
The first wish

Every single human ever created by god ends up having wishes and dreams. Once he made a list of wishes the next step of his life is to make them real and for this step he spend his whole life. Without these wishes the man is empty, saying that i don't have any wishes shows that you have a large void between you and your spirtual self.

Some have small wishes and some dreamt of large task and their stuggle and determination affects the most on their dremas. Doing nothing and expecting to achieve everything is such a ridiculous hypothesis. When you keep my word in your mind that: NO ONE CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING WITHOUT HARD WORK AND STRUGGLE EXCEPT GOD.

For the boy the biggest wish was to have a small happy family with whom he can live happily ever after, without the thrist of money and lavish lifestyle, he wanted a simple and peaceful life of love. For him live was everything, he thought love was more important than money. Feel pity for him, because he didn't knew that no every can think like him not everyone has the same soft heart like him and this was his biggest mistake.

As i said like everyone else he also made a wish of having a loving family. He has a family of four and he was the younger. Strange thing is, although he was the youngest yet he had the most mature mind and character. God instead of making this ability made it a weakness of him.