
Chapter 01


"Goodmorning, world!" I said happily while stretching, it's around 5:45 am.

I woke up early today because it's my first day in school. I don't want to be late.

My class will start at 7 o'clock so I still have time to prepare. While taking a shower, someone is shouting outside my room, Then I turned off the shower to know who is shouting, it's Nanny Sabel.

Nanny Sabel has been working with us for a long time, maybe about 11 years. She takes care of us every time our parents are not around because they often go abroad because of work.

"Are you done? Breakfast is ready." She said.

"Yes, Nanny. Almost done!" I answered aloud. I just continued my shower and went out to get dressed.

When I came out, I immediately looked for something to wear. I wore a Plain white shirt and High waisted pants, and I paired them with my white rubber shoes.

After I get dressed, I just put on a little bit of make-up. After that, I just took my things and went down to eat breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Nanny Sabel!" I greeted her warmly when I came down.

"Goodmorning." She greeted back and let out a smile. I sat down so that Nanny Sabel and I could eat.

While we were eating, I suddenly thought of my older brother, Kaidenn. So I asked Nanny.

"Nanny? Where's Kaidenn? It's also his first day today, right?" I asked.

She stopped eating to answer me. "Yes, but I'm sure he's still asleep."

She answered and I just nodded.

While we were eating, we heard footsteps from the stairs. When I looked, I saw my older brother. He smiled at me but I just stared at him and continued eating.

"Goodmorning everyone!" He greeted us happily.

He even kissed me on my forehead which he rarely does.

"Kaidenn, you seem to be very happy now, huh?" Nanny Sabel asked.

Kaidenn just smiled at her and started to eat his breakfast.

Hmm? He's excited because he'll find a new girlfriend again. Well, My brother, Kaidenn has a new girlfriend every school year. Maybe because he is afraid of commitments? or because he doesn't want to experience the pain again like his past relationship?

I don't remember her name anymore but she is his first girlfriend, and we are really close. We go shopping every month. I miss those times...

"Goodmorning everyone!" Someone suddenly shouted behind us, it was Mom! Behind her is Dad, who is busy typing on his phone.

"Why did you woke up so early?" Mom asked and sat down to eat.

"I don't want to be late, Mom," I answered and smiled at her.

"How about you, Kaidenn? Why did you wake up so early? Your class starts at 8 am, right?" Dad asked Kaidenn in astonishment.

"I will take Elle to school, Dad." He answered with a smile but he's obviously nervous.

"What? Why? I have my own car, you don't have to take me anymore." I said and secretly smiled.

"Okay." He said and continued eating.

I had already finished eating so I said goodbye.

"I will go now," I said and left.

When I got in the car, I immediately called Hail, one of my best friends.

"Goodmorning! Are you leaving?" I asked.

"I'll leave in a bit, you?" She answered.

"Yep! I'm about to leave. I'll just call Elodie." I said and started the car engine.

"Okay. I'm leaving too. See you!" She said and ended the call.

I next called Elodie, my other best friend.

"Hello, Goodmorning! Are you leaving?" I asked her.

"Yeah, you?" She said "Yep! Hail is already on her way." I said while smiling.

"Okay. See you!" She said happily.

"Okay. Bye!" I said and ended the call.

I played music first and drove away.

When I arrived at the school, I immediately looked for a parking space. I'm walking down the hallway when I received a text.

One message received

From: Hail

We're here.

I didn't reply and just went straight to the classroom.

"She's beautiful."

"Yes, she also looks so nice."

"They said she's the granddaughter of the dean of this school."

I heard people whispering as I walked. I just smiled at them and continued walking.

That's true. I'm the granddaughter of the dean but I didn't say it to anyone except for my close friends.

Who told them that?

When I arrived at the classroom. I immediately looked for them. I soon saw them immediately.

"You arrived just in time. The class will start in 10 minutes." Hail said as soon as I sat beside her.

We talked first because we missed each other so much.

Our conversation was interrupted when our teacher entered.

"Good Morning, Class!" Our teacher said while smiling.

"Goodmorning Miss!" We greeted back.

"I'm Ms. Forbess, I'm your professor this school year and I'm also your English Teacher." She introduced herself and we just nodded in response.

"Let's start with self-introduction first, let's start from the back." She said and pointed the people behind us.

They have already begun. I thought of Yzabel, how is she? it's been a long time since we last met.

Yzabel Lassophia, one of my best friends since grade school. She's always there when I have a problem. We haven't seen each other for a long time, we rarely talk ever since they left to go to Korea.

I turn to Elodie, she'll be the next to introduce herself.

I was surprised when Hail suddenly touched me. I looked at her curiously. "You're next."

She pointed to Elodie who's already sitting because she had finished introducing herself.

I immediately stood up to introduce myself.

"Goodmorning everyone! I'm Elleiana Gil but you can call me Elle for short." I introduced myself with a smile and sat down.

After we all introduced ourselves, Ms. Forbess suddenly spoke.

"Okay, class. Thank you." She said while smiling.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. We all looked at it.

When the door opened, we saw Dean.

"Goodmorning, Dean!" We greeted him and he motioned for us to sit down.

Our classroom fell silent for a moment.

Ms. Forbess suddenly spoke."Excuse me, Dean? What are you doing here?" She politely said.

Grandpa first looks at her before speaking.

"I'm just here to bring these transferees." He answered and looked behind him.

When I looked behind my grandfather, I saw three men. They look kind. Handsome too. But for me, the one in the middle is more handsome.

I was suddenly taken aback by what I said. What am I doing? Why did I say those? Tsk.