
Chapter 28: The Breath of Winter, The Cold Wind of War!

Raime pov:

Ahhhh, I hate overusing my Siren Energy pool...


I quickly touched my face with my hands and I could feel my skin!


They saw my face!



I turned my head to my arms and saw the bandages that were once covering them were removed!


Jack knows I'm a Siren now!

I smashed my fists into my head at my stupidity of overusing my powers, and now I am paying the consequences of it.

Before I realised it, my body couldn't move as I felt something crushing my bones!

Laura: "DAD! YOU'RE OKAY!"


I teleported out of her grasp and checked the door to see if it was locked.

Hopefully, no one else had seen my Siren Tattoos and face.

Raime: "Laura! Did anyone see my face? Did they take off my gear? Answer me!"

Laura quickly regained her composure and with her red eyes she answered back and I felt my heart stop.

Laura: "They tried to tell you because they thought something happened to you. But I stopped them like how you always said " Make sure no one takes off my gear and sees what's underneath, even if I will die". And I did just that. A beautiful lady spoke to me and said how they needed to help you by removing your armour and helmet. I told them I would do that but no one can come in and see."


Raime: "Did you remove all technology? Where's your Echo?!"

Laura flinched at my reaction and shakily pointed to the door.

Thank God!

Angel doesn't know, so Jack doesn't know.

Raime: "Come on, let's go meet with the others."

I didn't need the medical report Laura tried to give me repeatedly. I already knew why I fell unconscious. Overuse of my powers.

I put on my Metal Gear Rising Raiden armour and visor, and an Assassin's Creed Ezio cape for fashion. Although my cape had a design like the Cloak of Eden, except it was silver and platinum and not gold coloured.


I arrived in the main room where everyone was waiting for me and they berated me for going off on my own after the Vault Key.

After getting knuckle rubbed on my head by Brick as punishment, we all discussed about the Final Vault Key in Krom's canyon.


Mordecai: "There are way too of many of them on the high ground. We won't be able to get to Krom as easy as easy as you suggest."

Roland: "As long as Krom has control of that turret, we

Raime: "Okay, okay. Hmmm."

Lilith: "Not another crazy idea like the Atlas outpost..."


I entered my stystem store and i decided to exchange the Darksiders Abyssal Armour Death procured for me, and received 100 Gacha rolls.

Damn, Abyssal Armour must be OP AF in lore to give me this many spins!

Raime: 'Store, can i exchange a certain number of spins to aquire a specific thing from the Gacha?'

The System Store naturally wasn't sentient so instead it sent a mental [Yes] to my mind.

I exchanged 20 spins for my new pet.


Unfortunately, it is restricted, and he has been prevented from the System from using his full power, but even still he is powerful.

Raime: "I have a way. But Lilith, how large if an object can you PhaseWalk?"

They all turned their heads to me and then Lilith, even Angel was listening in.

Oh, it seems John/Jack is there as well.


He is gonna hunt me down if he ever sees Frostbane and Shruikan.

(A/n Shruikan Dragon Size. I forgot to post it before. Blue is Saphira, Red is Thorn, Green is Firnen, Gold is Glaedr, giant Black Dragon is Shruikan)

And now he'll try and kill me when he sees my new pet.

I really want to get Ancalagon the Black now...

Lilith: "About 20 metres if I push it, why?"



Raime: "Come on Lilith! Why so scared?! I thought you play Bunkers and Badasses?!"


???: "I have a name Human! It's Hakkon Wintersbreath!"

Yes, I exchanged 20 Gacha spins to aquire the Avvar God Hakkon from tge System Store.

Although he was testricted to his Archdemon Dragon body. An Archdemon is just a name for the most powerful of Darkspawn Dragons from the Dragon Age gane series.

(A/n Non Dragon Age fans will be confused by some of this, but your commen sense will be enough to understand baseline)

Even the weakest Archdemon, Urthemiel, released as much energy to destroy a Mountain upon its death. Comparable, if not superior to the Magisters Sidereal.

Hakkon Wintersbreath is one of the Avvar's three main deities. He is the god of war, as well as the Lord of Winter. He is also seen as the god of death, as while the dead belong to the Lady of the Skies, it is Hakkon who must first release them to her domain.

Hakkon was bound to a dragon during the Second Blight by the first generation of the Jaws of Hakkon.

Learning that Hakkon's power would make the dragon almost as strong as an Archdemon, and knowing that Orlais couldn't withstand a combined assault from the Avvar moving northward under Hakkon and the darkspawn pouring south from the Anderfels under the control of Zazikel, Inquisitor Ameridan and his party were sent by Emperor Kordillus Drakon I to prevent the possessed dragon from unleashing havoc on all of Orlais.

Ameridan was only able to confine the dragon with time magic, and has been held in stasis with the dragon for centuries.

In contemporary times, a new generation of the Hakkonites seek to unleash Hakkon's fury on Thedas and the new Inquisitor foils their plans by slaying Hakkon's dragon vessel; thus freeing Hakkon's spirit and allowing him to return to all Avvar.

(Image of Hakkon being trapped in Time magic barrier along with the Elf Mage Inquisitor Ameridan.)

Both me and Lilith were the only ones riding on Hakkon's back, as we rapidly descended towards Krom's canyon aftet flying to a very high altitude.

Lilith was crying with joy at beinga ble to ride on an actual Dragon.

Strong this one is, the Nerd Side of the Force, she follows, a good path indeed.

After mimicing a certain small green goblin's weird way of speaking; Hakkon descended down upon Krom's Canyon and we can see bullets flying twoards us.

This was Lilith's que and she wasted no time as she used PhaseWalk on all three of us.

Hakkon became intangible and the bullets didn't harm him as they passed through our corporeal glowing bodies.

Hakkon: "Lowlanders, I am the breath of winter, the cold wind of war! Have Glory in Death!"

When Hakkon was close enough, he opened his jaws wide and a vortex of his frost breath, which was as cold as the touch of death, washed over all of Krom's canyon.

When Hakkon citcled back around, he landed and grabbed onto the walls of tge canyon besides where Krom was.

He can't land on the platform it it may collapse.

Both me and Lilith jumped off Hakkon's breath and we instantly gazed at the deatruction Hakkon unleashed.

No Bandit was spared and not a single soul in sight had remained amongst the living.

Every single body was frozin and encased in unaging ice, and the lucky few whoose bodies were not frozen had their skin the colour of blue ink.

Every single one of their expressions were frozen exactly the moment before Hakkom's frost breath touched them.

Lilith and I turned to look at the Krom on his gattling gun. He was in a position of trying to jump out if his seat and run for his life, but failed.

Lilith: "I-it i-i-is s-so c-o-l-d!"


This is the future "Fire" Hawk?


Raime: "Man up Lilith, or more like "Woman-up"."

Lilith: "Your a-attempt at humour i-is terrible! *achoo*"




As if she knew what I was thinking, she galred at me and i saw her eyes slightly glow a fiery orange.

Raime: "I won't say a word, Sir, uh Miss, u-uh Mam!"

Lilith ignored me and I focused on outlr objective.

Walking over to a throne was a rectangular silver chest like the others before.

I bent forward and opened the chest, within it was the third and final Vault Key fragement.