
Chapter 10


"Hey, who are you talking to? Why are you smiling?" Hendrixx asked and raised his brows.

I cleared my throat.

"U-uh... it's my friend.." He didn't seem to believe but he nodded.

"Eat first." He said so I put my phone down.

I started eating but I suddenly stopped when I noticed that Blake is not here. I stood up and I tried to look around hoping to see him.

"Are you looking for someone?" Hendrixx asked.

"Where's Blake?"

"Oh, I forgot to say that I didn't invite him.." He looked nervous.

"Why?" I asked and raised a brow.

"Because I want us to have a private time." He said and looked at me.

My brows furrowed. What is he talking about?!

"Are you serious?" I asked and he nodded.

"What for?"

"Nothing. I also want to tell you something.." He answered and avoided my gaze.

Suddenly, my heartbeat quickened for no apparent reason...

"But let's finish our food first." He said and continued eating.

I was confused by what was happening but I just ate too.

I saw that he's almost done eating so I hurried.

I heard his little laugh so I looked at him and raised a brow.

"I'm sorry. You just look so cute." He said and smiled.

I didn't smile back. I just continued eating.

After eating, I wiped my mouth with a tissue and drank my water.

"Are you done? Let's go." He was about to stand up when I suddenly called him.



"I thought you'll tell me something?" I said and raised my brows.

I saw him panic but also disappear immediately. He forgot maybe.

"Ah, yes. We'll go somewhere else." He said and smiled at me.

"Okay. Let's go." I said and he nodded.

While we were in the car, I wondered what he would say to me. Is it that important that he didn’t take Blake to dinner earlier?

"Can we play some music? I can hear your heartbeat in here."

My face heated. So embarrassing!

"Can I connect m-my phone?" I asked.

He nodded and opened the Bluetooth on his stereo.

I want to click the playlist he made for me when we were still together but It's embarrassing that I'll play it here with him. But I always play it whenever he's not around or we're not together.

"We're here."

I looked outside.

"The Hudson? Are we eating again?" I asked and faced him.

"Nope." He said and chuckled.

"What are we going to do here?"

"We're going to talk." He said and I nodded.

"Let's go."

"Good Evening, Ma'am, Sir." The staff greeted us so I smiled at them.

"Table for how many?"

"Table for two, please," Hendrixx said and smiled.

"This way, Sir,"

Hendrixx pulled the chair for me so I smiled at him.

"Can I have the menu, please? Thank you." I said to the staff and smiled.

"What do you want to order?" Hendrixx asked me while looking at the menu.

"I'll have the Mushroom and Corn Tacos and a glass of Espresso Martini."

The waiter smiled at me and immediately looked at Hendrixx waiting for him to say his order.

"I'll just have a glass of Espresso Martini." He said and smiled at the waiter.

"Okay, Ma'am, Sir. Your orders will be served in 15-25 minutes."

We smiled and thank him.

I took out my phone to check if my Mom and Brother texted me.

And I'm not wrong. Mom texted me 5 times.

From: Mom

Hey, how are u?

From: Mom

Hi, did u already eat dinner?

From: Mom

Call me if you're free :)

From: Mom

Your brother and I miss u so much

From: Mom

When are you going home?

I laughed. My mom is so cute. Before opening my brother's text, I replied to her first.

To: Mom

Hey, Sorry for the late reply, yes I already ate dinner, I'm okay, I'll call you later when we get home, I miss you more! I'll go home on Tuesday or Wednesday. I love you, Mom!


After sending my reply, I next opened my brother's texts.

From: Bro

Hey, how are you doing

From: Bro

Mom said you're not responding to her texts. Call me later, 8pm.

I suddenly checked the time when I read his text. It's almost 8 PM! I panicked and my hands were a bit shaky.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hendrixx asked worriedly.

"Yes. I'll just call my brother." I smiled and stood up.

I moved a little away from our table.

"Hey, Sorry for not replying, We're eating, I'm doing well here. Tell mom that I already replied to her texts." I said as soon as he answered the call.

"Okay? When are you going home?" He asked.

"Maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday."

"Okay. Text me so I can pick you up."

"Okay. By-" I didn't finish talking because he already ended the call.

I immediately returned to our table because I saw that our orders had been served.

"So, You said you're going to tell me something important, right?"

Hendrixx looked and me. "Yeah."

"What is it?"

"About the reason why I left you without saying anything."

I was stunned suddenly.

"Oh...Okay... Tell me the reason why you left me without saying anything,"

I was stopping my tears to fall down.

He sighed and looked at me. I looked at him and raised my brows.

"I know it still hurts-"

"Yes. It still hurts... It still hurts so much..."

"I'm sorry.." He said and tried to hold my hands but I immediately withdrew them.

"I can't eat, sleep, function, and think properly... I almost died..." I looked at him with tears falling down my eyes.

"I don't know why you did that to me... Am I not enough? Did I do something wrong?"

"No.." He sniffed.

"I have many reasons why I left you.."

"It hurts on my part to do that ... but it's necessary.."

I faced him and wiped my tears.

"Did you really love me?" I said and a tear fell down my eye.

"Yes. So much. Believe it or not."

"Then why did you leave me?" I said and wiped the tear that fell on my eye.

"It's because of you brother..."

I furrowed.

"What? Kaidenn?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"Why? What about him?"

"He didn't really want me for you.." He said and avoided my gaze.

"But we became couples, right? does that mean that he agreed to us being together?"

"Mhm." He nodded.

"Why did you still leave me? You said he already agreed.."

"But he has a condition.. and I promised I wouldn't do that.. but I failed.."

I raised my brows. "What is it?"

"That..when I cheated on you, hurt, or made you cry, our friendship is already over."

Tears started falling from my eyes again.

"Did... you cheat on me... ??" I asked calmly.

He looked at me with his eyes full of regrets.

I cried more.

"Answer me, please..."

"Elle," I faced him with my eyes full of tears.

"Last question. Did you cheat on me? Yes or No?"

"Yes." He answered that made me cry harder.