
Bound By Love : The billionaire’s Contract wife

Alexander Whitmore, a billionaire heir with a seemingly perfect life, faces a daunting ultimatum from his domineering father: marry a woman of his approval or lose his inheritance. Desperate to retain control over his future, Alexander devises a plan that leads him to Elena Carter, a struggling waitress burdened with her mother’s medical bills and mounting debts. Elena’s world is turned upside down when Alexander proposes a contract marriage, promising financial stability in exchange for her hand in marriage. Torn between skepticism and the dire need to provide for her mother, Elena reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. As they navigate their lives under the constraints of a loveless marriage, Alexander and Elena discover hidden depths within themselves and each other. The initial coldness and distrust begin to melt away, giving rise to unexpected emotions and a burgeoning connection. However, their path to true love is fraught with obstacles. Alexander’s manipulative father, a vengeful ex-lover, and the ghosts of Elena’s past all conspire to tear them apart. Misunderstandings and betrayals threaten to unravel the fragile bond they’ve built. In a story filled with passion, intrigue, and the transformative power of love, Alexander and Elena must confront their deepest fears and insecurities. Can they overcome the forces against them and forge a genuine relationship, or will their contract marriage end in heartbreak? **Bound by Fate: The Billionaire's Contract Bride** is a compelling dark romance that explores the complexities of love, sacrifice, and the unbreakable ties that bind two souls destined to be together.

Queen_write · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3 : A Deal With The Devil

Elena sat across from Alexander, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never been in a situation like this before, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her life was about to change in ways she couldn't yet comprehend. The diner's noise seemed to fade into the background as she focused on the man in front of her. 

Alexander studied her for a moment before speaking. "I understand that you're in a difficult situation. Your mother's medical bills, your financial struggles—it's a lot for anyone to handle." 

Elena stiffened. "How do you know about that?"

 "I have my ways," Alexander said, not unkindly. "And I also know that you're a hard worker, someone who doesn't give up easily. That's why I think you're perfect for what I'm about to propose."

 Elena's mind raced. Who was this man, and why was he so interested in her life? "What exactly are you proposing?"

 "A contract marriage," Alexander said, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. You'll get the financial support you need, and I'll fulfill the condition my father has set for me to inherit the family business." 

Elena's mouth went dry. A contract marriage? It sounded like something out of a movie. "Why would you need to marry someone like me?" 

"My father has given me an ultimatum. I must marry a woman he approves of to inherit the family business," Alexander explained. "I need someone who won't complicate my life, who understands that this is purely a business arrangement." 

"And what do you get out of it?" Elena asked, her voice trembling slightly.

 "I get control of the Whitmore Empire, and you get financial security," Alexander replied. "Your mother's medical bills will be taken care of, and you won't have to worry about money again." 

Elena leaned back, trying to process everything. It sounded too good to be true, but she couldn't ignore the desperation in her own heart. "And what would you expect from me?" 

"We would present ourselves as a couple to my family and the public. You would attend social functions with me, live in my home, and act the part of my wife," Alexander said. "But behind closed doors, we can live our own lives. There are no strings attached, no romantic expectations."

 Elena hesitated. "And how long would this arrangement last?"

 "A year," Alexander said. "Long enough to satisfy my father's condition and secure my inheritance."

 Elena looked down at her hands, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. This could solve all her problems, but it also meant giving up her independence and entering into a sham marriage with a man she barely knew. Could she really do this? 

"Why me?" she asked softly. "There must be other women who would be willing to do this." 

"You have the qualities I'm looking for," Alexander said. "You're strong, determined, and you have a reason to agree to this arrangement. I believe we can help each other."

 Elena took a deep breath. "And if I say no?" 

"You're free to decline," Alexander said, his expression serious. "But I think you know as well as I do that this could be the solution to your problems."

 Elena closed her eyes, thinking of her mother lying on the couch at home, of the mounting bills, and the constant stress. This could be her chance to make things better, to finally catch a break. 

"What's in the contract?" she asked, her voice steadying.

 "It outlines the terms of our arrangement," Alexander said, reaching into his briefcase and pulling out a thick document. "You'll have a chance to review it and make any adjustments you feel necessary. I want this to be fair for both of us." 

Elena took the document, feeling the weight of it in her hands. She glanced at Alexander, searching for any sign of deceit, but his expression remained calm and sincere.

 "Alright," she said finally. "I'll take it home and read it. But I'm not making any promises."

 "Of course," Alexander said, standing up. "Take your time. This is a big decision, and I want you to be comfortable with it." 

He handed her a business card. "Call me when you've made up your mind."

 Elena nodded, slipping the card into her pocket. As Alexander left the diner, she felt a mix of emotions—fear, hope, and a flicker of something she hadn't felt in a long time: possibility. 

She finished her shift in a daze, her thoughts consumed by the proposition. When she finally got home, she found her mother asleep on the couch. Elena sat down at the small kitchen table and opened the contract, the legal jargon making her head spin. But as she read through the terms, she realized that Alexander had been truthful. The contract was clear and straightforward, offering her financial security in exchange for her cooperation.

 Elena knew she had a lot to consider, but as she looked at her sleeping mother, she felt a sense of determination. This might be her only chance to change their lives for the better.

 With a deep breath, she picked up her phone and dialed Alexander's number. 

 Alexander sat in his study, a glass of scotch in his hand. He had been thinking about Elena ever since their meeting. She was different from the women he usually encountered—strong, independent, and resilient. He admired those qualities in her and believed she was the right person for this arrangement. His phone rang, and he answered it immediately. 

"Hello?" "It's Elena," she said, her voice steady. "I've read the contract, and I have a few questions." 

Alexander smiled. "Of course. I'll answer anything you want to know." 

They talked for over an hour, going over the details of the contract. By the end of the conversation, Elena felt more at ease, and Alexander knew she was seriously considering his proposal. "I'll do it," she said finally. "I'll sign the contract." 

"Thank you, Elena," Alexander said, relief washing over him. "You won't regret this." 

 As he hung up the phone, Alexander felt a sense of satisfaction. He had found the perfect partner for his plan, and now he could move forward with securing his future. But as he thought about Elena, he couldn't help but wonder if this arrangement would turn out to be more complicated than he had anticipated.