

Pack destroyed. Father dead, mother dead, sister dead. Little Brayden is left alone. If it weren't for the teenage Alpha that finds him and takes him in. Story excerpt As I run past the man I feel his arms take hold of me pinning me to him as he picks me up. "Let go of me! My father will kill you!" I scream. I kick at him but he holds me tightly. "He's the Alpha!" The man kneels down and I feel my feet touch earth. He continues to hold me tight. Eventually he loosens his grip not enough to free me just enough that he can look me in the eye. "Your father is gone." The man tells me. "No!" I yell at him. I swing as hard as I can punching the man in the chest. "I don't believe you!" I didn't see Daddy but he is a strong wolf! An Alpha! No way he is dead! I feel the tears run down my face as I look around. Fire, rubble, and death... everyone is gone. I fall into the man sobbing. I can't fight any more. My pack is dead. The man picks me up again carrying me to his car. "What's your name little guy?" He asks. I have a hard time making words through my tears. "B... Bray... Brayden." I stammer gripping his shirt. "Hello Brayden... I'm Alpha Aaron... I'm gonna take care of you." He says. This is backstory for Brayden from my book Alpha Lilly. This story runs from before Alpha Lilly until part way through Orphan Wolf so spoilers are certain for those books. I'd suggest reading them first but you don't have to.

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Growing Up

"Alright Bella, it's your turn to read tonight." I tell my six year old pup as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"One fish, two fish, R-e-d fish, B-lue fish." She reads sounding out the colors like a champ.

"Great job, princess. Keep going!" I encourage her.

"B-la-ck fish, blue fish, O-ld fish, N-e-w fish. Poppa look at the baby fish!" She squeals excitedly. I smile down at her and nod.

"Are you gonna make the poor girl read her own bedtime story?" My beautiful mate asks as she enters the room.

"You want to read or you want Daddy to take over?" I ask and my little girl jumps on me curling upon my lap and hands me the book. "Alright, Alright!" I laugh and reopen the book.

"This one has a little star. This one has a little car. Say! What a lot of fish there are." I continue.

"Momma's turn!" Bella interrupts as I turn the page. Chelsey laughs and has me scoot onto the bed so she can join us.

"Yes. Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new. Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your Dad." Chelsey reads.

"Poppa, why did the red fish push the yellow fish? That's not nice." Bella asks me.

"Well baby, not everyone is nice. You just need to make sure you are and if you see someone who is mean pray for them that they will see they are wrong... And always stick up for people who are being treated badly. You can't control other people but you can do what's right even when others don't." I try to explain. She nods and yawns. "How about we tuck you in princess? You look like you're ready for bed."

"No! Keep going! I'll stay up I promise." I chuckle and turn the page.

We only get through a few more pages. Once I say "Where do they come from? I can't say. But I bet they have come a long, long way." Chelsey nudges me to let me know that Bella is out. I slide out of the bed and tuck her in. Placing a kiss on her little forehead I turn off the light and head for my office. I still have a bit of work to do but I will always put my pup to bed.

As I'm going over my papers for a business proposal I get a call. Who would call this late at night?

"Brayden Sanders." I answer.

"Hello Bray." A female voice I know to wall responds.

"Lilly! It's been a while! How's Ari? The boys? Clay?" I begin to ramble questions.

"Actually this is about Clayton. We need your skills, Bray. I know you don't like to be away from your family for more than a day or two but this is important... we found Alic." She says and my jaw drops.

"He's Alive?" I ask.

"Yup, and in trouble. Hes been in foster care and now his screwed up foster father is trying to get him arrested. We need your help." She says. He's alive!

"Of course, Lilly. I'll get Clay his boy back." I tell her and hang up before she can respond.

"Meet me outside." I link my Beta, Eric.

"Where are you going?" Chelsey asks as I run past her.

"Alaric is alive. Going to help. Call Lilly." I say as I leave.

"Beta Clay's boy is alive and they need our help. We still got a place in the city?" I ask. I haven't went on long trips in a few years.

"Yea. lets go!" He responds without question.

We drive at less than legal speeds to get there. It's a miracle he's even alive. Clay must be so happy.


I send my Beta to the apartment and head for the police department. They all know me so it shouldn't be to hard to get in on it.

"Hay Cap." I call out to the police captain as I go straight for his desk.

"If it isn't everyone's favorite know it all! How's it goin Jack!" When its just the two of us this man insists on calling me Jack. He says that I'm a jack of all trades.

"I'm alright. I heard you are goin after a foster kid. That your arresting him?" I cut straight to the point.

"Some boy attacked his foster family so yes we are arresting him. I want the boy in custody." He responds then laughs. "I should have guessed you'd show up. Can't just visit but if some Orphan kid gets in trouble you swoop in like superman."

"Just let me tag along. I'll bring the boy in I just don't want him hurt." I say.

"You're taking two officers and you are arresting him. He's dangerous Jack. I hear he took a chunk out of his father's arm." The Captain tells me.

"I'll look into that too. Don't worry I won't be any trouble." With that said I head out with a couple goons following in the car behind me.

[The rest of Alaric's story is told in Orphan wolf.]

I had to stay a few days in Midnight Moon territory. In the ent the boy was safely returned to his father. Now all I want to do is go home to my pup and mate.

"Poppa!" Bella yells running up to me as soon as I step out of the car.

"Hello, little one." I smile at her as I pick her up.

"You were gone for a bajillion hours! You didn't even say goodbye!" She complains.

"I had to help a little boy get home. He had been away for five years and I had to help him." I explain and she nods.

"Fine, but next time say bye!" She orders. "Is he okay?"

"He's back home safe with his daddy." I tell her.

"Come on momma says its lunchtime." She wiggles so I'll put her down, grabs my hand, and pulls me inside.

"Hello beautiful." I give Chelsey a kiss as she sets out our plates.

"About time you got home!" She says kissing me back. "I missed you."

"I'll make it up to you, promise." I tell her and she just gives me a 'ummhumm' I wrap my arms around her and whisper in her ear. "Tonight, mate, I'll make it up to you." I kiss her neck loving how I can still make her blush.

"Can't wait." She says and we sit down for lunch.

We barely even start our meal when an Alarm sounds.


Author time!

okay so I'm curious about which characters resonate with My readers. We all have our favorites so tell me yours!


Alpha Aaron

Beta Carson




let me know!