
Chapter Fourteen_meeting.

Elena's POV.

Day Three.

 I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled, I was definitely beautiful, no one could convince me otherwise. Today is the day of the meeting, I was already dressed up and not so nervous, the paranoia had worn off, I had  a simple black suit on, that was anything but simple, the buttons  of the blazer were made of sparkling stones, then the embroidery was  so unique such that I kept admiring myself in the mirror. Yesterday had been the day of realization for me, I was no longer going to shy away from the spotlight I found myself in, rather, I was going to use it to the best of my ability.

Katie  honked her car  horn outside and bid me to come out, she had gotten better yesterday (or so she said, I still felt like she needed rest, bit she convinced me otherwise), and had set the requirements for the meeting in motion, I took one last look at the mirror and smoothened my hair which had been stretched to perfection, Jill had done a good work and the beauticians had performed their duties splendidly, so much so that I looked the best that  I've ever looked before. I sported a small black handbag and wore a stylish scarf around my neck, partially due to the  biting cold.

I stepped onto the front porch and input the password combo which I was forced to memorize. Taking a deep breath I turned and sashayed towards the waiting vehicle.

The drive was exactly twenty five minutes, and we arrived at the exact time the meeting was to start. The double doors opened and we both strutted in, both manager and managee.

The meeting commenced and went on for a period of time with us discussing the script and how to act it out, another meeting was scheduled for tomorrow, where we would inculcate the script and act it out. The crew whole were very friendly ,and as a result, everything worked out smoothly and the meeting came to an end on a good note.

Katie left me to go talk to the director, so I decided to go mingle with the rest of the people, 'it would do me a lot of good' I thought.

"Hello" A voice said to me, stopping me in my tracks.

"Uhm....hi" I responded, unsure of what to say.

" I'm Jason, you can call me Jace, nice to meet you" He stretched out his hand, probably for a handshake.

I took the outstretched hands and shook it vigorously.

"I'm Elena, pleasure to meet you too". 

"You seemed like you needed company, so I made myself available." He smiled, and I caught a glimpse of a dimple.

"Oh most definitely, I was almost bored out of my wits, I'm glad you are here".

"You are shooting your welcome advert, you are so lucky that you are getting signed to an A rated entertainment agency, many people don't have that kind of opportunity." He commented.

"Well, I am definitely going to be working hard to fit he status of the entertainment agency I am signed to, that's for sure" I smiled.

"You look stunning by the way, there is bound to be a huge competition, with your arrival." He complimented.

I had an idea of what he was talking about, the frequent comparison  of who is the most beautiful or handsome in the industry or of who is the most talented or who would have played a particular movie role better, so actresses and artists struggle and compete to try and be at the top of the list, leading to feuds, malice, betrayal and occasionally out blown fight.

Instead, I shrugged and replied jokingly.

"They would not even be compelled to complete with me, as there is nothing to compete for". I smiled sweetly.

"Oh, you have no idea, people always want to be entertained at the expense of others so even if there is not much to compete for, people will always make sure that others are pitted against each other, and you are likely to fall a victim of such, since you are new." He explained.

"Ha, who are these people" I exclaimed in an attempt to enter lighter topics.

"Well mostly fans, netizens or sometimes coworkers and colleagues." He answered my question.

"Well, I'll make sure to be careful, and thank you for the advice in disguise". I teased.

"Well, since you are the newest eye candy, you are most certainly welcome." He winked at me, and I smiled in an attempt to act coy.

I spotted Katie approaching and made a beeline towards her, after muttering a few pleasantries with Jace , getting his cellphone number in case I needed any help in the future, and saying goodbye to him.

"What took you so long" I whimpered.

"Well, I had to discuss some few things with him, make modifications and corrections for the script, and do some other few things, how about you, what were you up to when I was gone."

"Well, I was bored at first, then one guy walked up to me and we made small talk, his name is Jason."

"Well, I'm glad that you were not distancing yourself from the people around you, you are able to mingle with them,  that shows that you are slowly getting out of your inferiority complex."

"I never had one, I just don't know how to strike up a conversation with a stranger." I replied.

"Well learn to do so, it's a skill you will need in the nearest future" she commented.

"Yes ma'am."I obliged.

We made our way out after exchanging good byes with the whole crew and climbed into Katie's vehicle.

"The boss said I should bring you" she began, keeping her eyes steadily on the road.

"Where?" I was baffled, why did he want me, what does he want to do, these questions passed through my mind.

"To the villa, I was given instructions to bring you right after the meeting."

"Oh, alright." I said.

My mind flew back to the last time we met,he had given me life changing advices and I had lied to him, one way or another. My conscience blamed me for not being entirely honest with the one person I had to be very honest with.

"Did you tell him anything?" I asked.

"About?" She was confused as to what I was referring to.

"About your short sickness"I answered, holding my breath for the answer that would come next.

"He never asked" she said, "why,did anything happen?" She asked.

"No, nothing happened, I was just curious."

We continued our drive in silence, and she pulled over at my apartment.

"What are we doing here,we were supposed to go to the villa weren't we?".

"Well I think you need to take have a Change of clothes for this one."

I was more confused than ever, I did not see the reason for a change of clothes.

"I think I look okay like this, I do not want to change my clothes unless there is a valid reason for the change, so tell me, is there?."

"How would I know that, I was just told that you ought to be well dressed and all made up, you definitely need a change of clothes, so hurry up, we don't have much time to waste".

I did as she said, after having a hot shower, I perused through my walk in closet and found a perfect dress for the purpose, it was a black v necked  plain dress that hugged my body, I put on black high heeled shoes that matched the outfit and sported the same handbag from earlier, I chose a different scarf and tied it around my neck, I was set to go.

"You definitely like dreary colors" This was the first comment that Katie made when she saw me.

"Well, a wise person once said, black is the new pink. Let's go".

"Oh no, while you were getting dressed, I received a phonecall from Chris, the boss wanted you to come alone, so your going alone, my job is done."


I guess I was going to find out why he summoned me, ALONE.

 Author's note:

Hello everyone,another daily update for you🎉🎉.I have been experiencing a writer's block of recent, but I will still continue to update, I'm currently working on another story and as such would like to know, do you want me to write a high school romance  novel or do you want me to write short stories (which may contain mature content) let me know by informing me on Twitter @cancerzodiac9, don't forget to follow me in the process, I will post teasers and daily update times, thank you to everyone reading this book ♥️ ♥️, you people are the best, you encourage me to keep writing. What do you think will happen next, inform me on the same Twitter handle. Till tomorrow ♥️♥️.

I love y'all 🥰