
I will marry you

It was obvious that the princess was displeased with Raziel's attitude, but she tried her best to hide it. She gave him one of her polite practiced smiles.

"I am Lyra your highness, the first princess of Crestland, and the daughter of..."

"I didn't ask you for details. I only asked for your name." Raziel cut her off, and she gave him a smile which was obviously forced.

Raziel smiled to himself. This one was easy.

"What are your hobbies your highness?" He asked as he began to eat.

"I am an outdoor person. I usually enjoy mountain climbing and picnics."

"We have something in common then." Raziel stated, and he noticed her face brighten a bit. "I am an outdoor person too, but I don't do mountain climbing and picnics. My favorite outdoor activity is slaughtering."

"Slaughtering? I don't understand. Do you hunt?"

"Yes. But not animals."

The princess shifted uncomfortably in her seat, and he noticed the little sweat gathering on her forehead.

"Humans then?"

"Humans, vampires, werewolves, witches, even sirens. I slaughter every specie." He took a bite from his meat. He noticed that she has not touched her food. "Is the food not to your liking your highness?"

"Uh... uhm yes. Yes." She had wanted to eat, but she had lost all appetite with the things he was saying to her.

"As I was saying. I slaughter Men and women, commoners and nobles, foes, friends, family, and even brides to be."

Lyra stood up immediately.

"I am sorry your highness, but I need to leave." She said, and scurried out in a hurry.

On her way out, she met Luciana who had been standing by the door. The normal her would punish her, but she was too terrified to do anything.

Luciana then entered the parlour when the princess had left.

"That was mean your highness." Luciana said as she walked to take a seat where the princess once sat.


"Yes. But I like mean people sometimes."

"So you like me?" Raziel raised a questioning brow at her.

"No. That's not what I meant."

He just chuckled, not wanting to tease her further.

"What a waste of food." Luciana said as she stared at the food that the princess didn't touch.

"You should be the last person to say that Luciana. No one wastes food more than you."

"That's not my normal eating habit." Luciana defended herself.

"But anyway you have improved in these last few days. I think going outside the castle also helped." Raziel said, and she just shrugged.

"Can I eat this?"

He was a little taken aback that she willingly wanted to eat.


"When will you be entertaining the next princess?" Luciana asked as she began to eat.

"Maybe in the next one or two hours. Whatever my father has planned."

"Why did you agree to it when you are just going to scare them all away?" Luciana asked.

"Because I am the obedient son." He gave her a lopsided smirk.

"Very obedient." Luciana responded sarcastically.

They then ate in silence.

Time moved by quickly, and suddenly it was time for Raziel to see the next princess. Luciana that had been in the parlour with him stood up to leave, after sarcastically wishing him luck.

This time around, he didn't bother to speak with the princess, neither did he answer her when she tried to speak to him. He just pretended she didn't exist, until she got up and left.

The next one came later, but she wasn't a princess, but the daughter of a very rich duke. She was tall and she had black hair that had been tied into a bun, and adorned with golden pins. She wore a long purple dress that took her curves perfectly, while the gown flowed freely down from the knee. The up of the gown was open to reveal a slender neck and her boobs peeked out a little.

The girl walked to the seat and made herself comfortable.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the infamous prince Raziel." She said without the usual smile the others have. Raziel noticed how she spoke with confidence. Even though the other princesses carried themselves with grace, this one was different. She seemed like someone that would not be intimidated easily.

"I am Dahlia, the future Duchess of Woodrow. That's if my father would let me though." She shrugged.

Raziel didn't bother to talk to her, and she also didn't say anything to him. She was just busy feasting all by herself.

"Did you come here to meet me or to eat?" Raziel asked when he couldn't fathom what she was up to.

"Both." She replied without looking at his face. "I have been starved these past few days just so I would stay in shape and please you."

"You don't care about pleasing me anymore?" Raziel asked.

"I have never cared about that."

"Why are you here then?"

"Because I was forced to be here. I am the only child of my parents, and they believe I need to get married before I could take over their position. Actually, my husband would be the one to take over. Because I am a woman." She rolled her eyes as if annoyed with her situation.

"So you want to take over?" Raziel asked her.

"Of course. I have studied my whole life for this. Now they know I am a woman."

At least he wouldn't have to scare this one. She didn't even want to marry him.

He noticed how her face held a frown through out. Sometimes it would seem as if she was contemplating something, other times she would just shake her head.

When they were done eating, Raziel spoke.

"It was nice meeting with you Lady Dahlia. It seems we are both on the same page. We both do not want to marry each other, so just tell your father that you were rejected."

"I have changed my mind about marrying you Prince Raziel."

"What do you mean?" Raziel asked with a deep frown.

"I want to get married to you now."

"Why the sudden change of heart?" He asked.

"Because you don't want to marry me. I thought you would be eager, but now that you are as disinterested as I am, I would like to marry you."

Raziel didn't understand her logic. He was going to ask questions, when she spoke.

"If I go home without a positive news, they will find me someone else. I already have a line of suitors. I don't want to meet anyone of them. If I marry you, I can easily get away from you later. But those ones would keep me for life."

"Dahlia I am sorry about your situation, but I am not marrying you." Raziel told her.

"Your father said I should let him know if you are to my liking. You are. I just have to tell him, and we are good to go. Thank you for your time Prince Raziel."

She then stood up to leave, while Raziel watched her in disbelief.