
Breaking Even: The Mafia's Revenge

[WARNING: R18] EXCERPT “Apart from when you're sleeping, what other times are you usually quiet?” He asked. I laughed till I had tears running down my left eye,”are you already tired of my business?” I asked. “ No , I just want to see you in all your forms,” he said. “I'm not a werewolf Sean” I said laughing. “I'm never quiet, even in the bedroom”. “You're a screamer?” He asked, his eyes lighting up with desire. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. “Yes daddy” I rocked his groin. “You're a bad child, should we get out of here?” “When I feel your lips on mine,” I sassed. And he did, I knew the moment I found a hot guy in my favourite spot I was in love but at this point I'm more than in love. *** Sophie's parents were murdered in cold blood when she was only eighteen. After a while, she was able to tie it down to a man named Dabris Lookman—who happens to be the anonymous CEO of the company she works. After pulling a quick one on her boss and landing a one week break, Sophie finds herself in a bar, falling and telling all her secrets to a stranger. Sean is a writer, but that's all Sophie knows about him. Pants fall off, along the line, and intimacy grows between the two. However, Sean suddenly vanishes into thin air, leaving Sophie with no way of reaching him. Her plans proceed, until she is captured by Dabris Lookman, and that's when things get a little twisted, but fun. Who is Dabris Lookman? Who is Sean? What have this two got to do with each other? What really happened to her parents and who killed them— Sean, Dabris, or someone else?

Mighty_Sorceress · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs


"How many do we have left?"

"About ten more people," he replied, heads slightly bowed and our faces masked.

We sat in an office underground with a long sparkling white table, with no dirt on it.

"Anything else I need to know?" I asked, tapping my fingers on the table, waiting for them to spill the truth. They all stared at one another, probably looking for who would spill the beans. I wasn't that patient for all of their dramas. I brought out my Ruger LCP Max from my pocket and cocked it.

"You were saying?" I asked in the lowest but most dangerous tone ever. I'm not to be messed with.

"Uhh... uhh, Santos was caught by the police today," he finally said after stuttering all through.

"Santos!" I called.

"Yes sir," he stepped forward a bit shaken. He was a loyal servant, but I don't tolerate incompetence.

"Your chest or your eye?" I asked.

"Eye, great sir," he replied.

"First mistake since you joined me. You know I don't tolerate incompetence. We have a job tonight, and you're going with me. Any more incompetence from you, and you'll have your right eye blown off… for life," I said, shooting the wall.

"Get that fixed, Mish, and Santos, make sure everything's ready two hours before the hunting time."


"Yes sir!"

"Step forward," I said gently, my voice never giving away my emotions.

"Who am I?"

"The greatest Hunter," he replied, and I let out a humorless laughter.

"Am I?"

"Yes sir," he was getting scared right now, and I could tell. He deserves to be really scared; the worst is yet to come.

"Slow or painful?"

"What sir?"

"Your death!" I thundered angrily. I hated how dumb and innocent he tried to sound. Everyone was shook; why won't they be when they're becoming lackadaisical.

"Come closer," I called, and he took a step forward. Everyone became scared and confused at the same time. I played the clips from the CCTV camera I planted on all my guards unknowingly.

He went down on his knee pleading for forgiveness, but that would be far from me.

"What do you stand to gain by being a traitor? How much information did you give to Gradiva?"

"Not much; you and all those in his clique will go down tonight," I muttered, cocking my gun and giving him two bullet shots to his chest, his blood splattered everywhere.

They made to clean it up; I don't like seeing the blood on my sparkling marble table.

"Get to work, Santos, and return to me in an hour."

I dismissed them all while I stayed in the conference room, letting wild thoughts go through my head, mostly about my pasts, which is why I need to get revenge before I'll be able to break free from their lies and dishonesty.

I had to be like them to not be like them.

Only I understood that statement. To steer clear of thoughts concerning my life, I took a book on the shelf that caught my attention, but it seemed everything waged war against me. I read it anyway… it was about Michael Franzese.

Michael Franzese's life is a true testament to the power of personal choice and the ability to overcome one's upbringing. Born into a notorious mob family, Michael's father, John "Sonny" Franzese, was a high-ranking member of the Colombo crime family, while his mother, Cristina Capobianco, was also connected to the mob. From an early age, Michael was surrounded by the allure and danger of organized crime. However, despite this environment, Michael would ultimately choose a different path for himself, one that would lead him away from the criminal underworld and towards a life of redemption and success.

Growing up, Michael was groomed to follow in his father's footsteps. He was taught the ways of the mob, the importance of loyalty, and the thrill of living on the edge. However, as he matured, Michael began to question the values and principles that had been instilled in him from a young age. He witnessed the violence and destruction that often accompanied the mob lifestyle, and he began to realize that there was more to life than money and power.

Despite the pressure to join the family business, Michael made the courageous decision to reject the mob and pursue a different path. This decision was not easy, as it meant turning his back on his family and risking their wrath. However, Michael was determined to live a life of integrity and honor, even if it meant standing alone.

After leaving the mob, Michael faced numerous challenges as he tried to build a new life for himself. He struggled to find legitimate employment and faced constant scrutiny from law enforcement and rival mobsters. However, through hard work, determination, and unwavering faith, Michael was able to overcome these obstacles and carve out a successful and fulfilling career for himself.

Today, Michael is known as one of the most prominent voices against organized crime. He travels the world sharing his story and speaking out against the dangers of the mob lifestyle. Through his lectures, books, and media appearances, Michael seeks to educate others about the reality of organized crime and inspire them to make positive choices in their own lives.

In addition to his work as a motivational speaker, Michael has also found success as an author and consultant. He has written several books, including his memoir "Blood Covenant," which chronicles his life in the mob and his journey to redemption. He also serves as a consultant for law enforcement agencies and corporations, providing insights into the inner workings of organized crime and strategies for combatting it.

Despite the challenges he has faced, Michael remains grateful for the opportunities he has been given and the chance to make a positive impact in the world. He credits his faith, family, and inner strength for guiding him through the darkest moments of his life and helping him emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Same old, same old.

The door opened, and I dropped the book on the table. I reclined in my plush leather chair, sipping aged whiskey from a crystal glass as I listened to Santos relay our plan for the night. We are not merely plotting an execution; all this is to get justice, and somehow, I fell in love with this job and the fastest way to overcome an obstacle is to eliminate it.

"Is the system being hacked?"

"Yes sir, it's currently not functioning," he replied.

"The calligraphy?"

"With me."

"I have changed my mind about eliminating his clique too; let's just eliminate him and his family."

"Okay Sir, that's easier."

I looked sharply at him.

"It's not about what's easier; it's the ability to think critically. You don't know why I'm using the calligraphy pen?"

"No sir."

I laughed at this; he just joined three months ago, so he was still acting childish. The commander is doing a terrible job training and educating the new recruit.

As we finalized the details of our plan, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in our cunning. We are not mere thugs; we are artists, sculpting our fate with the finesse of a master craftsman.