
Boy Of The West

Houka has always been ambitious and has always liked to manipulate. He grew up in an elite family and always had access to a high-class education, but he was never content with it. He wanted more, he wanted power and influence over others. So when it came time to choose a school, he was taught to be the best in whatever he did. He was smart and cunning and he used his skills to get what he wanted. When Hawke entered one of the most prestigious elite schools in the country, he immediately stood out for his intellect and charisma. Soon he made friends with many influential people and began to plan his way through the school. However, his ambitions did not stop there. Houka started looking for other elite schools and decided he wanted to be their leader. He began to secretly work to create conflict

PlayerOliver · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


Hawka, Brenner Souka, and Saturasiko were informed by Hugel of the arrival of the two space heroes. Their job now was to stop Anna Cruz and Pedro and secure the organization. Hawka, Brenner Souka, and Saturasico were ready to face the threat. They armed themselves with the best weapons and skills they had and set off in search of the intergalactic invaders. They followed the coordinates given by Hugel and finally found Anna Cruz and Pedro. The battle was fierce and intense. Anna Cruz showed off her fighting skills and Pedro also showed himself to be a skilled hero in combat. However, Hawka, Brenner Souka, and Saturasiko are no match for them. They fought courageously and decisively, but it was a tough battle. Finally, when Anna Cruz and Pedro were close to victory.