
Chapter: 14 - Honkai Impact - Sirin's Past

"Judah is pointing the way. But...what is this? Is the girl inside this thing?"

A small white haired child that was dressed up like a nun said, as she glanced at her right hand which had a golden cross with chains wrapping around her hand and wrist.

This was the smaller version of the Oath of Judah which acted like a tracker, leading the nun child girl, Theresa to a large orb like metalic-looking sphere.

In reality, this sphere was a cocoon from which Emperor Class Honkai Beasts are born from, and the nun child Theresa was actually an adult but due to her being a clone of Kallen Kaslana with modified DNA of the Honkai Beast Vishnu, she had a child like appearance despite being an adult.

Theresa approached the cocoon and reached her hand out to touch it.

"It's flowing like water..." She said.

"Stop, Theresa! Don't touch it! Thats a Honkai Chrysalis,  and it just emitted a powerful Honkai Energy spike! Step away from it right now!" A man with brown hair and glasses said, for he was Welt Yang, the 1st Herrscher of Reason and the Sovereign of Anti-Entropy.

"Okay! Okay! I got it! Are people so mean and angry...Kyaaa!" Theresa screamed as she felt something grab her arm.

In the next moment, dozens of white arms reached out of the cocoon and grabbed Theresa, pulling her inside of the cocoon!

"Theresa!" Siegfried Kaslana, the last of the group wearing a blue long coat and had white hair of the Kaslana's shouted out as he saw Theresa getting pulled inside of the spherical orb.

"Nooo! Theresa! Don't worry! I'm comming to save you!"

"Stop right there, Siegfried. We still have no idea why we're fighting. Rushing into this without thinking is likely to get us killed." Welt calmy told Siegfried as he grabbed the latter's arm stopping him in his tracks.

"I don't care! My friend is in there! Get out of my way if you aren't helping! Yes. I know getting killed is a possibility, but I'm a Kaslana. And Kaslanas never leave any friend in danger."

'I have to think of a way to talk sense to this fool...' Welt thought as he was running out of face palms to use, he's been doing it a lot for the past couple days.

"Wait! Something's comming!" Welt shouted as he felt a strong aura approaching them at fast speeds!

He had turned around but all he saw was a blur of a human figure with 4 ethereal like wings of multiple colors zoom by him.

Had it been a target with hostility, his senses would have allowed him to react, but since he felt no danger comming from this individual he had been slower and thus only caught a blur as it went past him.

He turned back to look in the direction it went in only to see the rippling of water on the surface of the Konkai Chrysalis before it solidified.

"The Hell was that?! Wait! Why has it frozen solid! What the Hell?" Siegfried said as he suddenly came face to face with two eyes looking right at him, one pink and one blue!

"It's a Honkai Beast! Dammit! There are two of them!"


"Haha! Damn! I made it in time!" Raime muttered to himself as he floated in the air in a wise empty Abyss.

'I'm inside of the Honkai Chrysalis cocoon along with Theresa and Sirin. In this place Sirin has absolute control over, but her inexperienced and her 12 year old mind limits her ability to effectively use this place to her advantage properly.'

[Your parents are dead, killed by a disease known as the...Honkai] the voice of a unknown man responded within the Abyss like Void.

'Hmm, it seems Siren is showing me her memories of torment. In the original Sirin also shows Theresa her memories to garner sympathy from her in the hopes that Theresa would help her destroy Humanity once Theresa learnt of Sirin's tragic past. Why is she showing it to me?"

[Have no fear. Shicksal takes care of orphans like you] a shadowy figure of man said as he stood before 4 small girls, one of which had distinct long purple hair.

'That's must be Sirin and her 3 friends who were abducted by Shicksal.'

[You are special because you have natural resistance against the Honkai itself. We need you to take a few tests to help Humanity survive.]  A shadow figure of a man appeared besides me along with the purple haired girl, Sirin, as he injected a purple liquid substance into her via a syringe.

I took out my Hawkmoon hand cannon to shoot the man through the head, but the result was the entire head exploding into black mist, before even Sirin vanished before my eyes.

"Cruel bastards! You would experiment on children like you did with me!"

I said out loud, knowing full well that the Sirin that has constantly been appearing before me was the real Sirin in order tobmanifest these illusions of her memories.

I did all this in the hopes to garner more sympathy from her but also to gain part of her trust. I feel bad tricking a child that has been through what she has, but if I actually want to help her become happy, I need to gain her trust by first tricking her into thinking we can relate to one another through past experiences

A moment later the voice of a young girl screaming resounded behind me, I turned around to see Sirin within a bedroom, crying her eyes out as she clutched her head sprawled out on the floor.


As sirin cried and screamed on the floor I approached her and knelt down beside her, picking her up and holding her in my embrace to offer comfort.

[This test subject is as useless as the others. Dispose of it once it dies from the side effects.]

[Please make it stop! I beg you! My insides feel like they're burning...the pain is killing me! Just make it stop! Please!] Sirin screamed, before she vanished from my arms like she was never there to begin with...

In the next moment, I saw Sirin standing over a mound within a snowy forest. Three dead branches stuck out of the ground before her in place of gravestones.

[Agata...Avrora...Bella...let's sing the song that we used to sing together...]

Before Sirin could even sing a few words out the same voice of the male scientist had disturbed the tranquility.

[Hey! Its time to leave! We have tests scheduled for you! You hear me, girl? I don't want to waste any more time with these useless pieces of garbage. Now turn arou-]

The unidentifiable figure of the shadowy illusion of the man couldn't even finish what he was saying as the top of his head above the jawline was sliced off perfectly by my Dark Saber.

Sirin didn't say anything, her singing stopped as she listened to my movements.

I know that she has spatial awareness just like me because she can Manipulate Space and Dimensional laws. But I simply approached her side while deactivating my Dark Saber and putting it on my belt.

"Continue. No one will interrupt your singing. Pay your friends their proper farewells. You deserve that much."

Because I too have spatial awareness, I was able to sense that Sirin's eyes had widened slightly. She had been expecting a different reaction from me. Hearing my words, Sirin almost cried for a moment but held it in.

She had never been able to actually sing to her friends before, but now, when this man gave her the chance by killing the fake phantom she had created to simulate events from her memories, how can she reject this? She can't because she wouldn't.

She was momentarily touched by the man's words, and continued singing in her birth language.

Meanwhile, Raime, who understood the words she sang because he had been able to effortlessly learn every known language on modern Earth, was touched by her singing and the lyrics that were sung.

Before now I wanted to use Sirin and gain her trust so I can inact my plan to aquire all 5 Herrscher Cores/Gems...but now I feel like a Villain no different from Handsome Jack.

'Man, I really am a scumbag trying to trick a little girl just for my own benefit. Fuck it! I'm definitely saving Sirin in this Universe and changing the future!'

When Siren's singing finished I sat beside a tree and waved to her.

"Come here girl. Let's talk a little. I like this scenery."

Sirin found this Human strange, currently she was doing the same trick to the nun girl Theresa who she had met yesterday at the Shicksal Babylon Lab where she had been tortured and experimented on.

While she was simultaneously showing her memories to Theresa in the hopes of gaining her trust, Sirin decided to see what this Human was up to. She had the power to easily crush him if he tried anything.

Sirin approached the man and sat down on the snowy ground beside a tree near him.

Suddenly, she was caught off guard and before she could understand what had happened, somehow she had ended up in the man's embrace!

'But how?! He was sitting right next ro me and my back was against the tree! And I didn't even feel him touch or lift me up!' Sirin was confused and was about to attack the man for his actions!

*pat* *pat*


"Good girl. I will keep you safe from those Shicksal scientists. Heck, ill even kill Otto Apocalypse, the leader of Shicksal to bring justice to all the wrong that was done to you."

"..." Sirin didn't say a word, the Spear she had created using her powers as the Herrscher of the Void had suddenly dissipated unconsciously as she was still in a daze after the man patted her on the head.

*pat* *pat*

"You know...I was also captured and experimented on at a young age. You see, from where I come from there are only 6 females alive that have these weird Tattoos on their bodies kinda like a Stigma or Stigmata. And they each have a unique power, they are called Sirens, but there can onpy be 6 females at any given time to have these powers and Tattoos. But the people that captured me, experimented on my and made me the frist male Siren. But instead of one power I had two, and I also have two sets of Tattoos on my body. It was Hell, but I escaped and now I'm free. Little girl, you have been through so much...just like me..."


*pat* *pat*

"Hey, can I ask your name?"


*pat* *pat*

"Please~ okay, I'll tell you my name. Its Raime Hawke. I never told anyone my name before since the people that experimented on my might hunt and find me again. There, I said my name. Now please tell me yours~"


*pat* *rub* *rub*

"That's a special name, and a unique one. Hey Sirin, I wanted to ask you something serious."

"...go on..." sirin looked at the man as she turned her head to look into his eyes with her own golden ones which had a cross shaped 'x' inside them.

"Can I adopt you?"


"I can be your dad?"











"?!?!?!" What the heck is this Human even saying at this point!


The sound of breaking glass was heard as a young female voice called out to Sirin in worry!

"Sirin! I'm here!" Theresa shouted as she hurled the Oath of Judah towards Raime.


Raime had been hit square in the face by the Oath of Judah, which was so heavy it couldn't be lifted by ordinary people.

Even the combined strength of Lilith, Mordecai and Roland was not enough to lift the Oath of Judah like Theresa was capable of. Only someone like Brick and Sledge could successfully lift the Oath of Judah and weild it like a weapon like Theresa does.

"Arr you okay? Did that perverted man hurt you in any way?" Theresa said as she inspected Sirin head to toe, having picked her up from the ground, no longer in Raime's arms as he had crashed through a dozen trees along with the Oath of Judah.

"U-uh yeah."

"Arhhhhh! You crazy bitch! You have any idea how deadly that was?! I could have died if I wasn't genetically modified! My skull would have been cracked open like an egg if I was a ordinary Human! Who in their right mind goes around throwing a Divine Key at people like its a bonk bat!" Raime said as had immediately sat up straight after he had barely been able to push the Oath of Judah of his chest and to the side.

"A bonk bat? I've no idea what that is but I don't care! I saw what you were doing to this poor girl!"

"And what was I doing?! I was giving her head pats!"

"You're not allowed to! Your a guy!"

"How does that make sense! That's sexist!"

"It's not!"

"It is!"

"It's not!"

"It is!"

"Seems like someone hasn't had enough of a beating from Judah."

"Seems like I'm in need of a new shooting target!"

"Bring it on Bitch/Pervert" Both Raime and Theresa screamed at one another as they brandished their weapons.

Meanwhile a very confused Sirin was at the side watching everything unfold as she voiced her confussion at the unfolding situation in a single word only she could hear.
