
Boy Of The West

Houka has always been ambitious and has always liked to manipulate. He grew up in an elite family and always had access to a high-class education, but he was never content with it. He wanted more, he wanted power and influence over others. So when it came time to choose a school, he was taught to be the best in whatever he did. He was smart and cunning and he used his skills to get what he wanted. When Hawke entered one of the most prestigious elite schools in the country, he immediately stood out for his intellect and charisma. Soon he made friends with many influential people and began to plan his way through the school. However, his ambitions did not stop there. Houka started looking for other elite schools and decided he wanted to be their leader. He began to secretly work to create conflict

PlayerOliver · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


Houka was surprised to see that Saturasico had joined Hugel after everything that had happened, but at the same time, Houka realized that Saturasico's ability to get government information could be valuable to the organization.

However, Hawke remained unsettled by the fact that Saturasico had previously been fired from the government for leaking information. He raised the issue with his superiors at Huguel and expressed his concern that allowing Saturasico to join the organization could jeopardize Huguel's security.

Hawkey's superiors were supportive of his concerns, but also saw the potential value Saturasico could bring to the organization. They decided that a thorough background check and investigation should be carried out on Saturasico before allowing him to join Hugel.

The investigation showed that Saturasico leaked the information not because he was disloyal to the government, but because he discovered irregularities in the government organization for which he worked. He believed that the public had a right to know about these violations, and therefore leaked information to the media. He was fired but was not prosecuted.

Based on these findings, Hugel decided to allow Saturasico to join the organization. Saturasiko proved to be a valuable asset as her ability to gather information was second to none. He became a key member of Hugel's intelligence team and was involved in several successful operations.

Hawke also learned a valuable lesson about the importance of fair judgment and studying all available information before making an important decision. He realized that sometimes the situation can be more complicated than it seems at first glance, and that true justice requires taking into account all the factors involved.