
Boruto- Naruto's next genaration.

Dark_Life_2338 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
4 Chs


(Inside Konoha's hospital).

"Where is this teme" A blonde say getting annoyed with his best friend not present here. "Calm down Naruto, he said he will come. Just wait" A man with grey hair said lazily yet worriedly for his former student.

"What a drag. It was sudden, so sit down"

A man with spiky hair said lazily.

"But Kakashi sensie, Shikamaru. Sakura is giving birth to his child only" Naruto said sadly.*wahhh~wahhh* when they heared a baby crying. A nurse come outside

"Who is Sakura sans family-" "Nurse quick get in, one more is coming" A female with pale blond hair said.

"Wait! didn't Sakura say it was only one" Naruto asked.

"No Dobe~ after wards we found out we are having twins" A voice rang through.

"Teme, I will deal with you later. Now go inside" Naruto said and pushed his friend inside.

"You both go. You have work to do, come and meet them tomorrow" Naruto said. Kakashi and Shikamaru "Ok" and went away.

(After half and hour).

(Inside Sakura's resting room).

"Sasuke kun~ ,and Naruto. See one is a boy and a girl" Sakura said smiling happily.

Sasuke pick up the baby girl first.

"She looks like you" Sasuke gently said hugging his princess gently.

"What is her name" Naruto asked now holding the baby cooing at her.

"Sarada, Uchiha Sarada" Sakura said taking Sarada from Naruto. When Sasuke turned around to pick the baby boy, they saw him staring at Naruto's eyes deeply without a ounce of emotion. Which worried them, Naruto picked him up "awww~he is so cute" and chearfully said. Then passed to Sasuke,

He smiled gently and then to Sakura. Who was now holding him gently.

"What are you naming him?" Sakura asked to her love." Michida, Uchiha Michida" Sasuke proudly said.

(Night time).

In the middle of the night, a man with brown hair, with purple birth mark was inside the room where Michida and Sarada was sleeping. But as soon as he entered one of them opened their eyes.

"Oh! So you are the one. I was filling a pull towards someone or something. So it's you"

The man said and picked up Michida who was the one opened his eyes. Michida just giggled at him for the first showing emotion.

"Don't worry, I will guide you through your life. I, Indra Otutusuki promise you" Indra said smiling gently, and put him down and kissed his head then vanished. Michida soon fell asleep peacefully, a black line like birthmark appeared under his eyes not dark, but not to light also.

(Pic is given in the comment box 👉).

(Time skip 10 years).

Within this time gap. Michida found about Indra when he was 4,he was sad because some children bullied him telling he is not his father's and mother's child. That's when Indra show up and He started calling Indra Big brother, with him being the little brother. Indra started his training much earlier so he can protect himself. His twin sister, he love her but hate her arrogance and rudeness towards Boruto who ones visited them, but Michida made Boruto his bestfriend. He loves his mother, but sometime thinks she love Sarada more, because of his looks he looks nothing like Sasuke or Sakura. But because of Indra he fills confident. He rearley shows emotion, except for Indra.

About Sarada, she is sometimes jealous with Michida. She saw how perfectly he do his training. His throwing of any weapons are just perfect. Making him the topper of the class. While her, she is 3rd she can't throw it perfectly. And Boruto got 2nd position. That's why whenever they both talk, Sarada end their talk soon, she fill guilty when she always see Michida's eyes of sadness and pain. But soon she also notice Michida stay at home barely and her mother never payed attention. She need to make it right!

(The day after their holiday).


Outside the classrooms, students where present there and standing in a line.

"Naruto, remember you need to give a nice speech, which motivated the children" Shikamaru said knowing how nervous Naruto is. "Ok, first let me take their attendence" Shino who was beside them said.

"Yamanaka Inojin" "Hai!" A boy with pale blond hair, with a weapon on his back said.

" Akimichi ChoCho" "present" a girl said while munching on her chips.

"Nara Shikadai" "What a drag~hai" a boy with spiky hair said lazily.

" Kakei Sumire" "hai!" A girl with purple hair said. "Uchiha Sarada" "present" a girl with

glasses said. " Metal Lee" " hai! " A boy with big eyebrows and wearing green jump suit said.

" Uchiha Michida"

*no responce* "Wait! Michida kun~ he is so handsome" some fangirling comments went by, while some boy greeted their teeth.

"Again, he is late. What's with his habit" Sarada said annoyed with her brother's lateness. "Uzumaki Boruto" *no response* "That Boruto, the prankster. I heared he is strong and someone always help him escape. People even saw some flash" one boy said. "Yes, they called the person

'Black Flash'. I heared" .

" Where are they Naruto? " Shikamaru asked. When they saw a huge shadow passing as they look up, they saw a train just crashed into Hokage's stone craved face. As the dust got cleared and entered

"Uzumaki Boruto here,dattebase~" yelled.

"Bo..... Boruto!" Naruto almost fainted. But suddenly the murmuring stopped.

"Eh! What happened are they really that schoked that they stopped talking" Boruto whispere to himself. But suddenly felt a hand on hand on his shoulder. And that time Boruto knows he is dead.

" Boruto, how many times do I need to tell you, don't involve someone else in your prank" everyone clearly heared a boy's voice said coldly. "Mich..... Michida hey!" Boruto chearfully said while shivering.

"Don't 'hey' me. You know what would happen if Denkai fell down from train" Michida said frowning at his bestfriend behaviour. "Come on. Nothing happened to anyone" Boruto frowned.

"Oh! If it happens, what would you do? You need to learn your lesson" Michida said and grabbed borutos hand and jump from the top of the train. "Boruto! Michida!" They all heared the shout. Naruto who stood their schoked, suddenly snapped out from it and as soon as he was going to catch them. A huge dust formed from the ground.

"Noooo!". When the dust got cleared they saw Michida and Boruto standing without any injuries. While Boruto was shaking terrified from the experience. As for Michida he just stood there calmly.

"Brat! Let's go home, I will kill you! Do you know you scare the hell out of me!" Indra's angry yet worried voice rang through Michida's head, he was freaking out , yet stay calm.

(After some more rucus it finally calm down. Academy continued.)

See you next time or soon.