
Chapter Six - Hunting at a Gala Party

The Benneth manor was luxurious like all the residences of important families in the magical world. Severus had visited Malfoy Manor continuously throughout his life... his first life before Voldemort's cursed serpent decided to test the effectiveness of his poison on him, therefore, he was not dazzled by the great ostentation of his hosts and residence.

- "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Benneth" - The black-haired man greeted cordially.

- "My daughter was right" - Said Mrs. Benneth. - "You are a real gentleman, Severus. We are glad you accepted Jade's invitation. It was about time we met you."

Severus raised an eyebrow at that. - 'What? What do you mean? I'm barely an acquaintance of Jade.'

- "Enjoy the party, Severus" - The family patriarch said. - "My princess will accompany you throughout the evening, so you won't feel alone."

The man's cheerful look and expression did not bode well.

Snape sighed, no sooner had he crossed the entrance than the hosts had accosted him. He looked around the huge hall, many people were spread out around the place: holding a glass of liquor in their hands and chatting pleasantly. He realized that most of them were adults.

- "Dad, Mom."

Severus turned his head to rest his eyes on a young girl with a good figure and an elegant lemon-green dress. Seeing her in such a fixed manner made Jade blush. At this blush, her hostess smiled mischievously.

- "How good of you to arrive, my daughter" - The woman put a hand on her daughter's naked back (the dress left this part uncovered) and brought her gently closer until she was facing Severus. - "Being a good hostess is a familiar quality. Jade, make your friend feel at home."

The insinuating look the older woman gave him did not please Severus at all, he felt a certainly forced cordiality. Jade was still blushing when she took a step toward him.

- "Welcome, Severus."

- "Thank you for inviting me, Jade."

- "You look very beautiful, daughter" - Jade's father commented - "Don't you think so, Severus?"

- "Yes, that dress suits you very well" - Said the black-haired man, looking doubtfully at his host.

- "You have good taste if you'll excuse us" - Lord Benneth took his wife's arm, - "We'll see to the other guests."

Jade watched as her parents made their way to one of the tables, her mother craning her neck to give her one last meaningful look. Now free of the adults, Jade let out a long sigh and relaxed.

- "Something to confess?" - The black-haired man asked with an amused expression.

- "I'm so sorry, I got you in trouble."

- "Bah, don't worry about it" - Severus took advantage of a house elf passing by with a tray to take one of the glasses. - "I can deduce what your parents expect from you."

- "Really?" - Jade frowned. - "You're going to drink alcohol?"

- "Just one drink."

- "You're a potential alcoholic, you know that?"

- "You're overreacting" - Severus sharpened his eyes, - "Aren't you supposed to make me feel at home?"

- "Do you understand that my parents want to get us engaged?!" - She rebutted emphatically.

- "Wrong, they want to commit you. They can't make me" - He sipped from his glass. - "Besides, I'm a potential alcoholic, right?"

Jade smiled at that. She was relieved, Severus wouldn't accept any engagement and that she wouldn't be forced to spend her life with someone she didn't love. He seemed to her a boy with a modest appeal, very intelligent and refined manners. But, she expected something more from a man. She believed that when she found the right one she would feel explosions inside her or some other sensation that would confirm that she had found her soul mate.

- "Do you dance?" - Severus offered her a hand.

Jade accepted it and placing themselves in a clear space they began to dance to the music.

Severus hadn't danced in his past life, but his mother Eileen had taught him since he was a child. He remembered those evenings when his mother would play music and dance with him in the living room. Beautiful memories that ended in anger as the moment always came to his mind when his abusive father would walk through the door and start shouting.

- "Severus?"

- "Ah."

- "What's on your mind? You seem a bit out of sorts."

- "You won't like to know."

- "Test me" - Jade shot me a defiant look.

They danced another piece after the first one. In the end, the black-haired man wanted to have another drink when Lucius Malfoy's voice filled the place.

- "Severus Snape Prince" - Said the smiling blond. - "Who would have thought that I would find you at a gala party?"

Lucius was accompanied by Narcissa Black.

After the corresponding greetings, Narcissa congratulated Jade for the lovely evening her family was offering.

Lucius made conversation with the black-haired man who responded with monosyllables.

Until his eyes fell upon the figure of Bellatrix, Narcissa's sister. The last memories he had of her painted her as a madwoman, but the woman he was observing at the moment was the upper-class lady she was before she fell into madness and fanaticism for Tom Riddle.

"Of course, at the moment it's Bellatrix Black." He confirmed his suspicions as he watched her converse with her sister Andromeda.

- "Beautiful, aren't they?" - Lucius brought him back to his reality. - "I think Narcissa is the prettiest of the Black sisters. But if you're interested, Andromeda and Bellatrix aren't married yet."

- "What are you implying?"

- "Come on, Severus, we could be family, you're the last of the Princes, I bet Lord Black would give you one of the two. You could even choose."

- "When you talk like that, it makes me want to hit you" - Severus looked at the Black sisters again - "Bellatrix is not engaged to Lestrange?"

- "What are you talking about?" - Lucius wrinkled his face.

- "Forget it."

- "I must get back to Narcissa" - Lucius looked at him seriously. - "Listen, I know you're a prodigy, so I want to invite you to meet a.... visionary with interesting ideas that could benefit us as members of the Pureblood aristocracy. When the time comes, I can intercede for you, I'm sure he'll accept you despite being a half-blood."

"Voldemort." Severus was well aware of the situation, the one before the wave of Muggle murders and the fight against the ministry. Sure, Lucius at the time saw him as a visionary with new policies, but later, with the rise of his followers, Tom Riddle would go on to become the dark lord seeding fanaticism for bloodlines.

- "Thank you, Lucius."

- "That's what friends are for."

The blond went to his fiancée's side and immediately a man in a tailor stood in front of him. The black-haired man wrinkled his face as he didn't recognize the man who flashed him a stupidly friendly smile.

- "Lord Halem, how do you do" - The man held out a gloved hand in white linen.

- "Severus Snape" - He accepted the man's hand and shook it. - "A pleasure."

- "Also Prince" - Said the man after releasing the black-haired man's hand. - "It may be your middle name, but you should always mention it with pride. It could even be just Severus Prince with a bit of paperwork at the Ministry" - The black-haired man raised an eyebrow as he understood what they were suggesting. - "It's not complicated to erase something from an unwanted family branch, especially if it's a 'Muggle' branch" - The man wrinkled his face at that. - "Of course, you are the last Prince and you are not to blame for your half-blood, but you can reject it politically."

- "I understand."

- "Tell me, young man" - The man smiled kindly again. - "What are your plans for when you come of age? Do you wish to become an important part of the magical society?"

- "I'm still very young" - 'I feel weird saying that considering I have about forty years of memories in my head.' - "I didn't think so to be honest."

- "I've seen the news, you are a potions genius. A prodigy who is revolutionizing the field of alchemy, it is clear to me that you are contributing to the betterment of magical society."

- "And I intend to continue contributing as much as I can, as well....."

- "That's very good to hear" - The older man interrupted him. - "But if I may advise you, if you wish to be influential in our society you need an impeccable image and nothing gives a better image than a solid and influential family nucleus."

'Shit, now I understand where he's going.'

- "Great families have a lot of influence in the ministry and society, of course, to have such importance requires great unions" - The elder pointed discreetly to Lucius who was dancing with Narcissa. - "Look at the son of Abraxas Malfoy, engaged for more than a decade to one of the Black sisters. The union of both surnames will form a great pillar whose word could become law for society. Not to mention that they will have a fortune behind them."

- "I don't doubt it" - Severus was beginning to get bored with the man's explanation. - "If you will excuse me..."

- "Would you like to do the same" - The man ignored his attempt to escape. - "Raise a large family, have influence and a fortune behind you. We Halem are one of the sacred twenty-eight. Well, there were twenty-seven, but the Princes are counting again thanks to you."

- "Do you want me to be related to your family?" - Severus said directly with a bored expression.

- "My daughter is a beauty and she is only two years younger than you. According to the prophet, you are fifteen, old enough to make conscious decisions" - The man's voice became serious. - "I allow you to close an engagement that will catapult you in prestige and influence. I only need your word."

'I don't suppose you're not going to consult your daughter's opinion.'

- "I'm afraid, I can't decide at this time. I appreciate your offer."

- "Think on my words, Young Prince" - The gentle smile returned to the man's face. - "What I offer you today may not come back in the future."

Severus gave a small nod and the man left at a slow pace. Sighing, he was about to search for Jade with his eyes when the shrill voice of a brunette woman in heavy makeup caught his attention.

- "That man is a nuisance, isn't he?" - Severus tried to recognize her without success. - "Don't mind him, my dear, Lord Halem is only looking for stepping stones to climb, whatever he has told you surely implies a benefit for him more than for you" - The black-haired man stood silently staring at the woman. - "Oh, where are my manners, Katie Venisher."

- "A pleasure, Severus..."

- "Prince" - The woman interrupted his introduction smiling like a cat on the prowl. - "The Prophet published some very nice photographs, I doubt there's anyone who wouldn't recognize you, my dear."

- "The price of fame" - Said Severus wryly, wishing with all his heart to drink a glass of fire whiskey.

- "I understand you have taken your place as Lord Prince" - The woman moved a little closer, making Severus frown in surprise. - "You know, I am nineteen years old. I have been solicited by many suitors but I have turned them all down, not considering them my equal. But you..."

Severus didn't like the hand running down his chest at that moment at all. He took a step backward trying not to look like a frightened mouse. He was to dismiss the woman and go to Jade who was the one who invited him.

'I could leave in a bad way, it would be simple. But...'

- "I must leave you, Madam" - He announced. - "With your permission."

- "I can be yours if you wish" - She said as soon as she took a step in a random direction. - "Just talk to my father and if you want to try some first... I'll be near the entrance to the restrooms." - She winked at him with a flirtatious expression and walked away wiggling her hips mightily.

'Ok, I'll admit it, I'd like to jam her against the wall... By merlin, hormones again!.'

He shook his head and went in search of Jade. To his good fortune, he found her talking to Andromeda and Bellatrix. "Would they be friends?"

Before he got to her he had to evade two attempts at dialogue by a couple with "We want the best for you" faces and a man with a "Hello, Son-in-law" grin, who tried to stop him.

- "Hello again."

- "You look distressed, Severus" - Jade remarked as she saw him sigh in relief.

- "I'm not used to gala parties."

- Let me introduce you to Andromeda and Bellatrix Black. Girls, this is my friend Severus Snape Prince."

Andromeda nodded in greeting while Bellatrix held out the back of her hand. Jade was about to tell him what she expected an old-fashioned courtesy when Severus took Bella's hand and deposited a polite kiss like a prince from the fairy tales. The older Black smiled at the gesture. She found it a captivating smile compared to the maniacal laughter she would have after she went mad.

- "You know aristocratic manners" - Bella said.

- "My mother taught me some."

The exchange of glances between the two blackheads did not go unnoticed by the others present.

- "Bella" - Murmured Andromeda, leaning towards her sister. - "I think sparks are flying."

- "It's your imagination" - Replied the eldest in a low voice.

They talked animatedly for a long time. Until at a certain point, Bellatrix began to move her body slightly to the sound of the melody that began.

- "I like the melody" - She said as she saw the looks on the others' faces.

- "Why don't you go and dance with Severus" - Said Andromeda, smiling innocently.

- "I don't want to bother him."

- "It's no bother" - Clarified the black-haired boy holding out a hand to her. - "The dance floor is waiting for you."

They both walked away and joined the other couples dancing to the parsimonious rhythm of the melody that flooded the great hall. Out of habit, Severus fixed his gaze on his partner's eyes as he let himself be carried away by the rhythm.

- "How intense" - Bella commented.

- "What do you call intense?" - Amused, Severus drew the girl's body closer to his, he felt a good figure, a soft and pleasant contact.

- "Your eyes" - Answered the girl, blushing a little. - "Dark orbs that seem to want to pierce my soul... as if you knew me before."

'It's like that' - He smiled at his mental response.

The Bellatrix he knew was a mentally unstable, disheveled, poorly dressed woman. For that reason, perhaps he never paid attention to details such as her figure, manner, the aristocratic features of her face, or her dark eyes. Bella was beautiful in his eyes.

'Well, the one of this time, not the ruthless, psychopathic killer of the future.' - He thought he could prevent her conversion.

If he took care of the dark lord, Tom Riddle, she wouldn't become a crazed fanatic. She would still be the lady she was now, with those deep-set eyes and lined lips.

- "If you try to kiss me I'll kill you"- Said Bella snapping him out of his thoughts.

- "What?"

- "You were looking at my lips, Casanova" - The girl smiled. - "You've been warned."

- "I wouldn't dare that much... not at the first dance" - Bella raised both eyebrows at that, it seemed to amuse her. - "Besides, it's not easy to kill me."

- "I'd do it if I had to resort to the dark arts" - A second later she seemed a bit disturbed. - "I'm sorry, I don't..."

- "Do you study them too?"

Severus' question made her eyes widen. There was a moment of silence as they continued to dance on automatic.

- "The dark arts are taboo" - Bella said as if they weren't her own words. - "And they're wrong."

- "I think they're just an uncertain and little-understood branch of magic" - Said Severus with complete certainty. - "Knowledge is knowledge, it doesn't have to be limited."

Bella stared at him as if absorbed until her lips curved upward.

- "That's right!" - She seemed more animated. - "Very few people understand, fear of the dark arts creates prejudice. However, forbidden spells are not bad, just risky, and therefore should not be done, but knowledge about them should not be vetoed."

- "I think the same, at Hogwarts, there is a forbidden section, there is a lot of material about the dark arts, I guess the headmaster wants to keep the knowledge, no matter how forbidden it is to use it."

- "Do you like the dark arts?" - The girl asked suddenly.

- "They fascinate me, and I suppose you also think so"

- "Darkness has its appeal" - She said, fixing her dark gaze on Severus' black orbs.

- "Very true."

In the distance, Andromeda and her parents watched the couple dancing and talking with smiles on their faces. The Black's second daughter had noticed a spark between the two blackheads ever since they had been introduced. She didn't know why, but there was "something" between them as if they knew each other from past lives or some such nonsense.

- "Your sister seems to be at ease with young Prince" - Her father spoke dryly.

- "Yes, they seem to hit it off."

- "This could be beneficial" - Lord Black stroked his chin.

- "Didn't we have a proposal from the Lestranges?" - His wife said.

- "Yes, but I wasn't entirely convinced" - Lord Black seemed to meditate. - "If Lord Prince is interested in our Bella, it would be a good match."

- "The Lestranges might be offended if we reject his proposal" - Mrs. Black said.

- "Andromeda can marry Rodolphus Lestrange instead of her sister."

- "I agree" - Seconded Lady Black.

At those words, Andromeda's expression darkened. She did not want to marry for convenience in a forced marriage. NO, she dreamed of falling in love and marrying for love. Even if it would lead her to reject her family.

After a couple more dances in Bella's company, Severus was approached by his hosts, Jade's father asked for a moment to chat in the gardens. The black-haired man knew what was coming. As his friend had warned him, it was an engagement proposal that he had to politely decline.

- "Is it Miss Black?" - The host ventured to ask.

- "No, I have just met her today" - Severus clarified thinking about how he would have seen them think that. - "I am honest in saying that I am not interested in arranged engagements" - He observed that his interlocutor was about to say something so he went ahead. - "No matter how many benefits it brings in the long run. Maybe later I'll think about starting a family, but not for now. I hope you understand."

- "Of course, of course, Severus" - He showed a paternal expression. - "If you need anything, you can count on us, you are my daughter's friend after all. There will be time for love, for now, you will get to know each other."

'This old man doesn't understand.'

Severus decided to retire an hour later. He thanked his hosts who returned his thanks for his assistance with smiles. He bid a cordial farewell to Jade and when he reached the doorway he was stopped by Bella.

- "Uh..." - The girl seemed to be searching for words as her cheeks flushed, Severus didn't believe Bellatrix was so insecure. - "It was nice to meet you."

- "Likewise."

- "Do you... do you think I can write to you?" - Severus raised an eyebrow. - "I know I'm older than you, but... you know, send you an owl once in a while... as friends do." - The female's tinted cheeks gave her an adorable look in Severus's opinion.

- "I'll be happy to answer" - He said honestly.

Then he approached the girl who opened her eyes wide but didn't pull away, Severus turned away and kissed her cheek. Making her blush even more and freeze in place.

- "Good night, Bella."

He left the mansion and used the shuttle button to return to Prince Manor.


Dumbledore studied the young woman in front of him carefully. Sitting in front of his desk, the young woman looked distressed.

- "Let me see if I understand" - Said the old man. - "You don't belong to this timeline, you don't remember how, but you appeared here near the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. How is it that you remember who you are and your entire life, but not how you came to be here?"

- "I don't know, sir. I just remember waking up here this afternoon. At first, I didn't realize I was in another timeline. But when I saw the castle intact I knew."

- "Why did you...?"

- "Where I come from, Hogwarts castle was with certain areas in ruins, and you... well... were gone."

- "I have a feeling you're not referring to one of my trips" - The old man smiled slightly. - "You really don't remember how you got here?" - The young woman denied it. - "Well, I'll keep you here until I have an idea how to help you, Miss..."

- "Granger... Hermione Granger."