
Bound To The Vampire Lord

Warning:This book contains mature content. ... I want you, despite the danger signals... Young and sheltered Amberlynn Hale, who had been protected possessively all her life by her father, finally received the freedom she had always craved for on the night of her eighteenth birthday. And that single act of rebellion changed everything about her life when she met Draco Birmingham. ... Draco Birmingham was one of the wealthiest billionaires in the city and not even the police could interfere in his business. He was ruthless, cold, merciless, the kind of man ladies desired. And he had a dark secret no one knew about. When he saw Amber that particular night, the lust that took hold of him was unexpected and he swore to have a taste of her that night. Never did he expect that he would end up marrying her a few weeks later. Amber can't deny the sizzling chemistry she feels anytime Draco is beside her and she hoped she would finally get a shot at happiness... until she discovered the deadly secret shrouding Draco's life. Not only was Draco an ancient vampire who had managed to perfectly fool the public with his young appearance, he also had a deadly goal, a goal that originated from something that happened years ago. This goal was to destroy the sworn enemy of the vampires if she ever got reincarnated. As if fate was playing a cruel joke on them both, it turned out that Amber wasn't human like everyone thought. She was the reincarnation of Draco's sworn enemy, Andromeda the last pure blooded witch. Now Draco finds himself torn between love and duty. What choice would he make? Was he willing to kill the woman he loved before she became a threat to the vampires? Or would he risk the entire race of vampires for the sake of love? Excerpt... "Your lips are so perfect Amber",Draco murmured against her ear, his hot breath fanning her neck and making her spine tingle. His hot lips trailed down her jawline, nipping lightly at the soft skin until he hovered over her lips. Amber shut her eyes in anticipation and arched her back. Her lips parted with a throaty moan. "Draco",she whined when Draco just stared at her in silence, his blue eyes filled with so much passion and intensity. She gasped breathlessly when his large palms grabbed her hips and tugged her sharply against his hard erection. "I've crossed the line Amber and there's no going back",Draco whispered against her lips. "Stop me now before it's too late" Amber tightened her arms around his neck and rubbed against the bulge in his pants. Draco's groan of pleasure gave her a feeling of satisfaction and she opened her lust clouded eyes. "Claim me Draco",she whispered huskily and guided his hand to her wet entrance. "Mark me and make me yours" Draco's blue eyes flickered and bled black as he felt the dampness between her legs. His fangs slowly emerged and with a muttered oath, he slammed his lips on hers.

BellaCupid · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

Uncovering Draco's secrets

When Amber opened her eyes the next morning, she found herself on the bed. A quick peek at the window told her the day was just dawning. The sky was still a deep blue, and the chirping sounds of birds reached her ears.

She was out of her wedding dress, now wearing a pink coloured pajamas. Draco must have undressed her while she slept.

Stretching languidly, she turned around and froze instantly.

Draco lay on her other side, staring at her silently. One hand was placed on her waist and the other supported his head.

His torso was bare and she felt her mouth water at the mass of muscles that made up his taut shoulders and chest. The lower part of his body disappeared into the duvet and she fleetingly hoped he was at least wearing something underneath.

"Good morning",Draco said brightly.

Amber frowned and drew back from him. Though she couldn't go far because of his hand that held her waist firmly, she still tried to move back, to give herself some space.

"Good morning",she responded tentatively. Then she narrowed her eyes at him. "Someone's awfully happy this morning"

Draco chuckled at her. Then his eyes fell on her warily.

"Do you remember anything from yesterday?", he asked.

Amber could see a tinge of apprehension in his eyes. She frowned and thought hard about it before shaking her head.

"Nothing",she said finally. "Which is strange because after our wedding, did we come home instantly?"

Draco released the breath he had been holding.

"You were a little tipsy from all the wine you took",he told her with a smile. "I had to bring you home straightaway"

"That's strange",Amber mumbled.

"What is?",asked Draco, staring at her carefully.

"I don't remember drinking anything",Amber said. "And my father, I didn't get to see him after the wedding"

The light in Draco's eyes dimmed when she mentioned her father.

"Your father is out of town",he told her quickly. "Running one of my numerous businesses. It may take a while before you see him again"

This news saddened Amber. Her father was the only family she had. She missed him already.

"Did... did anything happen... at the wedding?", she asked. The look appeared in Draco's eyes again, a look of apprehension. Or was it dread?

"Nothing happened",he said in a flat voice. "The wedding ended happily, you had so much to drink, and I brought you home"

Amber thought about it for a while. Then she smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you for taking care of me",she said lightly. "And helping me with my wedding dress"

Draco was taken aback for a second. He didn't expect her to act that way, or thank him for anything. He had nothing to fear anymore. The hypnosis worked just fine and she didn't remember anything.

His strong hands wrapped around her waist and he nuzzled her neck.

"You don't feel uncomfortable with me changing you out of your wedding dress?",he asked.

Amber shivered as his warm breath tickled her. "Why would I?",she asked rhetorically. "We're married now. So I have no fear of anything. Besides, I was asleep so there was no reason for me to be shy or uncomfortable"

Draco chuckled again and closed his eyes. Her body felt so warm and right against him.

He went over the rules he had given her for their marriage. It was true he didn't want love. He didn't want affection or any feeling whatsoever.

But holding Amber close to him now, he had a rethink. There might be no love between them.


But it didn't mean they couldn't be intimate, like the way they were now. Amber was his wife now, and as he got to know her better each day, he would also find out why she was so alluring.

And what her father meant when he said he would protect her and keep her safe.

"Draco?",Amber whispered.


"Now that we're married, and you're always going to be busy at work",Amber ventured out uncertainly. "I was wondering if I could go to college"

Draco frowned. His plans for Amber were totally different. He didn't think she would want to go to college.

"I don't know about that",he replied.

"Please",Amber persisted. "I've always wanted to go to college. It's my dream"

Draco shut his eyes, rubbing his nose on her neck and inhaling her sweet rosy scent. If she went to college, it would make things easier for him. She wouldn't get curious about the hole in the wall, the hole that led to the secret room where he tortured his victims before he fed from them. She wouldn't be aware of the strange things happening in the house.

Maybe she could go to college.

"I will talk to Wendy about it",he said finally. "And see the best college in the city that will take you in"

Amber smiled. Her dreams were finally coming true.

"Thank you",she whispered.

Draco kissed her neck softly, making shivers take over he body. Then he released her.

"Wendy and Arty will be around to help you with anything",he said as he got off the bed. "Stay indoors and don't wander on your own"

"Okay",Amber nodded like a little child, watching as he pulled on a shirt and then a dark jacket.

"I will be back at night",he told her. Before he left, he leaned over the bed and kissed her on the cheek.

Without another word, he turned and left the room, all the while thinking, 'Being married wasn't so bad'.

Amber stood at the terrace and watched him walked towards a Rolls-Royce waiting for him. One of his bodyguards opened the door for him and he got in.

Two other cars followed behind the sleek car and they drove out of the estate.

Amber waited until the cars were all gone before she turned around.

The smile on her face dropped and a murderous rage took over her expression.

Did Draco really think he could fool her?

After he tried to hypnotize her the previous night and erase her memories, she felt a tingling in her head and she collapsed.

But when she woke up this morning, her memories were still intact. She remembered everything that happened at their wedding the previous day.

She remembered the strange woman called Velma. She remembered the sharp fangs, the dark soulless eyes, the strange powers, the black blood.

She remembered her father, and it brought tears to her eyes. Her father was dead, and Draco had the guts to lie to her.

She fisted her hands as a burning rage took hold of her.

She remembered him dropping from the roof. And lastly, she remembered their conversation, Arty, Wendy and Draco.

She didn't know why, but whatever hypnosis he placed on her didn't work. When she saw the red ring of light in his eyes, she felt herself being pulled under.

But then it seemed something had snapped it and blocked his hypnosis from having a hold on her.

Now that Draco thought he succeeded in erasing her memories, she would be able to do her findings in secret.

She really wanted to go to college, but another reason why she asked was because she didn't want to be stuck in the house all day. If she were, attention would be on her at all times.

So starting college would take off everyone's attention from her. And while schooling, she would find out what Draco was actually hiding. She would uncover all his secrets.

And uncovering every secret started with finding where that hole in the wall led to, and where the screams came from.