
Born as Sakura With a System

Reincarnated as Sakura and the Journey to the Peak of the Elemental Nations.

NiksElDrago · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
64 Chs

BSWS CH-8 Preparing for the Survival Exercise

The three of them turned back and saw a lean and tall ninja with long silvery-white spiky hair sitting on the last bench with his feet on the desk. His head band covered his left eye and a face mask covered most of his face. He was reading and Icha-Icha series novel with extreme interest as he leaned back.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked with a hand in his weapon pouch.

"Me?" the white haired guy asked as he lazily glanced at them "I am your Jonin sensei of course."

Under their surprised gazes, he disappeared from the back bench and arrived at the front of the blackboard in the next moment. He had already put away his book and was glancing at them lazily.

They also noticed that Sakura's Genjutsu had disappeared or had been dispelled at some point without the notice of Sakura who cast the Genjutsu in the first place.

"Now, my first impression of your team …. how should I put this? You are a team of idiots … and one barely qualified graduate who shows some potential." He said while glancing at Sakura for the last one.

"Anyway, I will be waiting for you at the roof of the academy. We will have our team meeting there." he said before disappearing again.


They rushed out of the classroom and reached the roof as soon as possible. They saw their sensei leaning against the railing of the roof and looking towards them with his hands folded.

"Alright, now that we have gathered, lets introduce ourselves." He said.

"Introduce ourselves? How do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Well just the usual stuff: likes, dislikes, dreams, hopes, ambition, hobbies etc." Their sensei replied with a shrug.

"How about you demonstrate first then, Sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Me? Hmm alright then." he lazily nodded and sat on the railing before continuing his reply in an even lazier voice "The name is Kakashi Hatake, Jonin of Konoha and the assigned Jonin leader to Team 7. Things I like and things I hate …. I don't feel like telling you that. My dream for the future …. well never really thought about it. As for my hobbies ….. I have lots of hobbies."

"That was totally useless!!" Naruto exclaimed in astonishment "You basically only told us your name!!"

"Okay, your turn now." Kakashi said with an open palm inviting gesture. "We will begin with the Blond over-enthusiastic idiot then."

"Huh? Umm .. I am Naruto Uzumaki. I like Instant Cup Ramen and I really like Ichiraku Ramen that Iruka Sensei treats me to. I really hate the two minutes I have to wait after pouring hot water in the instant ramen cup. My hobby is to try all the different kinds of ramen that are available and comparing them on their taste, texture and other aspects. And my future dream is to be the Greatest Hokage ever and have the whole village respect me as somebody who matters."

"Hmm, interesting." Kakashi said then turned to Sasuke "How about you?"

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. And what I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality for sure. I am going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone." Sasuke said with a brooding look.

"Well, that is ominous and dreary." Kakashi commented "Now its your turn, Pink Hair."

"My name is Sakura Haruno. My Likes and Dislikes… I don't put much importance in those stuff, at least not anymore. My hobbies…. well I don't have much of one nowadays. My dream…. I don't have anything much to dream about than becoming truly powerful." Sakura replied calmly.

"Oh… a very unusual response." Kakashi said "Anyway, you are each unique and have your own ideas. Your first mission tomorrow is something the four of us will do together…. a Survival Exercise!!"

"Hey wait a moment, we have already done stuff like this. Why should we do such practice stuff again??" Naruto exclaimed. Kakashi laughed creepily at that, freaking Naruto out completely.

"You see, this is not a normal Survival Exercise, it is a test. Out of the 27 graduates of this Genin batch, probably only three teams will continue forward from this test. Rest all will be sent back to the Academy." Kakashi said.

"Huh why?" Naruto asked.

"Because this test is so hard that most of the graduates fail every time. The probability of you failing is around 66%." Kakashi replied.

Kakashi observed their response and was surprised to see that out of the three, only Naruto was actually terrified. Sasuke was looking at him with a hateful expression while Sakura seemed as calm as a Buddha.

"Anyway, be at the designated training spot at 5 am tomorrow. Don't forget to bring your actual Ninja Gear, not the training ones you used at the academy. Oh ya, one last advice: you probably wouldn't want to eat and come tomorrow for this training." Kakashi said before disappearing.

'UTS, did you manage to scan that this time?' Sakura asked mentally as she watched Naruto panic and Sasuke brood.

[Yes. Ninjutsu used was scanned completely. Body Flicker Technique stored in database with complete tutorial. Do you want the knowledge of the jutsu to be merged with you now? Yes/No]

'No. Hold it for later.' Sakura commanded mentally. She didn't wasn't to go through the sudden headache of information being inserted in her memories right now. They dispersed towards their home immediately as they all had to prepare for tomorrow.


The next day, Sakura woke up really early and prepared herself completely for the Survival training. Beneath her loose Yukata, she was armed with all sorts of hidden ninja tools.

She also ignored Kakashi's advice as she knew its purpose. She ate a well-filling course of nutritious food as she knew it will all be digested by the time Kakashi arrives. She even made sure to keep a small supply of emergency food since she knew what Sasuke and Naruto will do.

She reviewed all her Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, which she had learned yesterday after coming back home, to see if she had forgotten anything. She also went over various strategies she had prepared to ensure Kakashi approves of the teamwork. She also prepared herself for the final trump card she would use on Kakashi if needed.

After preparing it all, she rushed towards the training ground assigned to their team. She arrived at nearly the same time as Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto was still walking sleepily like a zombie. They assembled and waited for Kakashi.

However, as they waited till the sun was reaching its zenith in the sky, they all had the same realization. They all looked at each other grimly.

"So that is it then, isn't it???" Naruto shouted "Sensei is late yet again!! Damn You, Kakashi Sensei!!!!!"