
borderline borderlands

the first of my three part series call the good the bad and the borderlands synopsis for this book: "After completing a marathon of playing Borderlands, the player finds themselves experiencing a sudden headache and blackout as they attempt to start Borderlands 2. Upon waking up, they discover that they have been reincarnated as Handsome Jack after the events of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Now thrust into the shoes of the iconic antagonist, they must navigate the chaotic world of Pandora and strive to become the hero, despite their newfound identity this will be ai enhanced for spelling mistakes and well crafted sentences with the people of pandora

mc_broz · วิดีโอเกม
2 Chs

just a short chapter

Everything goes blank. An endless void consumes my consciousness, swallowing me whole. I feel nothing, see nothing, a silent, empty abyss.

Then, a flicker of light. Slowly, awareness returns. I open my eyes to an unfamiliar sight—a white, boxy robot standing before me. Its single, glowing eye and distinctive, quirky design are unmistakable. It's a CLP4P-TP unit, otherwise known as Claptrap. But this one is different. Its pristine white chassis gleams with an almost divine aura, and there's an undeniable sense of presence about it.

"Greetings, human!" Claptrap's voice chirps, unusually calm and soothing. "Welcome to the afterlife! Or perhaps, the per-afterlife? Either way, you've got a second chance."

I stare at the robot, bewildered. "What... what is this? Where am I?"

"You, my friend, have been chosen for a special reward!" Claptrap declares, its eye glinting with enthusiasm. "Think of me as your guide, your mentor, your... god, if you will. I'm here to help you start anew!"

My mind spins, struggling to process the bizarre scenario. "Chosen? For what?"

Claptrap's eye narrows, its tone turning serious. "You're going to be reborn in a new world, a world of chaos and adventure. A world called Pandora. Your old life is over, but your new life... oh, it's just beginning."

I gape at the robot, anger, and confusion mingling in my chest. "I didn't ask for this! Why me?"

"Why not you?" Claptrap replies, almost philosophically. "Fate works in mysterious ways. Now, brace yourself. Your new life awaits!"

Before I can protest, a blinding light engulfs me, and the world dissolves once more. As consciousness slips away, one thought echoes in my mind: Pandora. My new beginning.