
Bound To The Mafian Lord

Arianna's life as a promising upcoming artist is cut short as she is forced to go into an arranged marriage with Leonardo DiCaprio, a ruthless mafia lord in the place of her elder sister. Life with Leonardo is a living hell as he is cold to her and dangerous when things don't go his way. Will she be able to break him and get his love? Will their new found love stand a chance to overcome the storm and temptations ahead of them or will they be destroyed by it?

Onuwa_Solange · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

Chapter 1


Arianna's POV


" What?," I asked with a shocked expression on my face. 

I looked at dad who held a cold expression on his face and then at mum who looked like she was about to cry. 

There was a cold silence in the room for almost a minute. 

"Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on here?" 

This time I was looking at my sister who stared at the ground like there was something interesting going on there.

"Baby" my mum began as she held me and spoke in a soft but shaky tone." You know Francesca has her modelling career to pursue, she has a bright future ahead of her and she can't give it all up for this "

"What?," I took a step back, extremely shocked by the words that came out of her mouth. 

"Don't I have a bright future too?. Is my life so worthless that you find it so easy to throw away?". I asked mum who looked like she was going to burst out in tears anytime now.

"You are just a starved unemployed artist, whereas your sister here has a whole life full of opportunities laid in front of her". My dad said with a cold look on his face before looking back at his computer. 

Those words sent daggers straight to my heart. It hurt like my heart was torn into different pieces by a very sharp dagger. I felt lightheaded.

"Dad,but.. but I have a life, I have my whole life figured out, my whole life is in America dad. Please don't force this on me"

2 months ago, my dad asked me to return to Italy as it was a Matter of urgency.

Ever since I got here, my dad hasn't held a decent discussion with me, my mum has been overly motherly and Francesca has been overly nice to me. 

I suspected something fishy was going on but never expected this. 

"Francesca? " I called but she couldn't look me straight in the eyes and quickly averted her eyes.

"Dad?Mum?" I called amidst tears hoping it would change their minds.

"Look young lady" my dad said this with anger in his eyes, he looked really annoyed." I didn't call you here to debate this over with you, I have made my decision and my decision is final"

With that I stormed out of the office banging the door loudly and ran upstairs to my room.

I could hear my Mom screaming at my dad, I guessed she wasn't hundred percent happy with dad's decision.


Tears soaked my pillow as I buried my face in it. 

How could they do this to me?.

Dad had forced Francesca's arranged marriage on me because I'm clearly not his favourite and my future isn't bright enough that it can be thrown away like that. 

I didn't want to get married, at least not now. I have a boyfriend whom I loved so much. We had planned our future together, even the names we would give to our five kids.

I didn't want to give up on all that but I clearly have no choice now. 

Francesca has always been dad's favourite and he made no effort to hide it. 

Tears just kept pouring out of my eyes as memories flooded in.

  "Give it back" I shouted at Francesca who had forcefully taken my toy and refused to give it back. 

"It's mine now, go play with mine,I don't want it again " Francesca said as she pushed me to the ground.

"Give it back to me" I said as I rushed at her and pulled her hair.

"What's going on here?" Dad asked while pulling us away from each other.

"Arianna's been stingy with her toy,even though I told her to go play with mine" Francesca faked a cry.

"It's mine and I want to play with mine " I defended.

"How many times have I told you not to fight with your elder sister Arianna, stop behaving like a bad child. If your sister wants to play with your toy you let her. She's older than you and she comes first. You understand?.Now go to your room" Dad scolded as he pointed in the direction of my room.

"That little brat is giving me a headache" 

I heard him murmur to himself and Francesca giggling loudly while making funny faces at me.

Why does dad treat me so differently? 

I know Francesca is his favourite but does he have to make it so obvious? Can't he pretend to care about me for once?.

I needed to talk to someone as I picked up my phone and dialled a number.

Brrrrrrrr... the phone rang

"Hey girl!!" the voice over the line said happily.

"Heyy Ella" I said, all the energy in me drained out.

"Are you ok? You don't look good " She inquired

"I am having a shitty-," I was cut off by a male voice in the background which I clearly recognised.

  " Babe ,Are you done with your call ?,it's cold out here" The voice inquired before stopping abruptly

I could see Ella's face light up quickly as dropped her phone on the bed away from her face 

"Shit!! I told you not to come in until I was done talking-," She said as she hung up.

What just happened right now? That was clearly Michael's voice. 

Why were they together especially at this hour? and wait he called her "babe".

My hand grasped my mouth as the realisation dawned on me.

"It can't be '' I said loudly as I picked up my phone trying to dial Michael's line. "The voice just sounds like Michael's', it can't be him. Michael can never cheat on me" I said trying to console myself.

After trying his line severally and it going straight to voicemail, I get a text from him

"I'm sorry Anna but I promise I will explain later,can't talk now. I'll call you tomorrow"

What? My boyfriend is cheating on me and with no other person but my best friend. 

The two people I trusted and loved with all my heart betrayed me. 

Why is this happening to me?. 

I am being forced into a marriage meant for

my sister and now this.

Has my luck finally run out? 

I felt a sharp pain run through my head and everything went dark.