
Breaking Piece.

"New school after a year, huh? Hope I don't mess this one up" Vin, comes back to school after a year of taking a break for an accident he caused while in primary school. He enters a new school where no one knows him to have a normal life starting from beginning. (I'm not really to sure about this)

Raider_920 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

First time, bad impression.


"I can't believe my little boy is going to junior secondary school!! Iyaa~~ I'm so happy that you passed your common entrance exam."

Are the words my mom said to me that head kept on playing in my head for some reason as I was entering through the gates of my new school.

Even though I was nervous seeing that I'm going to a completely new school leaving behind all my "friends" and former classmates, my mom being with me really helped, at this age all I can say about her is that having her around was magic, I wouldn't trade her for the world but she could stop babying me once in awhile though. It gets embarrassing In public...

Anyway, we walked into the principal's office for me to be shown my new classroom I looked out from her window to see a bunch of kids already getting to know eachother and thought:

"Damnit why do they get to have friends from the get-go?"

I really hope I'll just settle in without problems—wishful thinking indeed.

I got assigned to class Jss1-D, the class had different letters, I learned that the class has a maximum of 30 students, and then they put some students in the next one, they put letters like "A, B, C, D", so students wouldn't get confused, the fact that they were already full classrooms just us freshmen was shocking, I mean how many kids wanted to go here anyways? *Sigh* Why am I even bothering, I'll just stay in place were no one would notice me, preferably the back sit window.....

"Mr. chibike we're done with the paperworks take your books and I'll have someone escort you to your class,"

The principal said to me who wasn't really paying attention. I got so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that they were talking to me.




At last using the staircase which lead to my classroom the nice looking or rather hot female teacher pointed towards the classroom and left me alone to go in myself, I heard lots of talking in the class, maybe they already knew each other before now? I'm jealous.


The moment I walk through that door will determine my position in the class, so I should decide now if I should go with:

A) The serious student who doesn't smile much and distance myself from the rest of the class.

(Isn't this the opposite of what I want?)

B) Smile on my way in and just hope for the best.

C) Run in like a total moron and from here on be declared the class clown.

I wish the hot teacher would have just took me in and done the intro for me, but alas she didn't, So I went and choose "B", I took a deep breath and walked forward.


Someone was running out and crashed into me then we fell to the ground.

"Watch were your going dumbass."

Oops, I accidentally let out my rude self slip. It was an accident but I overreacted cause I was nervous and my shirt got a little dusty, I raised my head and saw that it was a girl and I was like "Crap... please, no lectures on being nice to girls."

The girl stood up, dusted her skirt then glared at me.

"You were in my way why would you call me a dumbass?!"

She yelled.

I knew it was my mistake but her tone got on my nerves a little and I went ahead to try and disable this bomb before it blew up.

"Just watch were your going next time, okay?"

Ugh! what's wrong with me? I wanted to say "I'm sorry" okay maybe I'll just say it from here.

"I want to apologize, I'm sor-"

"I don't need ur worthless apologies,"

At this point i forgot all about my nervousness and was staring at her blandly, no doubt she was pretty, long dark hair, a little shorter than me as well and I can probably guess smarter too, but... her smart mouth might make me want to give her one across the face, but I couldn't just hit a girl on my first day in a new school, now can I?

Two of her friends came out to see what was going on, she explained it to them that "she hit me by accident and I insulted her outta nowhere", I mean it wasn't wrong but not all the way right, they looked at me like I was scum and left with their oh-so-hurt friend back into the classroom, then it hit me...

"I forgot I also have to enter."

I sucked it up and went with option "B", I casually walked into the class but I didn't know that there was a place not leveled enough that it can make anyone trip but in my case it was a belly flop, with my new white uniform, I got up and everyone started laughing at me then i heard in midst of the laughter I heard a girl's voice saying "Dumbass", It was at this moment that whether or not I chose "B" life had other plans and gave me "C" but way harsher instead.


At least life should have at least let me pick "A".

A teacher came in saying that she is happy that everyone is getting along

"No we we're not"

I said that Internally of course. She must have heard the laughter and thought so.

She told us to give our introductions starting from the first row, there were 25 people in my class and a 10 of them were girls and the rest of us were boys.

"Alright class introduce yourselves."

The teacher asked.

"My name's charles!"

A boy in the front row replied immediately.

"My name's Micheal."

Another boy.

"My name is Ikenna."

You get the idea at this point.

"The name's Glory."

Ooh, a girl this time.

Then it was the girl who I met on my way here, the one who I "accidentally" Ed a dumbass.

"My name's Emilia, pleasure to meet you all."

Wow, she sounds so polite that I could mistake the banshee I met on the way here for another person.

The introduction went went on like this until it was my turn.

"Uhm...My name's Vincent"

There, you know my full name now, you happy?

I sat down quietly.

"Heh, pretty classy name for someone who slips and falls down on his first day"

I looked to the right to see my row neighbor talking to me.

I was planning on ignoring, but, nothing to lose I guess.

"What's your name?"

"Weren't you listening?" He said


"I'm Lade nice to meet you"

He said with an outstretched arm, I shook it and replied


Now this isn't too formal for 14 year olds to make friends but to hell with it, I'm getting a friend in the midst of my embarrassing stunt this morning so I'm cool with it.

After introductions the teacher brought out the scheme of work and proceedes to write it out on the chalk board.

Now this is how my first day went I can't wait to see my second.