

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 16of16 your women are here.

The sun gradually went down and the girls were ready to hit the road, they all decided to be in ponytails and wore all black... Leah in her short tight black dress with long black high heels.. April in a tight leather black pants.. a black crop top and leather jacket with short black high heel boots, Anna in a black short flawless dress with heels.. one would think they're just a couple of teenagers going out to have fun, they were currently in Anna's room and trying not to make a noise.. they made a straight line walking slowly in the hallway and down the staircase

" Why does the hallway have to be long?," April whispered

" Not to mention the stairs," Anna added

" And where are you three sneaking off to?," Skylar spoke from behind.. they paused midway turning back around

" Us.. sneaking? Of course not," Anna said

" Oh yeah? Dressed all black as though you're going to rob a bank," Skylar raised a brow

" Fine you got us," Leah said

" You're going to rob a bank?,"

" What? No... We're- uhm having dinner, more like a girls night and we didn't want to disturb the kids so that's why you thought we were sneaking out," Leah explained

" Yes.. true," Anna and April agreed

" I see... And where's this place you're having dinner again?," Skylar asked

" At the UHM.. Granades, it's a new sushi restaurant that just opened up and it's their grand opening tonight and we wouldn't want to miss it," Anna said

" I see.. well if it's a new restaurant then we should all go right, it would be more wise,"

" Damn it Skylar it's a girls night.. we haven't been out as girls since forever just let us go," Anna was getting pissed

" It was simply a suggestion don't get mad.. you can go," he raised his hands in surrender

" Excuse us," they turned around and walked away quickly

" Do you think he's suspicious?," Anna whispered

" Just keep walking," Leah said.. they hurried out and got into the black Benz driving off

" Play some Tyler Swift music," April said

" Great idea," Leah turned on the music and played a Tyler Swift playlist while they sang to the songs, they drove across New York and finally arrived at the located place

" How did you find this place anyway?," Anna spoke

" I Googled it.. i read the reviews and it's the best one in the city," Leah said with a sly smile

" I see you did your homework before hands," April chuckles and went inside.. Leah and Anna followed

" Welcome ladies," the security guard opened the door for them

" Thank you,"

They proceeded further inside.. the place was filled with male sexy stripers.. and a lot of women who came to watch and excite themselves, the lights.. the music and dancing.. everything was just outstanding pulling

" Let's get some drinks to get this night going," April shouted loud enough for them to hear cause the music was loud.. they went to the bar and ordered three matinee

" This is so good," Anna giggles as they watched the performance.

Skylar was reading a book in the living room when Zach walked up to him

" Hey have you seen April by any chance.. I haven't seen her since this afternoon," he spoke

" Well she-....

" Skylar! Have you seen Leah?," Lucian cut in

" Apparently they have a girls night out and we weren't invited," he disappointedly said

" It's called a girls night out for a reason dummy... Where did they say they were going again?," Lucian asked

" Some weird sushi restaurant just opened up called Granades.. apparently it's a grand opening tonight and they wanted to be there," Skylar shrugged.. Zach took out his phone and searched for it but nothing came up

" Weird.. I can't find anything on this so called Granades," Zach frowned.. Lucian's phone rang and his eyes dotted upon seeing the caller

" What is it," he spoke

" Your woman and her friends are at my strip club.. they're pretty wasted," the man said on the other end.. Lucian pressed the skin between his brows

" I will be right there.. don't let your eyes off them," Lucian said hanging up

" Who was that," Zach looked at Lucian

" That was Ian... the girls are at his strip club,"

" I knew something was up with how they were dressed," Skylar said, Lucian grabbed the car keys and they left... In half an hour they arrived at the club and went straight inside

" Yeah! Twirl that ass for me baby," April shouted.. Leah wrapped her arms around one of the stripers neck dancing to the music

" Come take me to a private room and lets get it on," Anna giggles tracing his chest with her finger forcing him to go with her, Skylar walked up to her and carried her on his shoulder," Hey! What do you think you're doing put me down!," Anna argued

" We're going home," Skylar coldly said

" You're not the boss of me.. don't you dare tell me what to do," Anna puffs her cheek angrily

Lucian stood behind Leah while he glared at the man she was clinging onto.. with a death glare the man got chills and ran away

" Hey where are you running off to? Baby!," she called out to him turning around with a sad look.. she bumped into Lucian's body making her stumble back," watch it ass hole," she rubs her little forehead looking up to see his face, her face frowned immediately," oh Leah.. are you that drunk that you've started to see Lucian at every man you look at?," she murmurs, Lucian bends over to be closer to her little face and said

" It's not your imagination kitty cat... And am the only man you need to refer as baby.. got it," he holds her little chin, Leah unknowingly found herself nodding her head," we're going home now," he told her.. Leah smiles stretching out her arms

" Only if you give me a piggy back ride," she excitedly said.. Lucian raised a brow, he knew if he refused her she won't go with him so easily, he simply turned around bending over.. Leah jumped on his back wrapping her arms around his neck," I love you," she murmurs in a sleepy tone.

Last but not least.. April was really stubborn about leaving

" I said I'm not leaving with a stranger," she argued

" But I'm not a stranger am I?," Zach said

" No.. but you're also not my husband so I won't leave with you handsome,"

" So you'll only leave with your husband?," he raised a brow.. April nods her head innocently," then let's get married," he told her

" Right now?," April's eyes lit up

" Hmm.. but your wedding dress is back home and we can't get married while you're dressed like this, guests will start talking,"

" Ah no.. I want everything to be perfect, let's go home and get changed," she stood up but stumbled on her feet in her drunk state, Zach caught her on time and gathered her in his arms.. Zach and Skylar used the car the girls came with while Lucian and Leah took the black BMW, it was pretty late when they arrived home

" Lucian! A piggy back ride," Leah wanted a piggy back ride into the house all the way up to their room

" Me too," April said," me three," Anna raised her hand.. Zach and Skylar bent over giving them a piggy back ride

" This is so embarrassing," Zach sighs

" Tell me about it... this one is kicking me as though am some kind of a horse," Skylar drops a sweat... Lucian took Leah to the room and laid her down on the bed, he took off her boots and unzipped her dress so she was more comfortable

" Don't take it off I'm still upset with you," Leah murmurs," I love you Lucian.. and hate you at the same time, you hurt me so much.. I don't want you," she kept on saying things till she finally drifted off to sleep, Lucian caressed her cheek gently placing a kiss on her forehead switching off the lights going to sleep.


Zara fluttered her eyes open slowly.. she scanned her surroundings slowly sitting up, her eyes landed on Nick who was peacefully sleeping on the sofa

* Has he been sleeping there all the time when she was unconscious?*

She thought to herself.. she stood up and made her way to his side, it's the first time she was looking at him up close.. his facial features were perfect, his lips and nose.. eyes and chin.. perfect shaped brows, Zara stretches her hand to touch his face when Nick held her wrist without opening his eyes and said

" I can feel your presence hovering all over me," he opens his eyes tilting his head.. Zara blushed startled by his sudden move

" Have you been sleeping here for two days straight?," she blinks at him

" More like a day and a half.. what do you care?," he raises a brow

" First of all let go of my wrist.. secondly this is my room," she said with a bold tone, Nick let go of her hand and said

" Says the person who was stripping me naked with her eyes," he smirks

" I was not..and I don't need you here," Zara stepped back, Nick stood up stretching his neck and said

" To bad for you cause you'll be seeing me quite often.. every night and morning you wake up... Every day of our lives my sweet mate," he smiles at her.. Zara scoffs glaring at him

" You got to be joking... You have no right to stay here so leave now if you know what's best for you,"

" Apparently I have every right to be here, firstly.. you're here and we're bounded to each other.. and lastly, Leah told me I can stay here which means you and I will be sharing this room as mates we are," Nick gave a sly charming smirk

" I won't let you step a foot in this room.. you won't be sleeping here," she said with a straight serious face

" If you're not okay with it you're always welcome to leave this room and this house baby girl.. your choice," he teases her chin walking past her and left, Zara sneered watching him leave.

It was quite late when Leah opened her eyes.. the morning sun shine behind the white curtains hitting her eyes, she shifted in bed staring at the clock.. it was 9 in the morning, she simply sat up when suddenly a sharp pain strikes her head like a big hard rock fell on her

" Ah! It hurts," she touched her head painfully

" Here.. it will ease the pain," Lucian suddenly stood next to her with a glass of water and a pill.. Leah took it drinking it," I rescheduled the tickets for this afternoon.. I didn't want to wake you when you were sleeping so soundly, plus it's not good to travel with a headache," he added," I made you breakfast with your favorite -

" Lucian stop!" She cut him off," Stop trying it's annoying.. I want to be left alone," she said... Lucian maintained a calm soft expression and respected her wishes to be left alone, he simply walked out without a word... With a helpless sigh, Leah got out of bed taking off her dress and walked to the bathroom.. she took a warm shower as flashes from last night came rushing back to her, from the club till home.. the piggy back ride and her words to Lucian, her cheeks flushed a bright red remembering all that went down last night

" Seriously Leah.. how could you let all that happen are you crazy? Damn it!," she slammed the marbled wall with her hand, she stayed in the shower for quite a long time before turning off the water and went out.. she picked out a pair of blue shorts and a brown sweat shirt.. tying her hair into a bun and sat back down, her stomach made funny noises making her frown.. damn she was hungry, she stared at the tasty breakfast lying on the table in the middle of the room.. she didn't want to eat his food but again her stomach was begging to have a fill," one tiny bite won't hurt right Leah? That doesn't mean you forgive him it's the least thing he could do after betraying you," she told herself.. it was more like she was trying to convince herself about the matter, she slowly made her way to the table sitting on the marbled floor and devoured all the food, " ufff... That hit the spot," Leah rubbed her flat tummy.


" Queen mother.. there's someone here to see you," one of the guards reported, Hazel nodded her head for approval.. Jace walked into the room with a slight smile of honor

" Welcome... It's been a while since we last saw each other, please.. take a seat," she offered, Jace took a seat as one of the girls served them tea

" It's always a pleasure to see you again," Jace said with a warm smile

" I heard you're staying at a motel within town.. you're one of us Jace, why don't you come and live here with us," Hazel told him looking like a concerned mother who's worried about her child.. she does see Jace as a son she never had and she really wanted him to stay with them, she considers everyone in the village as her children and grandchildren.. all of them were women and they didn't have men_ only little boys who are still to grow, the women here would go out there and mingle with humans and in order to fulfill their desires and get pregnant to reproduce and grow the clan, even though the kids are half human half Ravens they are still considered as a Raven.. some do not possess the powers of a Raven because they're half human.. but they're really strong with combat which is fair enough, Jace didn't feel too comfortable being surrounded by so many women.. he got used being alone and isolated without friends and family for all this while, but It's time all that changed.. if this would make Elena happy then he'll try to fit in being the only man and stay, but again there's Sonya on the other side.. she'll be left all alone, they're currently living in the same motel building and her room is next to his.. even though they don't see eye to eye unless it's work related, it's always reassuring that they're close to one another.. the thought of him being here and her over there makes his heart filled of guilt

" What are you thinking about?," Hazel spoke staring at his face that seemed to be lost in thought

" The thing is Elena thinks it would right if I come live here just as you, I was raised by other people.. I grew up with them and they practically became like family, have never admitted this to anyone not even her.. but Sonya is like a sister to me, leaving her behind is something that I don't want to do.. I don't want to leave her alone," Jace simply said what he felt_ Hazel studied Jace for a while.. she knew she could trust Sonya after all she's worked and been loyal to her sweet Leah for over ten years, it won't be the first time she accepts a vampire into the clan.. after all both her daughters are married to one of them

" You and Sonya are welcome to stay here.. if she's like family to you and Leah trusts her with her life then I have no objections, she is more than welcome here.. so please come home," Hazel gave a warm welcoming smile.. Jace didn't expect such a turn," I will have two rooms ready for the both of you for your arrival any day from now.. we will be expecting you," she added, Jace gave a slight nod getting up and walked out.. he didn't look for Elena or ask of her, instead he went back to the motel.. he opened the door to his room about to go in when someone called out to him

" Jace!" He tilted his head to see Sonya leaning on the door to her room," I came knocking but there was no answer so I figured you went out, I made lunch.. come," she said going back inside, he simply made his way to her room making himself comfortable on the sofa.. Sonya filled up only one plate which was meant for Jace

" Starting from tomorrow I will be staying in the village... With my people," Jace spoke taking a bite of the food

" Ohh, that's pretty good news.. I think it will be good for you to be surrounded by your kind.. your real family," Sonya gave a slight smile... Jace studied her face for a while, she was good at hiding her real emotions and expressions.. but she wasn't able to control her emotions in her voice when she spoke those last words, her voice cracked and she stumbled on her words a couple of times.. she was sad with the fact that he has to leave, first it was Dante.. then Zara.. and now it's Jace, everyone keeps on leaving her_ these were the only family she had.. Dante was like a father figure to her because he took her in when she was just a little girl, he trained her and taught her how to fight and defend herself..she grew up into a strong confident woman because of him for many years she spent with him, then came along Zara and Jace.. she looked after them like a big sister who cares for her little siblings, Zara was just a baby and Jace was just a little boy with strange hair and moon light eyes.. quite fascinating.. thinking about it, Sonya didn't even realize that her head was hanging down and tears dropped from her eyes, Jace held her chin making her face him and said

" I'm taking you with me Sonya.. I will never leave you alone," he gave a reassuring smile tilting his head, Sonya widened her eyes staring back at him

" B-but_

" Hazel approved you making with me.. so please come with me_big sis," he gave a dry chuckle.. Sonya hugged him feeling so happy and thrilled

" Thank you Jace.. for caring so much about me even though I'm not part of your kind and clan, thank you for not abandoning me," she buried her face between his neck and shoulder, Jace hugged her back stroking her back gently.


Kathryn made an appearance at the Reign residence, looking all badass and bold.. she was dressed all dark purple of leather, her curly hair left loose behind her.. she made her way inside and was welcomed by Kai who mistakenly bumped into her on his way to the living room

" Big sister.. welcome home," Kai hugged her with a warm smile, Kathryn ruffled his hair smiling back

" How are you?,"

" Good.. how are you? I missed you very much," he stared at her with admiration

" I missed you too... Where is everyone?," she looked around but couldn't see anyone apart from the kids

" Mommy is asleep.. Daddy is in the backyard with Uncle Zach and Uncle Lucian, Aunty April and godmother haven't left their rooms yet as well," he told her

" I see.. well go ahead and I will say hello to father and the others," she said and proceeded towards the backyard

" What time are you two taking off again?," Skylar stared at his watch

" In an hour and a half.. she's still upset with me that I'm starting to think if she'll actually forgive even though we take this trip," Lucian sighs helplessly

" That all depends on you," Zach said simply looking straight ahead as though he did not utter any word,

" Dad!"

The three of them tilted their heads towards the calling of the voice

" Kathryn? Skylar said her name beneath his breath," hey.. how have you been?," he gave her a hug

" Great," she uttered," Uncle Zach.. Uncle Lucian," she nodded at both of them with a smile.. Lucian and Zach returned the gesture

" How is your mother?," Skylar spoke

" Busy.. we rarely see or speak to each other because she's doing her own stuff and I'm doing my own stuff," Kathryn said followed by a smile

" That's like your mother... And you? What are you up to?,"

" Apart from kicking butt and hunting... Nothing really, I just wanted to see you cause it's been a long time since I last saw you.. I missed you and Kai," she said

" So sweet that you care about your little brother," Skylar patted her head gently

" He's my little brother.. I wanted to say hi to Anna but she's still fast asleep so I am told, would love to stay and catch up but I have somewhere to be.. send my regards to Anna," she kissed his cheek and left

" It's nice to see how close you've gotten together as father and daughter," Lucian spoke with a shrug

" Yeah," Skylar could only say.


~ Secret Base~

" I need more army... These aren't enough," Athia said looking down at the army she was able to gather for over the years

" We have a billion of vampires they're enough to start a second war," the man next to her said

" They're not enough Alec... Let's not forget Luna still holds a strongest weapon and that's the last Dragon, she can easily wipe out this little army with her dragon.. not to mention she possess all the elements of a Raven's power, I need to find someone who can create a strong weapon that can take down a dragon," she said staring at him

" But that beast has been in a slumber for centuries now, why can't we just sneak in and kill it before it wakes up," Alec said.. Athia traced Alec's cheek with her finger playfully

" Oh my sweet sweet dumb Alec.. you think it were that easy, I would have done that if it was that of a piece of cake.. now leave my side before I lose it and take it out on you," she said with anger.. Alec obeyed her wishes and left.


Helen and the others brought Leah and Lucian's bags downstairs, they took everything to the car and ready to go

" We will miss you very much mommy and Daddy," Kami and Kale hugged both of them

" Have lots of fun and please don't fight anymore," Hope said giving them a hug

" I will miss you my little princesses and prince, mommy loves you very much always remember this," Leah kissed their little soft cheeks good bye," Kai I'm counting on you," Leah added giving him a thumbs up

" Don't worry godmother.. I will be responsible for them," little Kai saluted

" Don't get to excited we're the same age.. expect I was born first which makes me older," Hope said with a serious face which made her look cute

" Older by 30min," Kai argued.. Leah chuckles hearing their little arguments, she could stay and watch them going on and on. April and Anna were still fast asleep.. looks like the alcohol really took a tore on them

" Have fun you two," Skylar said with a smile.. Zach nodded at them with his poker face, Lucian opened the car door for her and she glared at him and said

" I can get that myself... Dummy," she got into the car, Lucian smirked closing the door.. he got into the driver's seat and drove off

" We're using a private plane so you can rest assure to rest and be comfortable," he told her

" Then why did you buy the tickets.. it's a waste of money don't you think?," Leah said keeping her eyes on the road

" I donated them so it's not quite a waste," Lucian spoke.. they arrived at the airport and their bags were taken inside the plane, Leah took a tour around the place.. it was really large inside and luxurious, it had a sitting area were you just sit.. relax and enjoy, a wine set area.. a kitchen,bathroom and bedroom. Quite beautiful

" We're about to set off now.. would you like anything in particular?," a flight attendant smiled sweetly

" A glass of wine," Leah said making herself comfortable.. Lucian enjoyed seeing her so relaxed and happy at this exact moment and he just wanted to seize the moment.