

Every human being is born bound to a spirit. It is a system set up by the gods to prevent genocide. Most humans are bound to a low level spirit, like a fairy or a ghost or a sprite. Some humans are bound to stronger spirits, like angels, or reapers, or elementals, or demons, however getting bound to a demon is rare. When a human turns 12, they perform a test that reveals a human’s spirit. Most get low-level spirits, some get elementals, however, that is not the case for our protagonist. Emery Stone was the only spirit-less being in a world where your existence is determined solely on how strong your spirit is. Now, 5 years later, she is disowned by her human parents and adopted by a powerful forest guardian, attending a low-class high school with only one friend, wanting only to live a peaceful life, only for a powerful demon spirit to appear out of nowhere one day claiming to be her Bound Spirit?! How dare he!

Frozen_Roze · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Last Second Saves and Homecomings

It sounded like a group of 4, maybe 5 people, likely knights if the clanging of metal was anything to go by. The hidden trio held their breath as the group came to a stop just outside the thorn and vine barrier that Emery had erected to cover the opening to the cavern. "Damn it, where could they have gotten? It shouldn't have been very far, the demon is hurt. There's no way it could have been the crown prince. There's no way King Lucifer would have let his only son leave the palace. At least, not so soon after losing the others in the war." Prince Ash hissed. Emery paled, why had he joined the search?! A voice called down to the prince from a near-by tree. "Ah, Brother dearest, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit into my domain?" it purred darkly. Emery peered out and there, standing on a tree branch 50 feet into the air, leaning against the tree trunk, was a male who could have passed for Ash's identical twin, had it not been for the fact he had black hair and a pair of ruby red orbs that peered down at the blonde prince with barely hidden amusement. "We are searching for a dangerous criminal. He led an attack on Lord Ignitious and kidnapped his two daughters, brainwashing the elder one. Emery tilted her head, 'I mustn't let such lies stand.' she thought. she motioned for the other two to remain silent as she focused on a tree branch on the other side of the clearing, away from the squabbling look-a-likes, and disappeared.

She reappeared onto her desired branch much as the Cheshire cat would, a trick she had learned from the fox and cat spirits that lived in the Queen's forest back on earth and gave a disembodied laugh as the rest of her materialized, "Are you referring to me?" she purred, swinging her legs as she sat on the branch, "I'm afraid you haven't gotten the entire story, blonde~" she sang, her eyes glinting with mischief. "I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you, my fair lady!" The dark-haired boy asked and Emery rolled her eyes, "Save the theatrics, Callum." she shot back and he pouted, "No fair. Fine, fine, ruin my fun why don't you, Emery." Ash looked to be very confused, "you two know each other?" He asked incredulously. Emery smirked, "Of course. Since the Ignitious family is close with the Sparks royal family, it would only make sense that the heirs would be introduced as children, yes? After all, he is the heir to the throne, your just the spare." Emery pointed out, taking sadistic joy in poking holes at the blonde who almost handed her over to her delusional father. Ash scowled, "He's a queer freak who is unsuitable to the throne and was disowned. I am the heir to the throne." He sneered and Emery laughed, "Oh my! Is that what they told you? You poor, poor gullible sap. Callum over abdicated the throne because of who his bound human is going to be when he reaches his 12th year. Besides, don't you know many male spirits can bear children. It's not because he's gay that he abandoned the throne, you dunce." She watched with pleasure as Ash's face turned twenty different shades of red. "You want me? Come and get me~ But just know, 'your highness', that my father lied to you. Don't believe me? My bound spirit is Prince Dante Morningstar. You know, the green-haired demon my father shot with an iron bullet?" Emery mocked. Ash clenched his teeth, "Get her!" He snapped, unwilling to admit he had made a mistake. She sighed in false sorrow, before falling back off of the branch, before disappearing a few yards away, further into the woods, "Want me? Come and get me!" She shouted, before taking off. Ash and his knights scrambled after her, trying to catch up.

A few minutes passed since they disappeared out of sight and Callum came over to the branch where she disappeared before knocking on the trunk, "They're gone now, you can come out." He called and Emery dropped down from a branch higher up in the leaves. "So, what's the real story?" Callum asked, "I haven't seen you since we were 12, right before your ceremony." She scowled at him, "Why didn't you tell me about the war?" she hissed and Callum flinched, "I... uh, didn't want you to worry." He confessed, "A lot of us kept it a secret from the humans. Didn't want to complicate it even further and put needless lives at risk." She sighed, "Dante was caught up in the war and couldn't come that day. When he didn't appear, Mom and Dad disowned me, thinking I didn't have a spirit bond." she explained, "A few years passed and Queen Willow, whom at the time I believed was just a lady of a forest, adopted me. Then, a few days ago, Dante appeared and explained everything. I was pissed, but I understood. Two days after I met Dante, my father started trying to get me to return, however when I refused, he started to send people after me. he failed the first time, however, the second time, I was separated from Dante, and there too many of them for me to handle alone. On the upside, I found out I have a little sister, she's hiding with Dante now. Her name is Valiant and she's adorable!" Emery squealed, before clearing her throat, "Uh, anyway, you saved our asses just now. If they had gotten any closer, we would be dead right about now." She thanked, dropping down to the forest floor, Callum hot on her heels. She walked over to the cave entrance and lowered the vines. "Huh, I was wondering why my cave had suddenly grown vines." he commented before Valiant came rushing out, "Dante's passed out!" the small child exclaimed, worry on her face. Emery cursed, "Callum, can you open portals?" she asked rushing over to Dante. "Yes, I can, where is the destination?" he replied. "Queen Willow's palace in Gaia. She has healers on stand by, thankfully." Emery answered, pulling Dante up to where his unconscious form was on her back. It didn't take long for Callum to open the portal up and Emery rushed through, Valiant and Callum hot on her heels.

Once they were on the other side, they were greeted by Queen Willow, who immediately ordered Dante taken to healers and swept Emery into a hug, "Oh, dear Emery. Are you alright?" she asked and Emery nodded, "I am fine, just, I did what I could. I'm afraid." Emery admitted, hugging herself. Willow sighed, "I know, my dear, but all we can do now is wait. For now, I want you to shower and dress in clean clothes, I've had rooms and clothes prepared for both of you. I will have someone take you while I call Kuro and inform him of the change." she said, before turning towards Callum. "Prince Callum, it has been many years since anyone last saw you. It was the public belief that you were dead." she stated as Emery and Valiant were escorted away. Callum waved away emery's worried gaze and answered Queen Willow. "I abdicated the throne because of a... vision of sorts I had of my bound human. I'm not... quite sure who exactly they are, but they will be very powerful and it would be a very bad idea for me to remain to have remained in my position. That and my parents were displeased that I hold no interest in females." She frowned, before nodding, "I will have a servant prepare a room for you, for now, I must ask you to watch over young Dante for me. Emery seems to trust you and I have no desire to see him assassinated so soon after reaching safety. I have calls to make and I must inform Flora of Emery's arrival. My Knight, Hiro, will escort you." Callum nodded and followed the red-haired male that had stepped forward.

Emery looked around her room, it was simple, for a princess room, with a canopy bed, a vanity, and a desk. There were two doors, one leading to a closet and the other leading to a massive bathroom with an equally massive bathtub, and a shower. She grabbed a simple set of pajamas and some clean underwear before quickly hopping into the shower, wanting to get Dante's blood off of her as fast as possible. As she showered, she thought of the events that had happened and the exhaustion hit her. She finished up quickly and got out, dressing just as quickly. Emery brushed through her hair slowly, images of Dante's bloody, unconscious form flashing in her mind. Tears sprung to her eyes, 'I should have paid more attention, I should have done something more! I almost got Dante killed.' She lamented internally. As she finished, she quickly braided her hair and left the bathroom, giving the room another glance over before she left the room and entered Valiant's, just one door over. the young girl had bathed and was already passed out in her bed. Valiant smiled softly, before returning to her own room. She took a deep breath to steady her still shaken nerves and climbed into bed. The events of that night finally hit her and she broke down, eventually crying herself to sleep, where even her dreams were fitful.

Queen Willow pulled her Mirror out and called Kuro, who picked up immediately, "Yes, your majesty?" he answered, "Return immediately. They've returned relatively safe with the help of Crown Prince Callum. Emery and young Valiant are in their rooms, Dante is being treated for a gunshot wound and iron poisoning and is under the careful watch of Prince Callum and my Captain of the guard, Hiro. I have a maid informing Princess Osirin of the situation and I am on my way to see Flora." She informed him and Kuro nodded, "Yes, your majesty. Returning now, we will arrive shortly." He informed her before the screen went blank. She sighed and continued on her way, reaching a pair of double doors before long. she hesitated only a moment before pushing the doors open, revealing a dark room. "Flora? Darling are you awake?" she called, entering cautiously. Rustling was heard near the bed, "Yes, mother, I am." Came the response, the voice soft and feminine. Queen Willow frowned, "Why on earth are you sitting here in the dark, dear?" She asked, walking over to the bed. "The light was hurting my eyes." Flora answered as she came into view. Willow sighed, "Very well. I figured that I would come and update you on the situation." She explained and Flora perked up, her green eyes lighting up with excitement and worry, "Really?! Are they okay? have they retrieved Emery? Is she unharmed?" Flora asked in a rush and Queen Willow chuckled, "Breath, my child. They are fine, Emery has arrived with her younger sister unharmed. Dante only has a gunshot wound, but it is being treated as we speak, he should be fine in the morning. Have you been feeling well?" she asked and Flora nodded, "Yes Mother. If I am okay in the morning, can I meet Emery and Valiant?" She asked her mother eagerly and Queen Willow nodded, "Of course dear, but that means you must get some rest." She agreed. Flora smiled at her mother, "Yes ma'am!" She squealed. Queen Willow kissed her daughter's forehead and tucked the young girl in and bid her good night, before quietly exiting the room. 'Now, I have a ball to plan, one to present Emery as my daughter and Dante as her spirit. I have my work ahead of me.' She thought to herself, making her way towards her office.

Callum stood off to the side of the medical room, Knight Hiro on his left and Princess Osirin on his right as they watched the healers work to heal Dante. They had to cut his shirt off to get to the wound, which had turned black around the edges due to the iron poisoning. They had a long night ahead of them before anything was sure. Dante was on a thin line.