiness.

"Look at you girl, already breaking hearts and it's not even been a week." Grace said. Chase shook is head and continued his conversation with Taylor, Dane, and Jake. Blake still engrossed in his game.

"Oh I have a boyfriend." I said shyly. Though Jason hadn't really been acting like my boyfriend for the longest time. I had thought maybe something was going on, but I don't think that was the case. "But what's his name?" I asked curiously.

"He's called Xander. Here, thats him." Lily said as she handed me her phone. He was cute, but not as cute as Blake I though.

Arden. Shut up. You can't be saying this.

All of a sudden I heard a snort coming from Blake. I looked at him and scowled. "What?" I said.

"Xander is the biggest clown around here. I wouldn't take him seriously." He scoffed and went back to his game. I looked at Lily and Grace and they just shook their heads and we talked a while longer.

After about 45 minutes, my phone buzzed.

UNKOWN: Look at what your boyfriend was up to yesterday night ;) *video attached*

I wished I hadn't tapped on the video link, because what I saw made my heart drop. It was Jason making out with the schools head cheerleader, Emily Jones. I hadn't felt close with Jason for a while, but why was this still heart breaking? Why did I feel like I needed to cry my eyes out.

I quickly switched my phone off and stood up abruptly.

"I'm just going to get some air." I said, my voice breaking slightly.

"Is everything alright Ards?" Dane asked, eyeing my now pale face.

"No. She got sent a video of her boyfriend cheating on her." Blake casually said, finally looking up from his phone and putting it down. As he said that, a single tear ran down my face.

"BLAKE!" Chase said sternly.

"Oh honey, come on let's go talk about it, just us girls mmm?" Grace said whilst taking my hand. I nodded and Lily also followed. We entered the rest room and I broke down crying.

"Why would he do this to me? I tried being a perfect girlfriend and he goes and does this. The relationship hadn't felt right in a while, but it still hurts." I sobbed into Graces shoulder whilst Lily rubbed my back.

"He's going to regret it, soon he'll realise he lost the best girl anyone could ever ask for. I mean look at you! Your gorgeous." Lily reassured me. Only it didn't work.

"Guys, I'm just going to head off, I need some fresh air." I said quietly whilst sniffling. They both nodded and walked me out to the door.

The cool air hit my face quickly and my cheeks started stinging. I looked to my right and saw Blake slouching on the wall smoking. Angrily I huffed and started walking.

"Hey!" He shouted. I stopped abruptly and turned around angrily.

"Why would you tell everyone that? Why was you even looking at my phone, you nosy tobacco addict freak!" I shouted. Clearly he didn't care because he just smiled.

"You can do better than him anyway, he's ugly." He shrugged.

"You're insane." I said through gritted teeth.

"Insane enough to ask you to let me take you somewhere?"

"I don't even know you to be letting you to take me somewhere, you could be a murder for all I know." I said.

He laughed quickly but then his face turned serious and he took a step closer, "why do you make me want to know you more? There's something about you, Arden. Something I'll figure out, but for now, let me take you somewhere to clear your head. Please?" He said lowly whilst looking into my eyes.

It was like the devil possessed me at this moment in time because I gave him the opposite answer to what I wanted to say.


Mistake, Arden. A big mistake.