

"Hm? Is that?" 

"Hey, Steph! You coming?" a man casually waves.

"Later," Stephan waves back.

"It can't be, can it?" he wonders to himself while sneakily tiptoeing near a tall man with gold ashy hair. Suddenly the tall man glances over his shoulder when Steph quickly hides and when he looks out to check, the man is gone.

"Where did he go?" he hurries to the nearest possible stairs to which he barges through and quickly grabs a hold on the man carrying a white grocery bag, "EVEREST!"

"Stephan?" Everest was so startled that he almost dropped his bag of snacks. "What are you doing here?"

Steph is trying to catch his breath, "I, uh, thought it might've been you, Everest. Hah, I didn't think it'd actually be you. So, Everest, what are you doing here?"

F*ck! Everest almost cusses aloud as he bit his lip, "you wanna go to the rooftop?" he awkwardly smiles. 
