

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 12 of 12 The Devil's wife

the next day, Ciri's eyes widened with excitement seeing she will be living in such a huge luxurious house.. the servants took her bags upstairs to the guest room

" if you need anything at all don't be afraid to ask the servants.. and if it's personal you can ask my wife for assistance.. clear?." Xander spoke

" Uhm..yes." Ciri nodded her head, Zach descended the stairs in his casual straight figure

" Zach.. this is Ciri.. our surrogate." Xander introduced.. Zach lowered his head to look at the little girl, Ciri swallowed hard lowering her head avoiding his intimidating gaze

" n- nice to meet you." her voice was tiny with a hint of trembling to it

" welcome," Zach simply said turning to Elriel," congratulations," he respectively said looking back at Xander," I'm heading out for a bit." he said and left

" you must be exhausted from the long drive.. get some rest and I will have someone to bring you something to eat." Elriel said.. Ciri was led to her new room, her mouth dropped looking at the luxurious huge bedroom

* does the queen herself sleep in this room? don't be naive Ciri.. this must be nothing, pretty sure the other rooms are bigger than this* she kept on talking to herself inwardly.. when she was left alone she went and threw herself on the bed feeling the warmth of the bed.


Hope was playing in her baby crib and Lucian was simply watching his little girl giggle and clap her tiny hands together..they were currently in the living room by the fire place

" Coffee." Zara brought him a mug of coffee

" thank you." he took the mug taking a sip

" she's such a happy girl.. very energetic."

" yes.. just like her mother.. very beautiful." Lucian gave a slight smile spacing out

" Hope!"

Lucian was pulled back to reality hearing a familiar voice..he looked back and saw Leah standing a few steps away.. both him and Zara stood up shockingly

" Wife."

Leah didn't even throw a glance at any of them..she just ran to her baby carrying her in her arms and embracing her with kisses

" mommy is back now.. she won't leave you again baby..I love you so much."

" Wife I-..

" don't touch me! don't come close to me," Leah glared at him," I didn't come back for you Lucian..I came back for my daughter." Leah firmly said.. he could hear the pain and anger in her tone, he knew she was angry with him and he couldn't blame her

" please.. let's talk privately."

" you and I have nothing to talk about.. what you and I shared..died that same day.. that exact moment you jumped in bed with her," she said with grit teeth," Mr Williams.. please let my guests in." Leah added

" yes Ms." he bows and leaves.. Sonya and Jace walks in.. Lucian and Jace' eyes met and you could feel tension and a spark of dislike between them

a while later Zach.. Skylar and Xander arrived, they three of them had the same question running in their mind like

" when did she arrive? why were they called here?"

Lucian was also wondering what was going on and who these two were..of course they could tell Sonya was a vampire.. but what about the guy? they knew to say he wasn't an ordinary human by his appearance

" great.. now that everyone is here let's get into it.. everyone may take their seats now." Leah sat Hope back in her crib and sat down

" Leah.. can you explain to us what's going on?."

" I'm getting to it Xander.. that's if you let me," Leah said with a sigh," well I'm pretty sure you're all wondering why I left out of the blue without a word.. well, as you all know the dagger was taken out of it's barrier.. and all of you suspected Dante which is correct, Dante threatened to kill Lucian and hurt my daughter.. his condition to keep them alive was that I leave with him without a word, like a foolish girl in love for the man who didn't deserve it..I did what he asked of me, but I wasn't going to let him step on me..so I took the initiative and killed him."

" you killed Dante? as Dante is dead?." Skylar widened his eyes

" w- what?" Zara had her eyes wide open

" what happened Zara? you look more shocked than everyone in this room..were you perhaps close to Dante and we didn't know about it?." Leah raised a brow

" Uhm..o- of course not.. I'm just surprised you killed him on your own."

" it wasn't that difficult..I am powerful among the Ravens.. that stands to vampires as well, killing him was a piece of cake.. you should have seen his eyes..so scared to leave the world behind, he looked like a rat standing in front of a lion," Zara's fist formed into tight balls to the sides

" but the main reason why I asked all of you here is that...I have decided to rule over Mystic Falls..I will take over from now on, I.. the devil's wife will rule over the vampires and Ravens." Leah gave a sly smile holding eye contact with Lucian who had an amused smirk on his lips

neither did Zach and the others oppose

" oh yes.. everyone allow me to introduce to you Sonya my right hand and adviser.. and Jace.. he's a Raven and someone who turned out to be very important to me." Leah concluded.

for the past few days.. Leah's rule over Falls spread like wide fire, everyone feared and respected her..both vampires and Ravens gave their loyalty to her..those against her rule suffered the consequences, the Raven clan were happy to see Jace and Hazel suggested he should lead the clan from now on


Leah spent the entire day in her bed.. she was feeling a bit out of the weather, there was a knock on the door and Sonya walked in with a food tray in her hands

" Sonya you didn't have to.. this is not part of your job." Leah said sitting up

" I know.. but you haven't had anything since morning, you need strength." Sonya said

" thank you."

" excuse me."

Leah picked up her phone and dialed Anna's cell..the call was answered immediately

" Leah.. what the heck! are you okay? you're not hurt are you?." Leah heard Anna's panicked voice over the call

" physically I'm okay.. but I think I might be pregnant, Anna do me a favor and get me a test and drop it over please."

" pregnant.. Leah that's amazing."

" I'm not sure if it is what I think it is.. hurry and don't tell anyone."

" sure..I will be there in half an hour." she said and hang up

" you're pregnant?," Lucian spoke from behind, shock written all over his face

" n- no.. you heard wrong." Leah stuttered

" Leah..I heard you saying you might be pregnant."

" it's just a possibility Lucian.. and it's non of your business."

" is it mine? I mean of course it's mine I'm going to be a Dad again." Lucian was excited

" Lucian stop!."

" Leah.. Leah I regret what I did okay, I love you deeply and I don't mean to hurt you."

" Lucian enough.. just stop okay.. even if I am pregnant I'm pretty sure you're not the father, I want to be alone." Lucian held Leah's arms looking straight into her grey eyes

" tell me the truth Leah.. did you sleep with him? did you sleep with Jace?." his voice was calm but you could hear the rumble in his tone

" whoever I sleep with doesn't concern you Lucian." she simply said

" Leah I have your preg- ...oh, Lucian hey..am I disturbing?." Anna hid the test behind her back

" he was just leaving." Leah said, Lucian simply storms out of the room

" here you go." Anna hands Leah the test..she took it and went to the bathroom

" it says we need to wait for five minutes... I'm so nervous Anna." Leah was pacing back and forth

" why.. it's good if you're actually pregnant right.. you and Lucian will have another adorable little baby."

" that's what worries me Anna.. I'm not sure if it's Lucian's baby."

" what do you mean Leah? did you- did you have sex with another man?." Anna creased her brows

" yes..with Jace, I was so upset when I found Lucian with Zara in the same bed naked.. and I ended up confiding in Jace."

" and didn't you two use protection?."

" of course not Anna..I don't know all this is stressing me out." Leah ran her fingers through her hair

" Leah.. they're ready." Anna picked up the test

" what does it say?." Leah asked nervously.. Anna looked up at her

" Leah.. you're pregnant."

" fuck no..no..no..no."

" yes..yes..yes I'm going to be an aunt for the second time.. whether it's Lucian's or Jace'." Anna smiles

" Leah.. it's Lucian and Jace.. they're going to kill each other." Sonya barged in

" what! Leah's eyes widened running downstairs with Anna

Lucian was badly hitting Jace across the room, he grabs Jace by the collar

" how dare you sleep with my wife? you dare touch her," he punched Jace across the face

" and you dare get her pregnant damn it." he threw a punch in his stomach.. Jace spit out blood, he wouldn't even fight back..not that he couldn't but he just didn't want to

" Lucian! enough..stop it!" Leah came in between them

" step aside Leah." Jace painfully said

" quiet.. you're hurt, he will kill you."

" Leah.. step aside." Jace was firm and damn serious

" Lucian you listen to me..if you won't calm down our marriage will end right here right now.. and I will never look back got it." Leah spoke..her words seem to have worked..he finally calmed down, frustrated..he stormed out of the house and left

" and you.. come and take a seat here while I get the first aid kit." she helped him sit on the couch while she grabbed the kit and treated his wounds

" you have all the advantage to fight back..why didn't you?." Leah spoke

" because a beggar can't be choosey.. I'm a guest here that's it."

" I want you to be free here Jace.. please stay by my side," Jace held her wrist stopping her..he stared into her eyes intensely

" is it true you're pregnant? and if yes.. how is Lucian certain it's mine?."

Leah blinks not sure how to answer it.. how can she answer his question when she herself isn't sure who the father is?

" Jace..yes I am pregnant.. but I'm not sure who father is, you and I was only once while Lucian and I had plenty days and nights before I left... I'm sorry but I don't know who is and who isn't, don't get your hopes up with this." Leah honestly said

" I understand.. whether you're pregnant for me or Lucian, I promise to take care and look after you.. nothing will change." he assured her.. Leah gave a slight smile

" thank you."


Zach arrived home and went straight upstairs, he opened the locked room going inside and locked the door behind him.. the bed was empty, Zach creased his brows moving closer towards the bed..he saw the little figure crunched in a corner in a size of a heap..her face was buried in her arms hiding herself

" April!" Zach called out to her in the most gentle tone

" don't come near me.. don't touch me." April said not looking up

" it's okay..I won't hurt you..I only want to help you," he told her," look at me..I said look at me April." his voice was calm but with a slight command to it, April slowly lifts her head up..her eyes were red and scared

" Zach_ i- i can't control it.. I'm- I'm scared." she teared up

Zach slowly approaches her, he squats on her level cupping her cheek and said

" I'm here to help you.. trust me." he assured her

April threw herself in his arms feeling his warm embrace

" I will always protect you." Zach whispered holding her tight in his arms.

after treating Jace' wounds, Leah went to the hospital and was led to the doctors office

" the tests will be ready in half an hour Mrs Reign," he informed.. when the results were ready he read them out loud to her

" well from the two specimens you presented.. and specimen B came out more superior than A."

" so you mean?"

" Specimen B is the actual father to your expected babies."

" expected babies doctor?." Leah creased her brows

" you're expecting twins Mrs Reign.. congratulations." he told her.

" Shit."

Leah cursed with wide eyes.. certainly not expecting this, she grabbed her bag and the papers running out of the office in a hurry, she drove back home and went straight to her room..her hand reached for her flat tummy rubbing it slightly

" have never been so lost before." she whispered lying down on the bed closing her eyes.

it was nearly dawn when Leah opened her eyes again, she looked at the time and saw how late was

" did I really sleep this long?" she rubs her eyes sitting up.. Lucian was still nowhere to be seen, she suddenly had a bad feeling In her guts

" Leah! come downstairs hurry." she heard Sonya shout from outside.. Leah quickly stood on her feet rushing out of the room

" what happened?."

" it's Lucian.. hurry." Sonya said, Leah hesitantly rushes downstairs. her eyes instantly widened with tears seeing his traumatizing condition

" Lucian!

she quickly ran to his side," what happened to him Zach?." Zach was holding onto Lucian for support while he spoke

" he went to the gates of hell."

" gates of hell?" Leah frowned with no clue about this place so called ' gates of hell '

" it's a certain place where people who commit unforgivable crimes get tortured to death, a normal person or creature wouldn't survive a minute.. but since Lucian is immortal..he let himself being tortured over and over again, if one of my men didn't notify me about this he would still be in there torturing himself." he said

" help me get him upstairs." Leah's voice cracked, he had deep open wounds on his back.. chest and arms. he was badly hurt

Zara kept her distance..as much as she wanted to run to him and hold him.. she couldn't, it would be like asking for war with Leah and that's the last thing she needs right now

Zach laid Lucian down on the bed.. Leah poured some water in a small bowl and a small towel to clean his wounds, due to the deep wounds his healing was a bit slower and they were taking some time to close up

" I will leave now..call me if there's anything." Zach said and left

" Lucian..why do you torture me? you think you're hurting yourself but you're hurting me damn it, you're torturing me.. the love I feel for you torments me..it burns and turns me into ashes," she takes his hand putting it on her flat tummy," I'm pregnant again.. for you, we're going to have another one.. Hope will be a big sister very soon, please open your eyes husband.. open them." tears roll down her face kissing the back of his hand

she prepared where to sleep on the couch..she looked after him all night checking his wounds and cleaning them.

Back at the Kinn resident, Ciri tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen not making a sound..she opened the refrigerator searching for something particular

" no ice cream?" she puffs her cheek

" looking for something?." Ciri startled looking back

" Ah..y- you startled me Mr Xander."

" just Xander is fine.. it's 12 in the morning, what are you still doing up?." Xander leaned on the refrigerator with his hands crossed over his chest

" i- I couldn't sleep.. I'm craving for some ice cream but there isn't any." she bit her lower lip

" I forgot that's the most thing pregnant women crave for..I didn't get any sorry." Xander said

" oh..I see." Ciri sounded disappointed..Xander bounced away from the refrigerator grabbing his car keys on the counter

" let's go."

" huh.. where too?." she blinks a few times

" to get ice cream..I Know you won't sleep tonight till you have it..let's go." he said walking away.. Ciri smiles running along, Xander drove to the ice cream store opening the car door for her

" good thing they always keep this store open for business."

" can I get strawberry..ow and banana especially vanilla." Ciri said looking at the delicious flavors

" we will get all different flavors you have to go." Xander said

" sure thing Sir." she packed all types of flavors for them

" ow.. can I have one for the road?."

" sure thing." he gives her one bowl..she enjoyed it like a little kid while driving back home

Lucian gathered Leah in his arms lying her down on the bed

" umm" Leah gave a slight moan opening her eyes," Lucian.. you're awake?"

" I'm sorry..I didn't mean to hurt you or torture you, losing you would be the death of me Leah..I would lose my mind." he told her cupping her soft cheek

" you need to rest..you haven't fully recovered." Leah said

" I will only heal quickly if I know you actually forgive this idiot for hurting you.. forgive me wife... forgive me."

" I'm gonna have to punish you Mr Reign.. you've been very naughty." Leah chuckles

" punish me as long as you want Mrs Reign." Lucian captured her lips with his, they held hands going to sleep knowing everything is fine again

The next morning, Leah wore a blue bum short.. Lucian's white long sleeve shirt, she tied her hair into a ponytail and went downstairs

" someone looks to be in a good mood this morning." Jace spoke from the kitchen.. Leah chuckles approaching the kitchen

" what are you doing..are you cooking?."

" surprised?." Jace smirks

" well..I had no idea you knew how to cook."

" I guess it's my second power," he makes a joke making her laugh," how is he now?." Jace added

" good..we decided to put everything behind us for the sake of Hope."

" is it really just for the sake of your daughter or more than that?."

" yesterday I went to see the doctor..I wanted to know-

" I know it's his.. you don't have to tell me to make it clear to me." he cut her off cupping her cheek..Leah bit her lower lip staring into his grey silver eyes

" i- I'm craving for something sawer."

" so soon?."

" yes.. with a lot of lemons spread on the shrimp.. can you prepare that for me Jace?." Leah blinks her eyes cutely, Jace chuckles with a nod

" by the way..I love your outfit." he whispers in her ear.. his warm minty breath caressing her skin.


a woman in a red clark walked through the Raven clan territory with pride and her head held up high

" you? what the hell are you doing back here?." Elena glared at her

" is this how you welcome a sister of a Raven Clan? now where's my elder sister.. I'm dying to see her." Athia gave a cunning smile

" Elena! it's okay..let her through." Hazel spoke

" sister..so good to see again after so many years." Athia smiles walking towards Hazel

" what are you doing back here Athia? you were exiled from returning back here."

" come on Hazel..is this how you welcome your own blood sister? and you Elena," Athia turned to Elena," is this how you welcome a sister of a Raven Clan?."

" you stopped being a sister of the Raven Clan when you rebelled against us." said Elena

" Ah.. rebelled," Athia repeated," you know why I decided to walk away sisters..I was supposed to be leader of the Ravens..I was the rightful ruler of this damn Clan, you Hazel.. stole everything from me..my right and my throne."

" our father wanted me to lead before he died.. because he knew I had a pour heart and intentions, you Athia.. only thirst for power.. ambition and stepping on others, I will never let you seat on that throne." Hazel simply said

" and you think you can stop me? have been building and building an army of myself for years, the next time I come back I will take over..not even your precious Luna will be able to stop me." Athia turned around and walked away

" what now?." Elena looked at Hazel with a serious face

" we must be on guard.. tell everyone not to let their guard down." Hazel said and walked away.

" good morning." Leah smiles holding up a tray of food

" good morning." Lucian smiles sitting up

" I brought you breakfast."

" can't I skip the breakfast and have dessert instead?." he gave a naughty grin.. Leah laid down the tray on the table, she sat on his laps wrapping her arms around his neck

" what kind of dessert do you have in mind?."

" surprise me." Lucian whispered on her neck caressing her skin.. Leah unbuttoned the buttons to the shirt she was wearing.. remaining with a black lingerie bra exposing her smooth white breast, Lucian caresses her cheek with his gentle fingers..he reaches for her shorts unzipping them, Leah pulls him in a heated kiss..she pins him down on the bed kissing and biting on his neck, collarbones.. and every sensitive part she could think of, Lucian flips her over pinning her down..he teasingly bit her neck and every bare part of her skin, he kissed her like a hungry beast..wild and passionate

" please." Leah breathlessly begged, Lucian took off her pants and entered her..he made love to her as she kept demanding to go deeper and faster, their moans filled the room..it didn't feel like their usual love making, this was wild..more sexual and intense. it felt different and he loved it..they both did

" shower?," Lucian smirks

" sounds good." Leah smiles.. Lucian picked her up in his arms, Leah giggles cutely holding onto him


Ciri was watching her favorite show on the huge flat TV..she was enjoying her show when it got cancelled replacing it with a live video

" greetings to all parts of the world wherever you're watching this video from..I am Athia, all of you might think you're living in a world that's normal and not threatened by things that's non human.. you might look around and think everyone around you is just a normal human being.. but that's not entirely true, just like you humans exist..we exist, vampires and spiritual beings exist..we existed before you humans came to exist. this world belongs to us.. and it's time we stop hiding and take what's ours, before that.. let's reveal some of them shall we," five pictures appeared on the screen. Lucian, Zach, Xander and Skylar," my favorite vampires and one of my own..my fellow Ravens," pictures of Leah, Elriel, Hazel and Elena where also line up," isn't this fun? beautiful aren't they? they seem to be just normal human being just like you.. don't be deceived, Vampires exist.. Ravens and werewolves exist, we won't hide in the shadows any longer..hear that my sweet niece Luna, I'm coming for you." Athia smirks breaking the camera and the TV went blank..Ciri had her eyes wide open as if she's seen a ghost

" Ciri.."she heard Xander's voice banging on the door," open up," Ciri had nowhere to run or hide

* what have gotten yourself into Ciri?* she spoke to herself standing in a corner.. Xander broke the door startling her

" Ciri,"

" stop! don't come closer or will jump off the balcony and you'll lose this baby." she threatened

" calm down..I won't hurt you.. never." he assured her

" is it true? are you really a vampire?."

" yes.. but I'm one of the good ones."

" I don't trust you.. have watched tans of Vampire movies and they're all blood sucking creatures who kills humans, they have no feelings or sympathy."

" like you said.. they're just movies, we don't hurt innocent humans..we protect them from other rogue vampires that don't follow the rules bounded to them." he explained

" can I really trust you?." her eyes were filled with innocence, fear and tears." Xander stretched his hand at her not moving on his spot, Ciri stared at his open hand..she took slow steady steps towards him and rested her hand on his, she hugged him breaking into tears uncontrollably

" I'm so scared.. I'm terrified." she cried out

" I won't let anything happen to you..I promise." he patted her head gently.


" what now? humans will leave in fear..they won't leave their houses or live a normal life." Leah said.. everyone was currently sitting in the living room trying to figure out what's next

" I think you should do the same thing she did..go live, explain and assure their safety..we are not the threat here but the ones trying to protect them." Jace suggested

" I agree with Jace." Sonya spoke

" you should do it." Lucian also agreed with Jace' suggestion, Leah nods taking a deep breath. Leah was streamed all over ensuring of every vulnerable humans protection, the world was in absolute fear.. but as time went by they learnt to accept the hard truth and live with it.



As we celebrate this festive season, let's keep safe and warm😊

Leave a chapter comment below 👇 to know your views and thoughts, don't forget to follow my YouTube channel @Authoress Tasha for the upcoming trailer yet to drop next year

Love you 🥰