
Boruto - Reborn as Boruto's twin brother.(Hiatus)

A boy gets reborn as Boruto's twin brother, with the same looks but with dark hair like Hinata's. That's all from me for the synopsis for now, I'll try writing once more after I write more chapters to this fic but anyway give it a try. He will have the Byakugan, another Dojutsu later in the story. if that's what you're wondering. [Slight Hiatus] Update schedule : Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Boruto Anime&Manga is not created by me, the characters except my oc are not mine. Cover : Thank you SirRandom for this wonderful cover art.

Vedora_Tempest · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Uchiha Sarada

In the end, they had to train without Boruto. He said he had some investigations regarding the recent "ghost incidents" as he named them, which were occurring rapidly across Konoha.

"Huff... huff..." She breathed heavily as she fell to her knees, the rough ground scratching slightly as she exhausted her chakra.

"So, is this all you can do?" The question was directed her way by her childhood best friend as he sat on a tree branch. His two shadow clones popped out of existence a few seconds later.

The training ground had cracks in several places; her chakra-induced fist was more than enough to crack the ground.

She was fighting two of his shadow clones, pushing her taijutsu skills to the max. She had exhausted her chakra after five hours of continuous combat. Whenever she destroyed a clone, another would immediately replace it.

The reason she was exhausted was that he was too fast for her to hit. He deliberately gave her openings throughout the sessions so that she could strike the clones.

"This is unfair. Why are you so strong?" She responded with another question. She had always wondered what could be the reason for the significant gap in their power.

"Sarada, the Uzumaki clan is known for their massive chakra pool and life force, which essentially gives them a strong body," he explained, leaning his back against the tree and crossing his left leg over the right. The branch swayed as he did so.

"Similarly, the Uchiha clan is also known for their exceptional shurikenjutsu and their Dojutsu, the Sharingan." This was the first time she had heard this.

'What? Dojutsu? Why didn't anyone tell me? Why didn't Mama tell me?' She thought as she tried to deny what her heart was telling her: that all the people she trusted had never told her anything about the Uchiha clan.

'Why? Did mama think that her kid would ask her without knowing that she has a Dojutsu?' Her heart pained, and she didn't notice, but her eyes had turned red with a black tomoe on each of them.

Looking at the pained face, which was trying its hardest to contain a stoic expression, Nagato jumped down from where he sat and approached her, pulling a small mirror from his shinobi pouch. He handed it to her.

Glancing at the mirror, she found herself perplexed. Is this the Dojutsu he mentioned that the Uchiha have? Her curiosity won over as she placed her worries in the back of her mind and looked intensely into the reflection of her eyes.

She found herself entranced for a moment, which began to feel like an eternity, unaware of the fact that she had inflicted a genjutsu on herself by using it unknowingly.

Nagato found it quite comical because there were no other Uchiha except Sarada and Sasuke, and Sasuke was not in the village most of the time. Sarada obviously didn't know anything about the Sharingan, which was exactly why she was caught in her own genjutsu. 

He put his hand on her back and sent some of his chakra into her, disrupting the genjutsu and snapping her out of her daze.

"What... was that?" She asked herself, not really expecting an answer, but nevertheless, she got one.

"The Sharingan has various abilities, and one of them is genjutsu. You certainly have a very high affinity for it, enough to put yourself in a genjutsu with a single glance, without even knowing." He said as he sat next to her on the ground, deciding to use this chance to explain the potential of the Sharingan to her properly.

"Huh? How do you know about this anyway?" She was grateful to him for explaining everything, but the question of "how does he know?" remained.

"Well, I searched the database for Byakugan. I accidentally came upon the Sharingan and the symbol that was connected to it, the Uchiwa fan that the Uchiha use as their crest." He said, telling a half-lie. He had indeed searched for Sharingan on a wiki in his previous life.

'Oh, so that's it. Certainly, he won't lie to me, and this Sharingan... I need to ask Mama about it after this, and why she hid it from me,' she thought and nodded, accepting his answer.

"So, do you have the Byakugan? You said you searched the database for it, right? If I remember correctly, the Byakugan is the Dojutsu of the Hyuuga clan, and you are part Hyuuga, right? From Auntie Hinata's side." She pieced together the reason why he had to search the database for the Byakugan.

"Honestly, I don't know if I have it or not. Himawari activated it at the age of three when she was angry about Boruto tearing her plushie bear." With a pause, he looked at the sky, like he was remembering something.

"It's possible I have it too but just couldn't activate it or something. Himawari was just straight up scary when she activated it, though," he said, reminiscing about the past when his little sister knocked his dad the fuck out.

"Is that right? Why didn't you ask your mom? She would be able to help, right?" She asked, getting directly to the point and calling out his mistake.

"Nope, I don't want to worry her with this right now," he said, completely believing that not asking his mother for help was the right choice. Even though what he said was stupid and idiotic.

"Hah, you are stupid. Why would asking for help from your mom bother her?" He could see where she was coming from, and he could also see that he was foolish not to talk to his mom.

"It's not about how it would bother her but how it would bother me. I don't want any more attention than I'm getting. Boruto would be sad if I suddenly got all the attention in the family." His reason was somewhat valid. It was his love and care for his brother that stopped him from asking for help from his mom or anyone, for that matter.

Her gaze softened, looking at the unusually vulnerable Nagato. She wanted to see this side of him more, the true Nagato, not the normally always confident Nagato, but the sensitive Nagato who would not shy away from revealing his feelings to his friends, to her.


Just so you know, I was feeling generous today, that's all it is!

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God bless you and good luck

 ~Your friendly neighborhood author.