
Book Of Zero

Theo died in an accident and transmigrated to another world in the body of a fallen prince whose kingdom has been taken from him. Will Theo choose to stay or will he find a way to return to his world where he had a mother and a life?.

Daoist6jA9D6 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 05 The Power Of Creation (Part 01)

" So, you are the power of creation".


"But this still doesn't explain what I'm doing here."

This was the most important question I needed an answer to because that would also help me find a way to get back to my world.

[You might have found the summoning ground.]

"What is a summoning ground?"

[Those were the artifacts created by ' THE CREATOR', they were made to act as a qualification mark to see who is worthy of being summoned.]

"What the fuck are you talking about, can't you speak a little more simply?'

[MR. Theo, those artifacts were sent to different worlds to act as a bridge between worlds, during the time of need the artifact summons individuals to help this world.]

"And would you mind telling me about the 'need', that you are talking about?"

[That you will be able to find out after you return from here.]

"Can't you just tell me now?".

[Mr. Theo, as you would find out in the future, I have many restrictions and this is one of them, I can't tell you about your mission in this space, in this form.]

I stood up from the chair and walked toward the study table.

" I still have a question, how do get back to my world?"

[ You will be able to return to your world after you have completed the mission.]

There was no hesitation in his voice as he said that, completely ignoring my urgency.

"MR. Creation, you know me, what I have in my world, and how important it is for me to go back to where I came from."

[Mr. Theo, you should not worry yourself with that we have already taken care of everything.]

The old man took out a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Theo.

[We may have brought you to this world without your consent but we are willing to give you a chance to choose what you want from here on.]

While listening to the old man, I took the paper and opened it. The front of the paper was black and there was something written on it in English, it shocked me knowing that they even knew the languages of my world, who knew what else they have learned from my memories. Reminding myself again not to trust the man in front of me I started reading the content in the paper.

Heavenly Contract

I, Theodore agree to complete the assignment for me by '


In return, I will be given all the possible help that I would require for me to travel back to my world.

If any of the parties involved in the agreement refuse to comply with the contract's binding, that entity will be imprisoned in the eternal void for a thousand years...

Blood signature Blood signature


[This is a contract we an offering you, in return for you to comply with our request.]

I read the content again, this turn of the event had made me confused.

"I have a question; you didn't need my consent for all this time then what made you suddenly change your mind."

[Nothing changed our mind, every power has its limitations, even the power of creation, we can bring you to this world but that does not mean that we have the power to make you do whatever we want.]

{This smell of trap}.

"What if I don't sign the contract? What will happen to me then?"

This was the question that made me afraid the most, how much are they willing to do for him to sign the contract one thing was clear to me, there is no possibility in I get out of it without agreeing to the contract, but what came out of the old man's mouth shocked me even more.

[If you refuse to bond to the contract, you are free to leave and go back to your world.]

"And you won't help me?"

[No, we will help you, it was us who brought you here so it is our responsibility to bring you back to your world.]

I had a complicated-looking expression on my face, was it this easy to convince them, are they good people, and I just misunderstood them.

[But if you decide to sign the contract, you will receive a reward, something that you need for the situation you are in.]

{Here comes the carrot and stick.}

"What is the reward?"

The old man brought his hand forward and a glass vile appeared in his hand.

[ This is the gift. This is a kind of cure-all potion; doctors might not have told you but you also know how serious your mother's injuries are. She might not be able to walk straight again.]

This man had me cornered from all sides, I did not expect him to bring my mother into it this conversation although what he was talking about was correct. My mother's accident happened on a relatively empty road, there were only a dozen witnesses who saw what happen that day even though it happened in the brought daylight. It was reported to the police that she got hit by a car while she was buying some fruits from a street-side vendor. The injuries she had suffered were serious. When I had first visited the hospital, the doctor had told me about the severity of the damages, her leg had broken in several places making her unable to walk steadily all her life.

I wanted her injuries to properly heal and for her to have a normal life, it was a tempting offer but there was still a large problem left.

"Even if you give me the cure-all potion, I would have to finish your mission, but right now neither do I know what the mission is nor do I know how long it will take to complete. I can't leave just like that without her knowing where I am."

[Mr. Theo, we might have a solution for that problem of yours]

He took out a pocket watch from his black suit. The watch had strange symbols engraved on it.

[This is an artifact that might help you. Would you mind giving me a drop of your blood.]

I was curious to know what this artifact could do, so without saying a word I took a paring knife from the table and made a cut on my finger, and gave him a drop of blood. The old man took the blood on his fingertips and made a symbol on the watch.

The symbol shone with burning bright light, I had to cover my eyes with my hand. After the light died down, I opened my eyes.

"What happened?"

[This artifact function is to adjust the time flow between different worlds. This device has made it so that 24 hrs of your world is the same as 3 months of our world. Now even if you take 1 or 2 years to complete your mission, not even 10 days would have passed in your world.]

I did not know if I should trust him or not.

"How would I know If you are not lying to me?"

[I have no way to prove it right now.]

"So, you want me to just believe you?"

[No, but I think, I can convince you, the reward that you will get is worth the risk.]

"What reward?"

[The power of 'CREATION', Mr, Theo you are a being from a different world, and the things you can do are also different from 'THE CREATOR'.]

"So, my reward for helping 'THE CREATOR' is you?"

I asked the most obvious question I had in my mind.

[Mr. Theo, the power you will get is not me but a copy of mine, which will only listen to you.]

The old man looked me in the eye and spoke.

[This will be the last time you will see me and my place will be taken over by your power of creation.]

"What do you mean by,' your power of creation?"

[The book that you must have found in the summoning grounds was something created by "THE CREATOR" for any person who gets summoned to this world, it contained a seed of the power.]

The old man glanced at his pocket watch.

[Looks like it is time for you to leave this place, you should take the contract after you have come to a decision, you should either destroy the contract or sign it, when the contract is destroyed, you'll get a transfer back to your world and if sign it you will be bound by it.]

As I blinked my eyes the scene in front of my eyes changed, looked like I was no longer in the prison, I was in a moving object. I lay on straws inside of what looked like some sort of a carriage, I could feel the bumps on the road. As I got up and suddenly remembered something, I started checking my pockets, I was wearing a black waistcoat over a white shirt, On the inside of the coat I found a piece of paper and as was about to take it out suddenly.


I heard a shout from the front of the carriage and the carriage stopped moving.

Something pushed me down – DUD

I looked up and saw a face with tears coming from the eyes and snot from the nose.

"Master, you woke up. wuhuhuh".

The warrior girl was crying on top of me.

"I just woke up and you want to crush me to death".

"Aah.... Sorry, I was worried that you might not wake up due to my actions".

The girl got down from top of me.

I got up and adjusted my clothes "What actions are you talking about, explain to me what exactly happen?".

"I don't know how to explain to you properly, at the prison you suddenly started going through your spiritual awakening".

Ignoring the unknown term, I listen carefully.

"Even though you didn't show any talent for it".

She looked at my face and then took out a parchment from a bag nearby.

"The king had decided to keep you away from these things for the lack of talent in spirit art".

She handed the parchment to me "Here take it, this explains the proper procedures that are needed to progress in the spirit art".

I grabbed the and glance over it, I was not interested in it right now, in my head I was still thinking about what the old man had told me, I needed some time to think about what I would do in the future.

"Where are we going right now?"

"We are going to a town called 'Blackbird town', after the events in the prison we were taken to meet Lord Arzil, I was able to save you from the death penalty but you were still exiled from the capital to the border town".

I could feel the contract in my pocket, I folded the parchment and kept it in my other pocket.

"I want to rest for some time, as you can see my memories are all jumbled up, I need some time to get my head straight".

"Ok, then I will go and set up the camp, the sun is about to go down and it would not be safe to travel in the dark".

The girl jumped off the carriage and went to gather some firewood for the night, she was not far as I could hear her footsteps.

I laid down inside the carriage, closing my eyes thinking about the contract and everything else that has happened till now when suddenly.

[Process of synchronization has completed 100%].


I open my eyes and saw something very strange, there was a hologram like thing floating in front of my eyes.


Having been through so much, I was not shocked by the hovering letters but I was confused.

I reach out my hand to see if I can touch it, 'click'.

[User has been confirmed].

My finger touched the letter, although it was made of light I could still feel the pressure on my finger.

It looked like it was talking to me.

{What the hell is this?}, I thought.

{Is it related to that old man?}.

[User, I am the reward that you would get that 'THE CREATOR' has promised you for signing the contract].

"Reward...? But I have not signed the contract yet".

[You are not yet the holder of me, I have just been sent to demonstrate my capabilities to you].

Right now I could also hear the voice of the thing in front of me, it was an emotionless voice and the voice was coming straight into my head.

"What are you and why have you been to me?".

[I can't tell what I am, I could only show you what I can do and as for the other question, I am here to show you the advantage of signing the contract].

I don't know why but talking to this thing had a similar feeling as if it was not the first time I was talking to it.

{Then show me what you can do, lets see if you are worth enough for me to spend 2 years in this world}.