go check out my other Borderlands Fanfic. "Borderlands: Multiverse of Madness"
(a/n appologies to those who read this before. i accidently copied bith Chapter 8 and 9 into this chapter. corrected it now.)
(A/n What did the Alien say to the Author? "Take me to your reader" - a shitty attempt at a joke.)
I had never felt more ALIVE!!!
the rush of power was so incredible until it died down after a few hours.
I was same enough to not do anything crazy.
This was what drugs must be like.
(A/n "Don't do drugs kiddos" - Handsome Jack)
I never took any drugs or alcohol in my past life because I absolutely abored it and vowed I'd never touch any of them.
I might have a little alcohol at some point, but only a little as I just want to do it as a taste. Wine is fair game though.
Anyway, I then tested out my powers and it had definitely increased in potency. I also could feel that my Siren Energy Reserves had increased greatly. Although, my reserves are probably less then 25% of what Lilith, May or Angel possesses at the moment.
I definitely need to get more Eridium and absorb it when I can.
The only few places that Eridium could be at are:
The Eridian ruins near Tannis' current location.
The Eridian Guardians during the mission "Ghosts of the Vault".
The Vault of the Destroyer, or at least its feeding place. Since it is actually an doorway made to lure people to open the Vault ever 200 years and allow a small piece of The Destroyer's mouth to come our and devour the unsuspecting sacrifices. This was done by the Eridians to keep The Destroyer's hunger sated and prevent it from attempting to escape The Great Vault.
That place definitely has Eridium.
I'll go to the "Ghosts of the Vault" as soon as I can.
Then I'll meet with Tannis and scout the area.
Until the Vault of The Destroyer is opened and it is defeated will the Eridium Scar across Pandora occur and appear.
All I I get are just scraps at the moment.
I had meet up with the ithers and we all decided to go and deal with Nine-Toes.
I had secretly pulled out a Outrunner from my Inventory.
(A/n I have changed anywhere he will say Storage Space with Inventory. And when the ithers use it, it is actually called Storage Deck Unit, or Storage Deck for short. This is the real name for the Playr's Inventory space and it does exist in the Borderlands Universe as mentioned in Axton's Echo logs. He says Storage Deck Unit.)
We all travelled in the Outrunner.
Naturally not everyone could fit, so I got 2.
Roland was the most experienced so he hanged on the side.
In vehicle one - I was on the mounted gun, Lilith was driving.
In vehicle two - Rolamd was on the mounted gun and Mordecai was driving, Bloodwing was perched on the vehicle since he won't be able to keep up.
We used the TNT detonator at the Barricade T.K. set up.
We were able to drive in there, unlike the game since it doesn't want you to cheat in a vehicle.
We had run over a myriad of enemies but the vehicles got a little banged up.
It was still usage, just got a little dented.
We had to continue through Skag Gully on foot.
We were a great team.
We covered each others blind spots and assisted each other flawlessly.
I would rush in a shit enemies with my Ace of Spades and slashed at them with my Dark Saber.
Brick would come with me and shot them in the chests and heads with his Shotgun, or would crush and break their bones and skulls with his fists and feet, or would rip them apart.
I would cover him with quick shots from my Ace of Spades, promptly causing the enemies heads to explode.
Mordecai would be in the rear and snipe at them.
Bloodwing would defend him or take out enemy snipers or Spitting Skags, simce they use ranged attacks and are more of a threat first.
Roland and Lilith would work as a team and cover each other.
It seems Lilith would take the Agro of the targets since she can use PhaseShift are remain unharmed from attacks.
She had this level of mastery since she had also used this prior to getting onto Marcus' Bus.
This was in her comic which showed The Eldest passing on the PhaseWalk power to her as both Lilith dad died, shortly followed by the mysterious Siren only know as The Eldest.
She was also shown in the comic to be in a bar and fought against some of them.
She used PhaseWalk effortlessly and without any copldown rates, unlike the game, since obviously this is reality now.
Cooldown rated don't exist, it's more like physical or mental strain on the body or technology action skills used by the players.
She had then meet Marcus who invited her onto his bus. Then she met Roland and the rest continued until Fyrestone.
Overall, we were a solid team. Or more like they all are and I was able to understand and keep up with them thanks to my enhanced capabilities, intellect and awareness.
I was able to understand their plans just fast enough to react appropriately.
We got to the Secret Stash.
It had some guns of varying types fir everybody, but i didn't want it. I only took the ammunition that fit the chambers of my guns.
Angel: "You are about to face your first real challenge. I hope you've toughened up enough."
I lagged behind as I knew Angel would contact us at this time, we were just outside Nine-Toes lair/cave.
The only difference is that there are no Vender machines here. Of course they won't be here.
I had purchased everyone's ammunition from the System Store beforehand and handed it to them before Angel contacted us.
Raime: "Are you worried for me? My God! We haven't even met in person and you are already trying to flirt with me?! Don't worry MY little Angel, I Raime Hawke will stand beside you are be your Knight in shining armour!"
I had said all this in a voice, just quiet enough so noone else can hear me. I also made sure that my voice didn't echo I'm the cave to the others.
With my Siren connection with Angel, I can see and hear John literally on the verge of screaming and throwing a tantrum.
Haha! Suffer you Fucker! I'm gonna take your daughter from right in front of you! That what you get you future genocidal maniac!
Angel: "A little cringe, isn't it?"
I can feel that she is incredibly flustered and was blushing deeply.
Yeah, I know what I saud was a bit cringe, but I wasn't all to great in romance in my past life. I will be sure to read romance books and stuff in my spare time so I can get better at flirting.
Raime: "Meh."
I just shrugged my shoulders.
Angel: "What does that mean?"
I just ignored her and repeated it again.
Raime: "Meh."
Angel: "Mmmmhh. Anyway, you should prepare yourself for the challenge ahead. Wouldn't want my "Knight in shining armour" to wind up dead now before you met YOUR little Angel, would you?"
I used the connection and it seemed John had left in a fit of rage. No wonder Angel was saying all this now. He would never let her say this if he found out.
Raime: "Don't worry MY Darling Angel. I will slay Dragons and all manner of monsters to be with you."
She definitely blushed too much now and cut off the Telepathy connection.
Soon after, I and the others had reached Nine-Toes lair.
"You woke the wrong dog!"
Nine-Toes introduced himself as he showed himself.
I tried to kill him instantly, and so I used my Hawkmoon to rapidly draw it to shoot him through the eyes.
I fell a disturbance in the Force.
No, really.
I could feel my Spatial Awareness showing me that a large target was heading towards me.
I instantly rolled forward and turned to fire at my attacker.
However, it had moved to fast and had vannished from where it should have landed, which was my previous location.
The others seemed to have reached as well, albeit slower then me by a second or two.
Brick tried striking my attacker but failed.
It moved away quickly.
It was a hit and rum tactic.
I heard Nine-Toes pull out his SMG from his Strorage Deck.
My attacker was Digit.
Pinky and Digit.
They ere the two Skag pets of Nine-Toes.
However, they Badass Skags!
What is this nonsense!
They are supposed to be normal Skags that are just stronger then normal ones.
I quickly rolled away to my left so I can hide behind one of the metal structures of the arena.
The others took action immediately and did the same.
Mordecai ran up to the upper outer rings of the arena so he can snipe at Pinky, Digit and Nine-Toes at a distance, rather than down in the arena.
Roland threw out his Scorpio Turret and hid behind it.
He and Lilith took on Nine-Toes.
Brick took on Digit simce he...she? HE! looked like he was the tougher one.
I took on Pinky.
Bloodwing helped Brick at attacking Digit and kept Digit distracted.
Mordecai would help me in fighting Pinky.
I slashed at Pinky with my Dark Saber, but she? SHE! dodged and hoped backwards.
I shot her with my Ace of Spades, but the bullet didn't do much against her armour.
I was surprised since this was the second time my guns didn't work effectively against an opponent.
The first time was against shielded opponents naturally.
Mordecai took a shot and fired at Pinky, but she had reacted fast and sprinted towards me.
I saw its under belly and fired once again.
This time it had worked and she had gotten injured, although her plan succeeded and she land ontop of me.
I was pressed to the ground and she laid ontop of me.
I tried pushing her off but she was too heavy.
My weapons had fallen from my hands.
I tried reaching for it, but I felt my shield break, I also heard it, from just a single attack from her. Maybe she had clawed me, I couldn't tell which attack she did.
I stopped trying to get my weapon and I used my hands and arm strength to prevent a Lethal bite to my neck.
I was going to teleport away, but Mordecai came to the rescue and shot it in the mouth.
Pinky's lower left jaw had been blown off.
Pinky was sent flying off of me.
Brick was such a Godamn Badass!
I saw Digit approaching rapidly and was going to pounce on Brick.
I crawled on the ground and grabbed my Dark Saber.
I activated it and lined it up with Digit as he was jumping.
I pulled with all my might and Digit was split in two before reaching Brick.
Pinky had become enraged when Digit had died. Maybe Digit was her mate.
It didn't matter since they'll be reunited in Skaghalla soon enough.
Bloodwing swooped in and clawed and peked at the enraging Pinky Eye.
While that was happening Brick approached Pinky.
Raime: "Brick! Hold it in place!"
Brick: "Got it!"
Mordecai shot at the leg of Pinky, making her lose her stance.
Brick used this opportunity to shoulder bash Pinky, knocking her down onto the ground.
Brick grabed and held Pinky down, while applying all of his weight as a bonus.
I quickly approached Pinky and swung my Dark Saber directly down and decapitated Pinky as a result.
We wasted no time in our victory and went to aid Roland and Lilith.
They seemed to be doing a pretty good job by presurring Nine-Toes.
However, Nine-Toes had a better should and so he was able to take the offense and press on the duo.
All of us didn't have all too good Shields. I had Bonehead's Shield which was a Blue Rarity. I know this since I examined it in the Systen Shop, in the menu to examine and sell things.
I don't actually sell stuff like that, I merely used it to identify its cost and statistics.
Bloodwing had swooped in and caused a bit of a distraction by swarming Nine-Toes.
Mordecai took a shot and took a massive chunk out of his Shield, if the near-shattering sound was any indication.
Roland and Lilith continued to push on their assault.
Brick took advantage of his Shield and rushed at Nine-Toes.
I did the same and the two of us attacked him.
Brick punched him in the face, which sent him flying, while I shot his hands.
I promptly shot his feet, knees and elbows, completely paralysing him.
Nine-Toes had just roared in pain, most likely he had never felt such agony before.
I used my Dark Saber and hovered it above his "3 Balls" of his groin.
I had "accidentally" had my hand slip, causing it to fo directly downwards.
Lilith: "Ouch..."
Roland: "Was that really necessary?"
Raime: "Of Course! This guy is nothing but conplete Scum!"
Roland: "A simple bullet to the head would have sufficed."
Raime: "No. He has to pay for what he has done. And so i am going to bring him back to Fyrestone so everyone can deal with him themselves and get their Justice and Revenge."
Mordecai and Brick just kept silent and silently supported me.
After that, I decided to remove the very essence of his name from his existence.
I slashed my Dark Saber leisurely at a point lower then his his groin.
No Nine-Toes had been De-Toed.
I had cut of all nine of his toes from his feet. I had been careful to not cut of the feet themselves.
We all had looted the place dry, before we made our way back to thre Outrunners. I toed Nine-Toes up to the front of a Outrunner so that dirt and dust will fly onto him as we drove back.
Soon after, we arrived at Fyrestone.
We could see all its inhabitants outside if their homes for the first time in a long time if being under the Oppression of the Bandit Clans in the area.
I had contacted Zed while we were looting Nine-Toes den, and told him about us bringing him back alive.
I wonder what will happen to him.
Rest in Peace.
Here lies De-Toed, formally known as Nine-Toes...
Nine-Toes isn't dead yet. It was Mc joking on his future simce it's about obvious what Fyrestone people will.do to him.